On 4th draw, PEBA K10 39 --- PEBA a type of armadillo [n]
Other moves: BEDRAIL K6 36, PEDRAIL K6 36, BARE M10 33, LIPA K10 33, PELA K10 33 WIPER 4H 20 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, HADROME 5E 52 --- HADROME xylem [n]
Other moves: MADRONE 5E 40, HAEMOID M3 37, HAO M12 34, HA M12 30, HAWMED 13J 30 HE M12 30 charmz HEAD 6F 16 mordeckhi
On 7th draw, TOEA M11 33 --- TOEA a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea [n]
Other moves: TAE M11 29, TAN M11 29, TIE M11 29, TIN M11 29, TOE M11 29 NEAT 4C 15 charmz BONE 12K 6 mordeckhi
On 8th draw, AUGURIES N4 72 --- AUGURY the practice of auguring [n]
Other moves: AGUISE L1 30, SEG N12 29, AEGIS L1 28, AGUES L1 28, GUISE L2 26 AEGIS L1 28 mordeckhi GUISE L2 26 charmz
On 9th draw, DESEX 6B 63 --- DESEX to castrate or spay [v]
Other moves: TELEX 6B 60, DEX 6D 57, LEX 6D 56, SEX 6D 56, TEX 6D 56 DEX 6D 57 charmz TAXED F4 29 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, CEIL(S) L1 31 --- CEIL to furnish with a ceiling [v]
Other tops: CIEL(S) L1 31, CLEW(S) 4E 31, CLIE(S) L1 31
Other moves: CLEW 4E 30, ELEC(T) 4B 29, CL(A)W 4E 28, CL(E)W 4E 28, CL(O)W 4E 28 CLIE(S) 4A 23 charmz
On 11th draw, LANNERET C2 70 --- LANNERET a male falcon [n]
Other tops: LANNERET 2H 70
Other moves: LANNERET 2F 62, ANTRE 7B 30, TRAWL 4E 29, TREW 4E 26, NECTAR 1J 24 CART 1L 18 mordeckhi
On 12th draw, DENY O1 45 --- DENY to declare to be untrue [v]
Other tops: IDLY O1 45, OLDY O1 45
Other moves: INLY O1 42, LINY O1 42, OILY O1 42, ONLY O1 42, DIOECY 1H 36 COED 1L 21 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, FOUAT D8 35 --- FOUAT a leek [n]
Other moves: AUTOCOID 1H 33, ALOOF 2B 32, FAW 4F 25, IF N1 23, OF N1 23 FLOAT 2B 20 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, PURANIC 1F 33 --- PURANA a Hindu scripture [adj] --- PURANIC pertaining to a purana [adj]
Other moves: PANIC 1H 27, PRION E9 27, PAWN 4F 26, PINA D1 26, POWN 4F 26 PAIN 11C 12 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, BONIST 4A 38 --- BONIST one who avows bonism [n]
Other moves: VINOS 4A 30, VINTS 4A 30, VIBS 13A 27, BINTS 4A 26, BITO D1 26
On 16th draw, ZITE C11 39 --- ZITE a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other moves: ZLOTE 2B 38, ZEL C11 37, ZIT C11 37, TOZIE E11 34, ULZIE 10D 34 QAT 11C 24 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, VEILY 14B 38 --- VEILY like a veil [adj]
Other tops: VEINY 14B 38
Other moves: ZANILY 11C 36, ZAYIN 11C 34, LYNE 2I 32, ZANY 11C 32, ANY 6H 31 HIT 12B 6 mordeckhi
On 18th draw, QI J14 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: JONTY F10 31
Other moves: OH 14I 28, ZATI 11C 26, OH N1 23, QI D1 23, HI N14 22 HOC H13 8 mordeckhi
On 19th draw, TONG E8 47 --- TONG to lift with a type of grasping device [v]
Other moves: IZAR 11B 26, TZAR 11B 26, ZAG 11C 26, ZATI 11C 26, NIEF 8A 21 TZAR 11B 26 mordeckhi