On 1st draw, EPAULE H3 22 --- EPAULE the shoulder of a bastion [n]
Other moves: PILAU H4 20, PILEA H4 20, EPAULE H4 18, EPAULE H7 18, EPAULE H8 18
On 2nd draw, ABUTTER 9E 70 --- ABUTTER that which abuts [n]
Other tops: ABUTTER 9D 70
Other moves: ABUTTER G7 69, ABUTTER G8 65, ABUTTER I8 65, REBUTTAL 7A 64, BURLETTA 7E 62
On 3rd draw, G(L)AIRIER K5 82 --- GLAIRY resembling egg white [adj]
Other moves: AEGIRI(N)E 3G 72, AEGIRI(T)E 3G 72, AEGIRI(N)E 3A 66, AEGIRI(T)E 3A 66, GRAI(N)IER K2 66
On 4th draw, TOASTIER 3B 70 --- TOASTY comfortably warm [adj]
Other moves: TRAITORS 12E 68, TOASTIER 11E 66, TARSI 10E 29, TORSI 10E 29, OTTARS 10C 28
On 5th draw, NUCLEOID G8 64 --- NUCLEOID the DNA-containing area of certain cells [n]
Other moves: CONDIE 4A 38, DOLCE 8A 35, CLIED 8A 30, COED 4A 30, COLED 8A 30
On 6th draw, D(E)ACONED 15G 86 --- DEACON to read a hymn aloud [v]
Other tops: DEACON(E)D 15G 86
Other moves: ACNODE(S) 2I 82, ACO(R)NED 2I 82, OCEAN(I)D 2I 82, CO(M)EDIAN 14B 78, ACT(I)ONED B1 74
On 7th draw, FANGED N10 38 --- FANG a long, pointed tooth [adj] --- FANG to seize [v]
Other moves: EGMAS 2B 37, MAGNES 2A 37, FAME 4A 36, FEMS 4A 36, GANEF 8A 35
On 8th draw, SLAVERY O6 117 --- SLAVERY the ownership of one person by another [n]
Other moves: SLAVERY O4 100, AVERSELY 12B 80, OVERLAYS C3 69, VEALY O8 61, ALVEARY E5 52 SLAVERY O6 67 charmz
On 10th draw, APHETIZE B7 98 --- APHETIZE to lose the first vowel of a word [v]
Other moves: ATHEIZE 2I 94, HEPATIZE B6 82, HAZE 2A 49, ZA 7C 47, ZAPTIEH B6 43 ZA 7C 47 charmz
On 11th draw, MYCS 10E 49 --- MYC a gene that transforms a normal cell into a cancerous cell [n]
Other moves: SOMY C12 46, SOFT C12 43, TOFU C12 43, T*MSTOMS C12 40, FOYS 4A 39 YAMS C7 37 charmz
On 12th draw, MONO C10 42 --- MONO an infectious disease [n]
Other moves: NOM C12 38, OOM C12 38, MOWN 4A 35, NOLO C12 34, OLM C13 34 QI 14F 31 charmz
On 13th draw, UDO 15A 36 --- UDO a Japanese herb [n]
Other tops: DOH A13 36
Other moves: BOH F12 35, DOH 15B 35, DUH 15B 35, DIB 15B 33, DOB 15B 33
On 14th draw, WORT 4A 30 --- WORT a plant, herb, or vegetable [n]
Other tops: WOOL 4A 30, WOOT 4A 30
Other moves: LOURE M11 27, LOWT 4A 27, ROWT 4A 27, OWT 4C 26, WOO 4D 26
On 15th draw, REJOURN 12F 44 --- REJOURN to defer [v]
Other moves: JINNE 12A 40, JINN 12A 38, INJURED 12B 34, JIRD 14F 32, REJON L11 30
On 16th draw, KEB J8 31 --- KEB to give birth to a premature lamb [v]
Other moves: FINK 12A 30, FIB 10J 29, EKED J7 28, FID 10J 28, KIND 12A 28
On 17th draw, QI 14F 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FIDGE N2 28, EF L7 25, IF L7 25, QI 2D 25, QI L4 25
On 18th draw, FIDGE N2 28 --- FIDGE to fidget [v]
Other moves: EF L7 25, IF L7 25, VIED 2D 25, FIND 12A 24, DEFI 5C 23
On 19th draw, HEX M1 49 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other tops: VEX M1 49
Other moves: LEX M1 43, EX M2 41, XI M3 39, SHIV E3 31, HELIX 3K 30