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Game of November 27, 2013 at 06:22, 1 player
1. 142 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dnnpsu   H7    22    22   sendup
 2. egkorwy  10F    32    54   kedgy
 3. fnostyz  11C    47   101   fozy
 4. ?abgimr  13B    82   183   gambirs
 5. aeeenrw  14C    26   209   wean
 6. aelorru  15A    35   244   ruler
 7. dnoortw  12H    22   266   pownd
 8. eefintu   9G    24   290   enuf
 9. eeiintt   7A    60   350   entities
10. aaehios   8A    51   401   hoise
11. aegnoux   6E    56   457   axe
12. ailnort   L7    60   517   trinodal
13. adehinu  14J    36   553   halide
14. abiqrst  10B    39   592   qis
15. aaceirs  O11    30   622   acres
16. acdjmop  15H    43   665   jam
17. aagilot   M1    71   736   otalgia
18. celoort   2J    28   764   cooter
19. deeiopv   O1    51   815   provide
20. belntuv   O1    45   860   provident

Remaining tiles: beltuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6905 Filecharmz      2  3:04  -718  142     1.6905 charmz      2  3:04  -718  142 

On 1st draw, S(E)NDUP H7 22 --- SENDUP a parody [n]
Other tops: PUNN(E)D H4 22, P(O)UNDS H4 22, UPS(E)ND H3 22, UP(E)NDS H3 22
Other moves: PS(E)UD H4 20, PUDS(Y) H4 20, PUD(U)S H4 20, PUNN(E)D H7 20, P(A)NDS H4 20

On 2nd draw, KEDGY 10F 32 --- KEDGY brisk [adj]
Other moves: KEYWORD 10B 30, WEDGY 10F 29, YORE I9 29, PERKY 12H 28, POKEY 12H 28
POKEY 12H 28 charmz

On 3rd draw, FOZY 11C 47 --- FOZY lacking in freshness [adj]
Other moves: FOZY 9J 31, SOFTY 11B 31, ZO 11E 28, FOY 11D 27, FY 11E 25
FOZY 11C 47 charmz

On 4th draw, GAMBIR(S) 13B 82 --- GAMBIR an extract from an Asian vine [n]
Other moves: GAMBI(E)RS 7A 66, GAMBI(E)R G2 64, GAMBI(E)R(S) 8C 62, BR(E)AMI(N)G 8F 61, GRAM(A) 12A 41
GR(A)MA 12A 41 charmz

On 5th draw, WEAN 14C 26 --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [v]
Other tops: WEEN 14C 26
Other moves: PAWNEE 12H 22, PAWNER 12H 22, AWNER 11J 21, WEN 10B 21, PAWER 12H 20
WEAN 14C 26 charmz

On 6th draw, RULER 15A 35 --- RULER one that rules [n] --- RULER to strike with an implement for ruling lines [v]
Other moves: ARLE 15A 27, ORAL 15A 27, ORLE 15A 27, RALE 15A 27, REAL 15A 27

On 7th draw, POWND 12H 22 --- POWND to beat with the fists [v]
Other moves: DOW 10B 21, WON 10B 21, WOO 10B 21, WOT 10B 21, DROW 10A 20

On 8th draw, ENUF 9G 24 --- ENUF enough [adv] --- ENUF enough, used in texting [adj]
Other moves: FEN 10B 21, FET 10B 21, FIN 10B 21, FIT 10B 21, FE 10B 18

On 9th draw, ENTITIES 7A 60 --- ENTITY the basic essential nature of something [n]
Other moves: EINE 11K 15, EEN 11K 13, EINE 13K 13, ETEN 10A 13, TEEN 10A 13

On 10th draw, HOISE 8A 51 --- HOISE to hoist [v]
Other moves: HAES 8A 46, HOAS 8A 46, HOES 8A 46, HAE 8A 37, HAO 8A 37

On 11th draw, AXE 6E 56 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX 6E 53, OX 9B 38, AXON 10A 34, EXON 10A 34, GUANXI F2 34

On 12th draw, TRINODAL L7 60 --- TRINODAL having three nodes [adj]
Other moves: ARIOT 5A 18, LIART 5A 18, LIROT 5A 18, NOTAL 5A 18, ORANT 5A 18

On 13th draw, HALIDE 14J 36 --- HALIDE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: HALED 14J 34, HALID 14J 34, AHIND 5A 28, DAH 5C 28, DUH 5C 28

On 14th draw, QIS 10B 39 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 10B 36, QATS 5B 34, RABIES O10 33, QAT 5C 32, QIS 5C 32

On 15th draw, ACRES O11 30 --- ACRE a measure of land [n]
Other tops: SCREE O11 30
Other moves: ACAIS 15G 28, ACRES 15G 28, AECIA 15G 28, CARES 15G 28, CERIA 15G 28

On 16th draw, JAM 15H 43 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JAM 5C 36, JAP 5C 36, COMA 15H 33, CRAMP 8K 33, CAMP 5B 32

On 17th draw, OTALGIA M1 71 --- OTALGIA pain in the ear [n]
Other moves: OTALGIA K2 70, OTALGIA K1 68, OTALGIA N5 64, GLOAT 5A 20, TAIG 5B 20

On 18th draw, COOTER 2J 28 --- COOTER a turtle [n]
Other tops: COLTER 2J 28, COTTER 2J 28
Other moves: COLE 1L 27, COLT 1L 27, COOL 1L 27, COOT 1L 27, CORE 1L 27

On 19th draw, PROVIDE O1 51 --- PROVIDE to supply [v]
Other moves: PREVED O1 48, PROVED O1 48, PREDIVE O1 45, DOPE 1L 42, PREVE O1 42

On 20th draw, PROVIDENT O1 45 --- PROVIDENT [adj]
Other moves: BOLE L1 31, BONE L1 31, LOBE L1 25, BLENT 5A 22, BLUET 5A 22

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