Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.4203 mordeckhi 0 21:20 -635 254 1.6597 jimbo 1 2:01 -833 56
2.6597 jimbo 1 2:01 -833 56 Group: not rated 1.4203 mordeckhi 0 21:20 -635 254
On 1st draw, AC(I)NOSE H3 72 --- ACINOSE relating to a sacklike division of a gland [adj] --- ACINUS a small sacklike division of a gland [adj]
Other tops: ACNO(D)ES H3 72, ANCO(M)ES H2 72, ANCO(N)ES H2 72, ASCON(C)E H2 72, AS(C)ONCE H7 72, A(N)CONES H2 72, CANOE(R)S H4 72, CAS(S)ONE H4 72, CA(J)ONES H4 72, CA(R)NOSE H4 72, CA(S)SONE H4 72, COA(R)SEN H4 72, COS(T)EAN H4 72, CO(R)NEAS H4 72, NOCA(K)ES H2 72, OC(T)ANES H3 72, SECONA(L) H2 72, SONA(N)CE H7 72, SO(N)ANCE H7 72
Other moves: ACNO(D)ES H2 68, ACNO(D)ES H4 68, ACNO(D)ES H6 68, ACNO(D)ES H7 68, AC(I)NOSE H4 68 CASE H7 12 mordeckhi
On 2nd draw, WAME G7 34 --- WAME the belly [n]
Other tops: MAWN G7 34
Other moves: MAW G7 33, MEW G7 33, WEM G7 33, MANAWA 3C 30, ANEW G6 28 MOWN 7G 16 mordeckhi
On 3rd draw, PAVIOR F10 29 --- PAVIOR one that paves [n]
Other moves: PARVO F10 28, PAVIN F10 28, OVIPARA 3B 26, PORINA F10 26, PIANO F10 25 PAVIOR F10 29 jimbo CROP 4H 8 mordeckhi
On 4th draw, (B)ARBERED 15A 167 --- BARBER to shave or cut the hair [v]
Other moves: DEBARRE(D) 15A 149, E(M)BARRED 15A 149, (D)EBARRED 15A 149, BAR(B)ERED 15A 140, BAR(T)ERED 15A 140 BREED(E)R 15E 27 jimbo READER 15F 21 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, OSE I7 21 --- OSE a narrow ridge of gravel and sand [n]
Other moves: AIVERS 12D 20, AREAS 11C 20, ARIAS 11C 20, RAIAS 11C 20, SAVIOR 12D 20 COARSE 4H 16 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, FRAB E8 31 --- FRAB to worry [v]
Other tops: FLAB E8 31
Other moves: FAB E9 29, FOB E9 29, LOAF E8 29, OAF E9 27, CONFAB 4H 26 AFAR 3F 12 mordeckhi
On 8th draw, ZA 14B 46 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other tops: ZINS D1 46
Other moves: SITZ J3 44, ADZ 14H 36, ZATIS 2A 34, ZILAS 2A 34, ADZ D11 31
On 9th draw, ALGOID J2 31 --- ALGOID resembling algae [adj]
Other moves: AGOOD D9 28, ALOOF 8A 27, VALGOID 12F 26, ALGID J2 24, GADI D10 24 NAIL D3 8 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, LOGIES 2A 32 --- LOGIE the space in front of a kiln fire [n]
Other moves: GLEIS 2B 29, CIGGIES 4H 24, COGGIES 4H 24, COGGLES 4H 24, EGOS D9 24 TOSE E3 8 mordeckhi
On 11th draw, FLUYT A1 45 --- FLUYT a type of ship [n]
Other moves: FLEY A1 42, FLUTEY A1 39, FLUEY A1 36, FLUTY A1 36, FLYTE A1 36 FLUTY A1 36 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, KAPUT 1E 46 --- KAPUT ruined [adj]
Other moves: YANK 4A 40, TUPIK 13C 38, KANT 1E 37, KAON 1E 37, KNAP 1D 36 KIP 13E 12 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, GONEF 8A 30 --- GONEF a thief [n]
Other moves: ONE 4C 24, NOH D10 23, OH K4 23, COGGER 4H 22, ENRING 13C 22 HOD H13 7 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, VEE L4 29 --- VEE the letter V [n]
Other tops: VOE L4 29
Other moves: EEVN L4 25, NEVE L4 25, ENE 4C 24, ONE 4C 24, NOH D10 23 HIVE 13E 14 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, INTREAT 14H 71 --- INTREAT to ask for earnestly [v]
Other tops: ITERANT 14H 71
Other moves: TARTINE J9 67, TERTIAN J9 67, NATTIER M6 61, NITRATE M6 61, TARTINE M6 61 UNITE 1K 18 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, EIDOLIC M6 64 --- EIDOLIC pertaining to an eidolon [adj]
Other moves: IDIOLECT N7 63, DEIL 15L 30, DIEL 15L 30, DIOL 15L 30, CODE D10 27 ARID 2J 5 mordeckhi