On 1st draw, METING H4 24 --- METE to distribute by measure [v]
Other tops: BETING H4 24
Other moves: BEGIN H4 22, BEING H4 22, BETING H7 22, BINGE H4 22, METING H7 22 BETING H4 24 charmz BEGIN H4 22 Grace_Tjie
On 2nd draw, (H)ELMETING H1 33 --- HELMET to supply with a helmet (a protective covering for the head) [v]
Other moves: E(D)ILE G4 17, MIELIE 4H 16, MIELIE(S) 4H 16, ELI(D)E I4 15, ELI(T)E I4 15 MILE(S) 4H 12 Grace_Tjie
On 3rd draw, AUDIT I3 23 --- AUDIT to examine with intent to verify [v]
Other tops: AUDIO G3 23, AUDIO I3 23, AUDIT G3 23
Other moves: DIOTA I2 21, DADO G5 20, DADO I5 20, DAUD G2 20, DAUD G7 20 DAD G5 17 Grace_Tjie
On 4th draw, EMYD J1 28 --- EMYD a freshwater terrapin [n]
Other moves: MUTEDLY 4H 26, TWEEDY 5E 26, MEDLEY 5G 24, MEWLED 5D 24, WYLED 5E 24 WE G7 21 Grace_Tjie
On 5th draw, SINFONIE 2A 76 --- SINFONIA a symphony [n]
Other moves: OF G2 25, FINNED 5D 20, FOINED 5D 20, FONNED 5D 20, FEDS 5G 19
On 6th draw, ZINCKED 5C 46 --- ZINC to coat with zinc (a metallic element) [v]
Other moves: EIKONS 1J 45, ZO G7 45, ZINKED 5D 40, ZONKED 5D 40, COZIED 5D 36 IO 1A 14 Grace_Tjie
On 7th draw, SPORTER A2 30 --- SPORTER one that sports [n]
Other moves: OPE 1A 27, PONE 6B 27, POTE 6B 27, ESTOP A1 24, POT 6B 24 PONE 6B 27 Grace_Tjie
On 8th draw, SCOWED K4 31 --- SCOW to transport by scow (a flat-bottomed boat) [v]
Other tops: SOWCED K4 31
Other moves: MUDSCOW 4H 30, TWOS 6A 28, SOWCE K4 27, STOWED K4 27, SOWCED 9A 26 TWO 6A 25 Grace_Tjie WO G7 21 charmz
On 9th draw, ORA(R)IAN L7 75 --- ORARIAN a coast-dweller [n]
Other moves: O(R)ARIAN L7 71, ORA(R)IAN L9 67, O(C)ARINA L9 67, O(R)ARIAN L9 67, O(V)ARIAN L9 67 T(W)O 6A 13 Grace_Tjie ON L7 11 charmz
On 10th draw, ROUTINE M2 76 --- ROUTINE a regular course of procedure [n]
Other moves: ROUTINE M1 73, NEUTRINO 13F 70, ROUTINE G7 70, NEUTRINO E5 66, OUTREIGN 9B 62 TONE M5 15 Grace_Tjie RENT M12 14 charmz
On 11th draw, PILAWS D4 30 --- PILAW a dish made from seasoned rice and meat [n]
Other tops: SPAWL K11 30
Other moves: SWAP M11 29, WAULS G7 29, PILAW D4 28, PLUGS K11 28, SPAW K11 28
On 12th draw, TABERING 13F 76 --- TABER to beat on a small drum [v]
Other tops: BERATING 13F 76, REBATING 13F 76
Other moves: BEARING 13G 28, BEATING 13G 28, BAITER C7 27, BAIT C7 25, AIGRET C8 24
On 13th draw, STALLED 14A 77 --- STALL to come to a standstill [v]
Other moves: STALLED 12A 73, DEBTS H11 27, SABED H11 27, TADS N4 27, TEDS N4 27
On 15th draw, BORAX 15H 66 --- BORAX a white crystalline compound [n]
Other moves: VEX N1 39, OXER 15G 37, VEX N8 36, VOX N8 36, VASE A12 33 VEX N1 39 Grace_Tjie
On 16th draw, HOE 15A 37 --- HOE to use a hoe (a gardening tool) [v]
Other tops: HAE 15A 37, HIE 15A 37, HOA 15A 37, HOI 15A 37
Other moves: AVISE A11 36, AVISO A11 36, HOSE A12 33, VASE A12 33, VISA A12 33 HOA 15A 37 Grace_Tjie HOE 15A 37 charmz
On 17th draw, YOU C7 28 --- YOU something identified with the person addressed [n] --- YOU the 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun [pron]
Other moves: GOEY 1B 25, YE 13C 24, GEY N1 23, YO C7 23, MEVROU 2J 22 YE 13C 24 Grace_Tjie
On 18th draw, HEAVE G7 32 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v]
Other moves: LAH 6D 31, EF N5 28, IF N5 28, FEH N1 27, ACHIEVE F4 25 FEH N1 27 Grace_Tjie