On 2nd draw, (S)ATIRIZE 5E 114 --- SATIRIZE to subject to satire [v]
Other tops: (V)IZIRATE 5E 114
Other moves: AZ(U)RITE G6 102, (L)ATERIZE 3A 102, (T)RI(S)TEZA 8H 98, LATERIZ(E) 6H 88, LAT(E)RIZE 6H 88 (D)AZE G5 47 fatcat ZA(P) G7 44 jimling
On 3rd draw, FANON 6J 44 --- FANON a cape worn by the Pope [n]
Other moves: FORB 6J 43, FANO 6J 41, FARO 6J 41, FORA 6J 41, FAN 6J 40 FAN 6J 40 jimling FORB M3 35 fatcat
On 4th draw, WACK 4L 48 --- WACK an eccentric person [n] --- WACK bad, unfashionable [adj]
Other moves: MAWK 4L 46, MACK 4L 44, MECK 4L 44, WALK 4L 44, WEAK 4L 44 MAWK 4L 46 jimling MACK 4L 44 fatcat
On 5th draw, PROKES O1 45 --- PROKE to poke [v]
Other tops: POAKES O1 45, SPAM 7J 45
Other moves: KASME O4 42, SPARE 7J 40, PAM 7K 38, SAPOR 7K 38, SAME 7K 37 SPERM O6 36 jimling MARKS O1 33 fatcat
On 6th draw, TEMSING I7 77 --- TEMS to sift [v]
Other tops: TEMSING G7 77
Other moves: STEMING 10H 75, TEMSING 10E 73, MISAGENT F2 71, STEAMING F2 69, TEAMINGS F3 69 TEAMINGS F3 69 jimling TIMES 10D 22 fatcat
On 7th draw, ODORATE 2G 70 --- ODORATE emitting a smell [adj]
Other tops: RATOONED 12D 70
Other moves: ADORE M4 25, TARO M3 25, DOTER G3 24, EARD H12 24, ADO M4 22 EARD H12 24 fatcat ART G8 12 jimling
On 8th draw, MOULDING 13B 76 --- MOULDING a long, narrow strip used to decorate a surface [n]
Other moves: UNLIMED 3C 42, MOULD H11 37, MOUND H11 37, LUMINED 3C 34, LOUND H11 29 DOM 6D 23 jimling DIM 6D 23 fatcat
On 9th draw, NOSHERIE N6 63 --- NOSHERIE a cafe [n]
Other moves: HOES J10 45, RESHOE 14A 44, HEROISE 11E 40, HORMES B10 38, SHOE J9 37 SOH J8 34 jimling OH 6E 27 fatcat
On 10th draw, ALEXINE 11E 56 --- ALEXINE a substance in the blood which protects against disease [n]
Other moves: LANX 12A 48, BOXER I1 43, OXER I2 40, AXEL M11 37, BOX I1 37 LEX 14A 37 fatcat LAX 14A 37 jimling
On 11th draw, HIT O8 40 --- HIT to strike forcibly [v]
Other tops: HAT O8 40, HOA O8 40, HOT O8 40
Other moves: BAGH M10 39, GHAST 8K 39, GHOST 8K 39, BAITH 6B 38, BAH G7 37 HAT O8 40 fatcat, jimling
On 12th draw, FEAT O12 44 --- FEAT a notable act or achievement [n] --- FEAT skillful [adj] --- FEAT to cover with feathers [v]
Other tops: FATE O12 44, FETA O12 44
Other moves: ATABEG M9 40, ABATE M9 36, AGATE M9 33, BAFT 14A 33, FAG G7 33 FEAT O12 44 jimling FAB O13 29 fatcat
On 13th draw, GLEDS M9 45 --- GLED a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: BODGES M10 42, BODGE M10 40, BODLES M10 38, BOGLES M10 38, BODLE M10 36 LOSED L9 27 fatcat BEDS 14A 27 jimling
On 14th draw, VIRTU 4A 25 --- VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n]
Other tops: VID 14A 25
Other moves: VIRTUE 3C 23, ADO M4 22, DIRT 14A 22, DUIT 14A 22, DURR 14A 22 VID 14A 25 fatcat DAVIT F4 17 jimling
On 15th draw, VYING A4 36 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v] --- VYING an act of vying [n]
Other moves: BYDING B1 34, GUYED 3E 33, YUG 14B 33, BUNG 12A 32, BUYING B1 32 BUY 14A 29 jimling BY 14A 28 fatcat
On 16th draw, DIVVYING A1 57 --- DIVVY to divide [v]
Other moves: VAR G7 29, DOURA 14A 26, VAIR 14A 26, VID 14A 25, DOUAR B6 24 VID 14A 25 fatcat AVOID 1C 16 jimling
On 17th draw, BUOY 12A 40 --- BUOY to mark with a buoy (a warning float) [v]
Other moves: WEY 3G 35, YEW 3G 35, ABY 12B 34, YOW 12C 33, OBEY 3F 32 WAY 14A 31 jimling, fatcat
On 18th draw, CAW G7 37 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other tops: AROW M4 37
Other moves: CROWBAR C3 36, CRUMB B10 34, BOWER 3E 31, WEB 3G 31, BARROW C2 30 CRUMB B10 34 fatcat AW F5 13 jimling
On 19th draw, BURQA C2 32 --- BURQA a coverall worn by Muslim women [n]
Other tops: BAJU 1I 32, JOBE 3E 32, JUBA 1I 32, JUBE 3E 32, JUMBO B11 32
Other moves: JUBA 10B 31, JAB 1K 29, JURA 10B 29, JUMAR B11 28, JAB 1I 27 QUAT 15L 23 jimling JOB G1 22 fatcat