On 13th draw, GOSSIB N1 42 --- GOSSIB a gossip, someone who talks idly about others' affairs [n]
Other moves: BUTEOS 14J 41, BISES 14J 39, BITES 14J 39, BUSES 14J 39, BUTEO 14J 39 BUSES 14J 39 SQUAW1 GUSTOS N1 30 una
On 14th draw, TIDY 12L 23 --- TIDY neat and orderly [adj] --- TIDY to make neat and orderly [v]
Other moves: ETUI K5 20, RUDIE 2B 20, TED I5 20, TRIDE 2B 20, EDIT 10H 18 TED I5 20 SQUAW1
On 15th draw, WURLIE 4A 28 --- WURLIE an Aborigine hut [n]
Other moves: WURLIE 2A 26, LEW 14B 21, REW 14B 21, LWEI 14A 20, WEIL 7B 20 REW 14B 21 SQUAW1
On 16th draw, EQUID B2 38 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: QAID 14A 35, ECAD 12A 26, QI 14B 26, CADIE 2B 25, DEAW A1 24 QAID 14A 35 SQUAW1
On 17th draw, HOAX D12 44 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other moves: THIR C1 41, HEX 14B 39, HAIR C1 38, HEIR C1 38, XI N14 36 HEX 14B 39 SQUAW1
On 18th draw, KEF 14H 44 --- KEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: KEIR C1 40, FIR C2 39, KETE 14J 37, KITE 14J 37, TEF 14H 36 FIKE 14J 35 SQUAW1
On 19th draw, TENACE 5E 23 --- TENACE a combination of two high cards in some card games [n]
Other moves: ETUI K5 20, CULTIC J1 18, CU(L)TIC 5J 18, EINE 2F 18, BEE C13 16