On 1st draw, FI(L)ARIA H4 76 --- FILARIA a parasitic worm [n]
Other moves: FI(L)ARIA H3 70, FI(L)ARIA H6 70, FI(L)ARIA H7 70, FI(L)ARIA H8 70, FI(L)ARIA H2 68
On 2nd draw, VOT(E)D G3 26 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other moves: D(E)VOT 11G 25, VOT(E)D 11E 25, TOG(E)D I5 24, DOV(E) 11E 23, GOV(S) 11E 23 GOOD(S) 11D 21 fatcat
On 3rd draw, WHAURS 11C 34 --- WHAUR Scots form of where [n]
Other moves: HAWS 11E 30, SHAW 11H 30, SHWA 11H 30, USWARD 11G 30, DRAWS 11D 28 SHAW 11H 30 charmz WARDS 11D 28 fatcat
On 4th draw, GROMA 12A 41 --- GROMA a surveying instrument [n]
Other moves: ROMA 12B 33, MAG 12D 31, MIG 12D 31, ROAM 12B 31, MOAI 12B 29 MOA 10F 23 charmz OM 12D 22 fatcat
On 5th draw, GJUS A12 36 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: JUKUS F8 35, JUS F10 35, KENS I7 34, SKEN I6 33, SKEO I6 33 JUS F10 35 charmz, fatcat
On 6th draw, PINWORM C8 30 --- PINWORM a parasitic worm [n]
Other tops: EM 13C 30
Other moves: PENI I7 26, MEAL 10F 24, MEAN 10F 24, UMPIRE 14A 24, MEN I7 23 MEAN 10F 24 charmz WOMEN C11 20 fatcat
On 9th draw, ZOA D1 49 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other moves: ZA D1 46, ZO D1 46, ZOAEA 1A 45, AZOTE 1E 42, ZAP 8A 42 ZA D1 46 charmz, fatcat
On 11th draw, ZAPATEO 1D 54 --- ZAPATEO a Spanish dance [n]
Other moves: OZAENA 1C 45, ZANTE 1D 42, NAPPE 8A 36, PA F1 27, PE F1 27 TAPEN 8K 24 charmz GAPE 4K 20 fatcat
On 12th draw, DIPNET 8A 30 --- DIPNET to scoop fish with a type of net [v]
Other moves: DENET 2J 27, DIENE 2J 27, NIDED L3 25, TIDED L3 25, EIDENT 2I 24 TINED 8K 21 charmz DIP 8A 18 fatcat
On 13th draw, EXILE 2I 55 --- EXILE to banish from one's own country [v]
Other moves: EX 2I 52, XI 2J 50, TELEX 8K 39, EXILE L10 35, EXILE 2J 32 EXILE 2I 55 fatcat EX 2I 52 charmz
On 14th draw, DEVON N2 50 --- DEVON one of a breed of small, hardy cattle [n]
Other tops: DEVOT N2 50, DOCENT N2 50, DOVEN N2 50
Other moves: DOVE N2 44, DECO N2 42, DEV N2 42, DOC N2 40, DENT N2 38 DOVEN N2 50 charmz DOVE N2 44 fatcat
On 15th draw, BANC O5 30 --- BANC the judges' bench [n]
Other moves: ABCEE O6 29, BAC C2 27, CAB C2 27, ABAC O6 26, BENE I7 26 BANE O5 24 charmz BRACE 10J 17 fatcat
On 16th draw, WE C3 22 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other tops: WE I7 22, WO C3 22
Other moves: QI 9G 21, GAE C2 20, GEE C2 20, GEO C2 20, GEO I7 19 QI 9G 21 charmz, fatcat