On 1st draw, SPIGOT H3 24 --- SPIGOT a faucet [n]
Other tops: POGIES H4 24
Other moves: POSTIE H4 22, POTSIE H4 22, ESTOP H8 20, PESTO H4 20, PIETS H4 20 PISTE H4 20 SQUAW1
On 2nd draw, EMB(A)YS 3C 32 --- EMBAY to enclose in a bay [v]
Other tops: (L)YCEUMS 3B 32
Other moves: BUYE(R) G5 31, SCUMBE(R) 3H 30, SCUMB(L)E 3H 30, SCUM(M)Y 3H 30, SCU(M)MY 3H 30 BUY(S) G5 29 SQUAW1 BUY(S) 9E 21 jimbo
On 3rd draw, WETA 4A 32 --- WETA a grasshopper [n]
Other tops: WATE 4A 32, WITE 4A 32
Other moves: TAWAI G5 29, TAWIE G5 29, AWAIT G6 27, TAWA G5 27, AWEE 4A 26 WATE 4A 32 SQUAW1 AWA 2B 21 jimbo
On 4th draw, WINKED A4 42 --- WINK to close and open one eye quickly [v]
Other moves: WINKER A4 39, KNEW A1 33, PINKIER 5D 33, WIPED A4 33, KEPI G7 31 WINKED A4 42 SQUAW1
On 5th draw, FA 2F 30 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other moves: TUFAS I5 29, TUFA I5 27, AUFS 2A 25, TEFS 2A 25, TUFA 2A 25 FUSE I5 21 SQUAW1
On 6th draw, WHEEPS 1G 54 --- WHEEP to give a prolonged whistle [v]
Other moves: WHEEP 1G 48, WHIPS 1G 48, WHIP 1G 45, PHEW 1G 44, HEWS 1G 39 WHEEPS 1G 54 SQUAW1
On 7th draw, (S)IGNIORY 5D 98 --- SIGNIORY the power of a seignior [n]
Other moves: ROYNI(N)G B8 91, ROY(N)ING B8 91, PIG(E)ONRY 4H 84, (S)IGNORY B8 82, PROYNI(N)G 4H 80 YIN B6 35 SQUAW1
On 8th draw, DOILT 2J 33 --- DOILT crazy [adj]
Other moves: OOTID B6 27, LOORD 2J 26, DIOL 2J 22, DOIT 2J 22, DOOL 2J 22 DOOR 2J 22 SQUAW1
On 10th draw, URALITE G8 61 --- URALITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: ELUTRIATE 8A 60, GATER 6H 25, GATE 6H 24, GITE 6H 24, LAER 3L 22 REAL 3L 22 SQUAW1
On 11th draw, TALAQ 10F 36 --- TALAQ a form of divorce [n]
Other moves: QAT 10F 32, QAT F12 31, QAT 2A 27, GATER 6H 25, LEVA 2A 25 QAT 10F 32 SQUAW1
On 12th draw, GABS 6H 36 --- GAB to chatter [v]
Other moves: ABUSE 15D 32, BEANS 6J 32, BEAUS 6J 32, BENES 6J 32, ABUSE K7 29 ABUSE 15D 32 SQUAW1
On 13th draw, ENFROZE 14A 78 --- ENFREEZE to freeze [v]
Other moves: ZOEA 3L 49, ZEA 3L 47, ZOA 3L 47, FANE H12 46, FANO H12 46 FEZ B8 43 SQUAW1
On 14th draw, VIVA 2A 31 --- VIVA a shout or cry used to express approval [n] --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other tops: ANE H13 31, ANI H13 31
Other moves: NA H14 26, NE H14 26, AN H13 24, EN H13 24, EVEN A12 24 ANE H13 31 SQUAW1
On 15th draw, JOES A12 57 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: SIJO 15G 41, SOJA 15G 41, ASCOT 15F 40, TAJES A11 39, ASCI 15F 37 JOES A12 57 jimbo, SQUAW1
On 16th draw, HOAX I4 39 --- HOAX to deceive [v]
Other tops: OX 7H 39
Other moves: NIXER 11I 37, JEUX 12A 36, JINX 12A 36, NIXE 11I 35, EXO 15D 34 HOAX I4 39 jimbo EXO 15D 34 SQUAW1
On 17th draw, TRICORNE 13G 72 --- TRICORNE a hat with the brim turned up on three sides [n]
Other moves: ONE H13 31, LORIC 11G 29, LORINER 11G 29, CION 3L 28, COIN 3L 28 ONE H13 31 SQUAW1
On 18th draw, MACED N10 32 --- MACE to attack with a clublike weapon [v]
Other moves: CAGED N10 30, CUED 3L 30, GEM 1B 30, AECIUM 12D 29, MEGA 1B 29 CAGED N10 30 SQUAW1 AM 14M 18 jimbo
On 19th draw, ELATION 11F 31 --- ELATION a feeling of great joy [n]
Other tops: ALATION 11F 31
Other moves: ATONIA B7 28, LATINA 11G 27, LATINO 11G 27, ATONIA O6 24, JETON 12A 24 ATONE O6 19 SQUAW1
On 20th draw, JUREL 12A 24 --- JUREL a food fish [n]
Other tops: JARUL 12A 24, JURAL 12A 24
Other moves: JAIL 12A 22, JARL 12A 22, JEEL 12A 22, JEER 12A 22, JURA 12A 22 JAIL 12A 22 SQUAW1