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Game of December 1, 2013 at 06:38, 2 players
1. 295 pts jimling
2. 173 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ddegiu   H4    22    22   guided
 2. ?alopsx   8H   101   123   exposals
 3. acenrst   K4    90   213   sarconet
 4. ?adehou   O8    83   296   seahound
 5. aehnruy  J10    42   338   henry
 6. agioprs  15E    39   377   graips
 7. eimnoor  N10    35   412   nomoi
 8. eilnrtt   I7    27   439   exit
 9. bimnorw   4B    30   469   wombing
10. aelqtuv   L1    54   523   quate
11. aaeelor   3B    25   548   olea
12. acefgrz   7K    47   595   caz
13. acentty   B2    38   633   noway
14. belortv   A6    38   671   obvert
15. ceilrst  12A    31   702   slicer
16. adejrtt   C9    42   744   jerid
17. aegiint  L10    28   772   eating
18. eikotuw   1L    39   811   quit
19. efklovw  11E    34   845   folk

Remaining tiles: efivw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  Filejimling     2 12:26  -550  295     1.6496 fatcat      1  4:29  -672  173 
  2.6496 Filefatcat      1  4:29  -672  173            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  jimling     2 12:26  -550  295 

On 1st draw, GUIDED H4 22 --- GUIDE to show the way to [v]
Other tops: GUIDED H7 22
Other moves: DIG(G)ED H4 20, DIG(G)ED H7 20, DI(G)GED H4 20, DI(G)GED H7 20, DI(N)GED H4 20

On 2nd draw, EXPOSAL(S) 8H 101 --- EXPOSAL an exposure [n]
Other tops: EXOPLAS(M) 8H 101
Other moves: EXPO(S)ALS 8H 98, (E)XPOSAL G9 68, (E)XPOSAL I9 68, POLEAX(E)S 8E 67, POL(E)AXES 8B 67
AX(I)S I2 22 jimling

On 3rd draw, SARCONET K4 90 --- SARCONET a fine silk fabric [n]
Other tops: RECUSANT 5E 90
Other moves: CRANTSE(S) O1 80, CANASTER M7 78, CATERANS M7 78, CRANTSES L1 76, CATERANS M3 74
CANTERS L2 18 jimling

On 4th draw, (S)EAHOU(N)D O8 83 --- SEAHOUND a dogfish [n]
Other moves: HUL(L)OAED N6 71, HU(L)LOAED N5 65, (M)ADHOU(S)E O2 62, HAU(S)ED 12H 36, HOU(S)ED 12H 36

On 5th draw, HENRY J10 42 --- HENRY a unit of inductance [n]
Other moves: HAY N10 40, HEY N10 40, YAH N10 40, YEH N10 40, YEAH L1 38
HAY N10 40 jimling

On 6th draw, GRAIPS 15E 39 --- GRAIP a fork [n]
Other tops: IGAPOS 15E 39, PAGRIS 15E 39, PARGOS 15E 39
Other moves: GALOPS N6 36, GAPOS 15F 36, GORPS 15F 36, GRASP 15G 36, GRIPS 15F 36
PRIGS 15F 36 jimling

On 7th draw, NOMOI N10 35 --- NOMOS law [n]
Other tops: LOMEIN N8 35
Other moves: LEMON N8 32, MEIN N10 31, MENO N10 31, MONO N10 31, MOON N10 31
MEN N10 28 jimling

On 8th draw, EXIT I7 27 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other moves: NIXE I6 23, ELT M12 19, TRIE I10 19, ENLIT L1 18, ETTIN L1 18
STILE 4K 12 jimling

On 9th draw, WOMBING 4B 30 --- WOMB to enclose, like a uterus [v]
Other tops: IMBROWN 12D 30, WOMBING E9 30
Other moves: BROW L2 27, MINOR L1 26, NOMBRIL N2 26, WINO L1 26, WORMING 4B 26

On 10th draw, QUATE L1 54 --- QUATE quiet [adj]
Other moves: QUAT L1 50, QUALE J2 44, QUATE J2 44, QUAVER F10 40, EQUAL J1 38

On 11th draw, OLEA 3B 25 --- OLEUM a corrosive liquid [n]
Other moves: AREAE 14B 21, EALE 3A 21, RALE 3A 21, ROLE 3A 21, LAWER B2 20

On 12th draw, CAZ 7K 47 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other moves: ZA 7M 44, CZAR 2E 42, GAUZE 2J 38, FURZE 2K 34, AZURE 2J 32

On 13th draw, NOWAY B2 38 --- NOWAY in no way [adv]
Other tops: NOWTY B2 38, TOWNY B2 38
Other moves: YEAN 5C 37, YEA 5C 33, AY 2A 28, NY 2A 28, TEAT 5C 28
YOW B2 18 fatcat

On 14th draw, OBVERT A6 38 --- OBVERT to turn so as to show a different surface [v]
Other moves: BEVOR A6 37, BELT M11 33, BOLTER A5 33, BOLTER A6 31, LOVER A5 31
BORE A6 25 fatcat

On 15th draw, SLICER 12A 31 --- SLICER one that slices [n]
Other tops: STELIC 12A 31, STERIC 12A 31
Other moves: SERIC 12A 29, SLICE 12A 29, CRUELS 2J 28, CRUETS 2J 28, CRUISE 2J 28
SLICER 12A 31 jimling, fatcat

On 16th draw, JERID C9 42 --- JERID a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: ADJURE 2I 36, AREAD 5B 33, JA A1 29, JETTED E8 28, AREA 5B 26
JA A1 29 jimling, fatcat

On 17th draw, EATING L10 28 --- EATING the act of consuming food [n]
Other moves: EAN 5D 23, EAT 5D 23, ITA M1 23, ABATING E3 20, GAUNT 2J 20
GAUNT 2J 20 fatcat
GI A1 11 jimling

On 18th draw, QUIT 1L 39 --- QUIT to end one's engagement in or occupation with [v]
Other moves: OUTGUIDED H1 36, WOKE 11E 34, WOK 11E 32, ENOKI G3 24, WET 11E 24
WOKE 11E 34 jimling
KO A1 20 fatcat

On 19th draw, FOLK 11E 34 --- FOLK a people or tribe [n]
Other tops: WELK 11E 34, WOKE 11E 34
Other moves: FOWL 11E 32, WOK 11E 32, WOLF 11E 32, WOVE 11E 32, FEW 11E 30
WOKE 11E 34 jimling
FEW 11E 30 fatcat

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