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Game of November 23, 2013 at 12:30, 3 players
1. 188 pts SQUAW1
2. 140 pts charmz
3. 26 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dhistuw   H8    34    34   widths
 2. ?aeeiru  13A    66   100   eugaries
 3. ?aeinsw  11D    90   190   sweating
 4. eegprrs   K8    60   250   preggers
 5. deginrt  14A    40   290   trined
 6. defimov  14J    38   328   fremd
 7. efiinot   D4    80   408   notifies
 8. ailoosv  O11    48   456   aviso
 9. adinouy   8K    45   501   pyoid
10. lnnortu   8A    21   522   rolf
11. beeinpz  15E    57   579   peize
12. bhootuy  A12    36   615   beth
13. aclmnoq   6B    32   647   qat
14. acegmot  10C    32   679   teamed
15. gllnotu   L3    20   699   loungy
16. aalotuy   B2    28   727   talaq
17. anootuy  12H    28   755   hoagy
18. abeltux   E1    48   803   beaux
19. clnnotu   1C    33   836   cobnut
20. cglnorv   F4    24   860   roc

Remaining tiles: gjklnv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7349 FileSQUAW1      0 10:25  -672  188     1.7349 SQUAW1      0 10:25  -672  188 
  2.6918 Filecharmz      0  5:28  -720  140            Group: intermediate
  3.6144 FileGrace_Tjie  0  2:39  -834   26     1.6918 charmz      0  5:28  -720  140 
                                             2.6144 Grace_Tjie  0  2:39  -834   26 

On 1st draw, WIDTHS H8 34 --- WIDTH the extent from side to side [n]
Other tops: WIDTHS H4 34
Other moves: WHIDS H4 32, WIDTH H4 32, WIDTH H8 32, SWITH H8 30, WHIST H4 30

On 2nd draw, EU(G)ARIES 13A 66 --- EUGARIE Queensland name for the pipi shellfish [n]
Other moves: EU(G)ARIE I2 63, U(N)EASIER 13D 59, (C)AUSERIE 13E 59, (Q)UEASIER 13D 59, AU(S)TERE 11E 24

On 3rd draw, SWEATIN(G) 11D 90 --- SWEAT to perspire [v] --- SWEATING the act of sweating [n]
Other moves: INWEA(V)ES A7 80, WAN(T)IES I3 73, WA(H)INES I3 73, INSWAT(H)E 11C 70, SWAN(K)IER E6 70

On 4th draw, PRE(G)GERS K8 60 --- PREGGERS pregnant [adj]
Other tops: PREG(G)ERS K7 60
Other moves: REPEGS A10 36, PERSE L8 31, PRESE L8 31, EPEES A11 30, PEGS A12 30

On 5th draw, TRINED 14A 40 --- TRINE to place in a particular astrological position [v]
Other moves: TINED 14B 36, TIRED 14B 36, RIDENT 14B 34, GREINED A8 30, INTEGER A8 30

On 6th draw, FREMD 14J 38 --- FREMD a stranger [n] --- FREMD strange [adj]
Other moves: FEOD 15E 34, FRIED 14J 34, DEISM 15H 33, FETE A12 33, FIVES 15G 33

On 7th draw, NOTIFIES D4 80 --- NOTIFY to inform [v]
Other moves: NOTIFIED N7 64, FINEST 15G 38, INFEST 15G 38, FIEST 15H 35, FEINT 15E 34

On 8th draw, AVISO O11 48 --- AVISO advice [n]
Other moves: VISA O12 45, OLIVETS A9 42, ASSOIL 15J 36, SILVAS 15F 36, SOLEI L11 34

On 9th draw, PYOID 8K 45 --- PYOID puslike [adj]
Other moves: PANDY 8K 36, PIONY 8K 33, UNIFY 8A 33, YETI A12 33, DAYS 15H 32

On 10th draw, ROLF 8A 21 --- ROLF to practice a system of muscle massage [v]
Other tops: TURF 8A 21
Other moves: LINURON 9G 18, INTRON 9H 16, LOT C7 16, LOURY L4 16, NOUNY L4 16

On 11th draw, PEIZE 15E 57 --- PEIZE to weigh [v]
Other moves: ZEIN 15E 55, BEZES 15G 53, BIZES 15G 53, PIZES 15G 53, PEIZE C2 47

On 12th draw, BETH A12 36 --- BETH second letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: THOUGH 12G 33, YETT A12 33, BOHO E3 32, BOYO E3 32, BOOH E2 30

On 13th draw, QAT 6B 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: CAMO E3 28, CLOAM E1 28, COMA E3 28, LEAM 10C 27, CLAM E2 26

On 14th draw, TEAMED 10C 32 --- TEAM to form a team (a group of persons associated in a joint action) [v]
Other moves: TEAM 10C 27, CAEOMA C1 26, CAM G7 25, MOI 13M 25, CAM E3 24

On 15th draw, LOUNGY L3 20 --- LOUNGY suitable for lounging [adj]
Other tops: LONGLY L3 20
Other moves: GLUON E1 18, GOLLY L4 18, GOUTY L4 18, GULLY L4 18, GROUT 9J 17
GON E3 14 charmz
GO 7M 12 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, TALAQ B2 28 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other tops: HOAGY 12H 28
Other moves: ALAY E2 26, LAY E3 24, LOY E3 24, TAY E3 24, TOY E3 24
LAY E3 24 charmz

On 17th draw, HOAGY 12H 28 --- HOAGY a long sandwich [n]
Other moves: ANY K3 26, NAY A1 25, TAY A1 25, AYONT M1 24, NAY C1 24
NAY A1 25 charmz, SQUAW1

On 18th draw, BEAUX E1 48 --- BEAU a boyfriend [n]
Other moves: LATEX E1 44, EAUX E2 42, ULEX E2 42, LAX C1 40, LAX E3 40
TAX C1 40 charmz

On 19th draw, COBNUT 1C 33 --- COBNUT an edible nut [n]
Other moves: BUNCO 1E 27, UNBOLT 1C 27, BLOC 1E 24, TOC F4 24, CLOUT M1 22
BLUNT 1E 21 charmz

On 20th draw, ROC F4 24 --- ROC a legendary bird of prey [n]
Other moves: NOG F4 21, COG C1 20, CORN M2 20, RONG F4 20, LONG M2 19
VAC 3A 16 charmz
ON F5 14 Grace_Tjie

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