On 1st draw, SHORT(E)D H3 78 --- SHORT to cause a type of electrical malfunction in [v]
Other tops: DRO(U)THS H7 78, D(E)HORTS H2 78, HOTR(O)DS H4 78, H(O)TRODS H4 78
Other moves: DRO(U)THS H4 74, D(E)HORTS H4 74, HOTR(O)DS H7 74, H(O)TRODS H7 74, SHORT(E)D H6 74 HORS(E)D H4 26 kellybelly
On 2nd draw, OVERSOAK 5H 80 --- OVERSOAK to soak too much [v]
Other tops: OVERSOAK 5C 80
Other moves: OVERTASK 7D 67, VOERTSAK 7D 67, RESOAKS 3B 32, SKEARS 3H 30, KVASES 3C 28 SHAKER 4G 26 kellybelly
On 3rd draw, OVEN(A)BL(E) 8A 86 --- OVENABLE able to be cooked in an oven [adj]
Other tops: OVENABL(E) N1 86, OV(E)NABLE N1 86
Other moves: OVEN(A)BLE J3 66, OV(E)N(A)BLE 8F 62, (I)NVOKE O1 39, BEKNO(T) O3 36, KELV(I)N O5 36 BL(A)NK O1 33 kellybelly
On 4th draw, AUDITEES C3 72 --- AUDITEE one that is audited [n]
Other tops: AUDITEES C2 72
Other moves: AUDIENTS D3 68, SINUATED D6 68, DAUBIEST F5 65, ADSUKI O1 36, DIKAST O3 36 KISTED O5 33 kellybelly
On 5th draw, AMUCK O1 48 --- AMUCK a murderous frenzy [n]
Other moves: COMAKE O1 45, CAM(A)IEU E5 40, UMIAK O1 36, CAMEO B2 35, CAMEO D2 33 MA 6N 26 kellybelly
On 6th draw, SCAPHOID A3 69 --- SCAPHOID a bone in the wrist [n]
Other moves: APH(A)SIC E5 52, CHAP D1 38, CHIASM 2J 38, CHIP D1 38, ISOPACH M3 38
On 7th draw, ALINE D1 21 --- ALINE to arrange in a straight line [v]
Other tops: LIANE D1 21
Other moves: AIOLI B10 20, ALEC 4L 20, ALIEN B10 20, ALINE B10 20, ALOIN B10 20
On 8th draw, RIFE E3 34 --- RIFE abundant [adj]
Other tops: FETE 6J 34, RIFT E3 34
Other moves: RIF E3 32, FET 6J 31, FEATURE 1B 30, FE 6J 28, FEU(A)R E5 28
On 9th draw, PAYFONE 1C 45 --- PAYFONE a public phone which requires coins or a card [n]
Other moves: PANFRY 1C 42, FEY N1 36, FOY N1 36, FY 6M 34, P**FYPOOFY M3 34
On 10th draw, REGALITY K5 74 --- REGALITY regal authority [n]
Other moves: LEGALITY G8 68, EGALITY I9 67, YE 2F 31, YAG N1 30, AGLEY B10 28
On 11th draw, QUOTE J10 74 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other tops: QUATE J10 74, QUOTA J10 74
Other moves: AQUAE 8K 72, QUAT J10 71, QUA J10 70, QUATS L1 48, AQUAE N5 34
On 12th draw, AWATO 8K 36 --- AWATO (Maori) a wormlike fungus [n]
Other tops: AWAIT 8K 36, WAIR 15G 36, WART 15H 36, WORT 15H 36
Other moves: GATOR 15F 33, WAR 15H 33, WARAGI 8J 33, GAIR 15G 30, GARI 15H 30
On 13th draw, GARJAN 15H 60 --- GARJAN an East Indian tree [n]
Other moves: JARINA 15H 57, JIRGA 15H 57, JAGIR 15F 54, JAGRA 15G 54, AJAR 15G 48
On 14th draw, AZOTED M8 52 --- AZOTE nitrogen [adj] --- AZOTED having azote [adj]
Other moves: ZED 7M 49, ZONES L1 48, ZONED J2 46, ZO N1 41, AZOTED N5 40
On 15th draw, MIXEN N10 64 --- MIXEN a dunghill [n]
Other tops: MIXER N10 64
Other moves: MIREX N10 57, EX 6M 52, XI N10 52, NIXER N10 46, REMIX N10 45 XI N10 52 fatcat
On 16th draw, OW 6M 28 --- OW used to express sudden pain [interj]
Other tops: LOW O11 28
Other moves: LEW J4 27, REW J4 27, LOW O13 24, OW O12 24, VROUW B8 22 LOW O11 28 fatcat
On 17th draw, BEG N1 27 --- BEG to beseech [v]
Other tops: BUG N1 27
Other moves: BEG O13 26, BUG O13 26, GLEBA I11 26, GUB O13 25, BEN N1 24 BEG O13 26 charmz NEB O13 21 fatcat
On 18th draw, INURE B10 20 --- INURE to accustom oneself to accept unpleasant things [v]
Other moves: PUIRER 6A 18, VRIL B8 18, L*ZLEZ 9K 17, WE L8 17, IN F5 16 LEER J3 10 fatcat