On 2nd draw, SHEEVE 13H 41 --- SHEEVE a grooved pulley wheel [n]
Other moves: REEVES 13C 29, SEVERE 13H 29, HOVERS 11G 24, PEEVERS 12H 24, PHEERES 12H 24
On 3rd draw, ADMIT 5D 26 --- ADMIT to allow to enter [v]
Other tops: DEMIT 5D 26, TAMED 5H 26, TIMED 5H 26, TIMID 5H 26
Other moves: AM 14I 25, EM 14I 25, EMIT 5E 22, IDE 14I 22, MA 14J 22
On 4th draw, REVIVED L9 32 --- REVIVE to bring back to life or consciousness [v]
Other moves: REVVED L10 30, VERD 4A 30, VIED 4A 30, DEED 4D 28, DERIVED L9 28
On 5th draw, JALOPY D4 42 --- JALOPY a decrepit car [n]
Other moves: DIPODY 15H 39, JO 4D 39, PIDDLY 15J 39, PIOY 6C 37, PLOY 6C 37
On 11th draw, BIONT A11 28 --- BIONT a living organism [n]
Other tops: BINIT A11 28
Other moves: ORBY 9A 21, NITON A11 20, NOINT A11 20, OBIIT C10 20, LIONET 6D 19 BINT C11 16 Grace_Tjie
On 12th draw, OOH C7 30 --- OOH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other moves: HILA A1 28, HUIA A1 28, HULA A1 28, OHIA A1 28, RHYTA 9B 28 AH I6 20 Grace_Tjie
On 13th draw, CODA A1 28 --- CODA a passage at the end of a musical composition [n]
Other moves: BOTA A1 25, OCTA A1 25, BABACO 11A 24, CAGOT C11 23, TOGA A1 22 TOGA A1 22 Grace_Tjie
On 14th draw, LAM 6D 26 --- LAM to flee hastily [v]
Other tops: SAM I5 26
Other moves: TRAMPS 12D 25, JAMS 4D 24, SMA I5 22, TARSAL I2 22, JAM 4D 21 LAM 6D 26 Grace_Tjie
On 16th draw, KAOLINS J1 78 --- KAOLIN a fine white clay [n]
Other moves: LAIKS J3 32, LANKS J3 32, LINKS J3 32, NAIKS J3 32, OINKS J3 32 LINKS J3 32 quirky
On 17th draw, NUKE 1H 24 --- NUKE to attack with nuclear weapons [v]
Other tops: NEUK 1G 24
Other moves: EEK 1H 21, EIK 1H 21, EUK 1H 21, INK 1H 21, NEK 1H 21 NUKE 1H 24 quirky
On 18th draw, XI O14 36 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU O14 36
Other moves: XU B13 31, EX O14 29, NIXER C11 29, EXINE J9 28, NIXER F8 28 XI O14 36 quirky
On 19th draw, ADMITTING 5D 26 --- ADMIT to allow to enter [v]
Other tops: OUTWING 2A 26, WONGI 3I 26
Other moves: ROWTING 3I 24, TROWING 3H 24, WIN K3 23, WIT K3 23, OUTING 2A 22 TWIN C11 19 quirky
On 20th draw, SWIGGER L1 36 --- SWIGGER one that swigs [n]
Other moves: TWERPS 12D 27, TWIRPS 12D 27, TWOERS 3H 26, WORSET 3I 26, GREWS C11 24 GREW C11 22 quirky
On 21th draw, FORINT 3I 26 --- FORINT a monetary unit of Hungary [n]
Other moves: FIORIN 3H 20, UNFAZED 15F 20, RIFT C11 19, TURF C11 19, RIF C11 17 RIFT C11 19 quirky IF 3L 10 Grace_Tjie