On 1st draw, TRACK H8 32 --- TRACK to follow the marks left by an animal, a person, or a vehicle [v]
Other tops: CRANK H8 32
Other moves: KANTAR H4 30, CRANK H4 28, KARAT H4 28, TRANK H8 28, TRACK H4 24 TRACK H8 32 SQUAW1
On 2nd draw, CATTABUS 8F 63 --- CATTABU a cross between cattle and zebu [n]
Other tops: CATTABUS 8E 63
Other moves: ABACUS 13C 34, SACBUT 13H 34, SUBACT 13H 34, SUBTACK 12B 30, ABACK 12D 26 SCUTA 13H 22 SQUAW1
On 3rd draw, SWEENY M8 32 --- SWEENY atrophy of the shoulder muscles in horses [n]
Other moves: KYOGEN 12H 28, WREN 9G 26, YOGEE 7J 25, BYGONE K8 24, COWY 11H 24 COWY 11H 24 SQUAW1
On 4th draw, VOGIE(S)T 13C 85 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other moves: COVETI(N)G F8 71, (R)AVIGOTE J7 65, EVICTO(R) 11E 44, TRACKI(N)G H8 42, TRACK(A)GE H8 42 KE(R)VING 12H 28 SQUAW1
On 5th draw, DRONED L10 34 --- DRONE to make a monotonous humming sound [v]
Other moves: EDDO N9 27, DONER L11 26, DONOR L11 26, DOORN L11 26, DRONE L10 26 DOER N11 20 SQUAW1
On 7th draw, (D)ELUDING 15H 131 --- DELUDE to mislead that what is true is false [v]
Other moves: GU(M)LINE O4 88, GU(Y)LINE O4 88, LU(C)IGEN O5 87, IN(D)ULGE O4 86, LUNGIE(S) O4 84 LIGNE(S) O5 28 SQUAW1
On 8th draw, REJOIN O6 54 --- JOIN to unite [v] --- REJOIN to join again [v]
Other moves: JEON O8 48, JOIN O8 48, REJOIN O4 48, REJON O5 42, JOE O8 41 REJOIN O6 54 SQUAW1
On 11th draw, FAUX 2G 55 --- FAUX not genuine; fake [adj]
Other tops: FALX 2G 55, FLAX 2G 55, FLEX 2G 55, FLUX 2G 55
Other moves: FAX 2H 54, DEX 2H 52, DUX 2H 52, EAUX 2G 52, ULEX 2G 52 FLUX 2G 55 SQUAW1
On 12th draw, SEWIN 1D 38 --- SEWIN a sea-trout [n]
Other moves: SEWINS 3I 33, SENNIT 1C 32, SINNET 1C 32, TWIN 1E 32, WRITE 9G 31 WET 1F 29 SQUAW1
On 13th draw, BIOTICAL 11C 74 --- BIOTICAL pertaining to life [adj]
Other moves: BIOTICAL F3 66, BAL 12D 23, BAT 12D 23, ABIOTIC 11B 22, ALBITIC 11B 22 BRAT 9G 22 SQUAW1
On 14th draw, PELVIS 3I 45 --- PELVIS a part of the skeleton [n]
Other moves: GENIPS 3I 37, EVILS 3J 26, PEG 3I 26, PEIN 3I 26, PENI 3I 26 PEIN 3I 26 SQUAW1
On 15th draw, DOF 14D 34 --- DOF stupid (South African slang) [adj]
Other tops: DIF 14D 34
Other moves: RIF 14D 32, IF 14E 29, OF 14E 29, HOD 4H 28, FID 14D 26 HOD 4H 28 SQUAW1
On 16th draw, HIRE 15A 29 --- HIRE to engage the services of for payment [v]
Other moves: GRIME 9G 27, MIRE 15A 26, RIME 15A 26, HEME 14I 25, HIRER 9F 25 HIRE 15A 29 SQUAW1
On 18th draw, ZYGON 2A 40 --- ZYGON a H shaped fissure of the brain [n]
Other moves: ZOA J6 32, GYOZA G4 28, ZO 4H 26, ZO 7J 26, ZONE 5K 26 ZOA J6 32 SQUAW1, charmz