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Game of December 1, 2013 at 07:24, 2 players
1. 599 pts jimling
2. 571 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeeilp   H3    72    72   epilate
 2. ?aeirtz   5E   114   186   satirize
 3. abfnnor   6J    44   230   fanon
 4. aceklmw   4L    48   278   wack
 5. aemoprs   O1    45   323   prokes
 6. egimnst   I7    77   400   temsing
 7. adeoort   2G    70   470   odorate
 8. dilmnou  13B    76   546   moulding
 9. eehiors   N6    63   609   nosherie
10. abeelnx  11E    56   665   alexine
11. abghiot   O8    40   705   hit
12. aabefgt  O12    44   749   feat
13. bdeglos   M9    45   794   gleds
14. dirrtuv   4A    25   819   virtu
15. bdginuy   A4    36   855   vying
16. adioruv   A1    57   912   divvying
17. aabouwy  12A    40   952   buoy
18. abcoqrw   G7    37   989   caw
19. abjoqru   C2    32  1021   burqa

Remaining tiles: jor

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.  -  Filejimling     2 16:31  -422  599     1.6495 fatcat      2 14:08  -450  571 
  2.6495 Filefatcat      2 14:08  -450  571            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  jimling     2 16:31  -422  599 

On 1st draw, EPILA(T)E H3 72 --- EPILATE to remove hair from [v]
Other tops: APELI(K)E H3 72, EPI(G)EAL H3 72, PEALI(K)E H4 72, PILEA(T)E H4 72, (C)ALIPEE H8 72
Other moves: ALEPI(N)E H2 68, ALEPI(N)E H3 68, ALEPI(N)E H4 68, ALEPI(N)E H6 68, ALEPI(N)E H8 68
PAIL(S) H4 18 jimling
PLAI(N) H4 18 fatcat

On 2nd draw, (S)ATIRIZE 5E 114 --- SATIRIZE to subject to satire [v]
Other tops: (V)IZIRATE 5E 114
Other moves: AZ(U)RITE G6 102, (L)ATERIZE 3A 102, (T)RI(S)TEZA 8H 98, LATERIZ(E) 6H 88, LAT(E)RIZE 6H 88
(D)AZE G5 47 fatcat
ZA(P) G7 44 jimling

On 3rd draw, FANON 6J 44 --- FANON a cape worn by the Pope [n]
Other moves: FORB 6J 43, FANO 6J 41, FARO 6J 41, FORA 6J 41, FAN 6J 40
FAN 6J 40 jimling
FORB M3 35 fatcat

On 4th draw, WACK 4L 48 --- WACK an eccentric person [n] --- WACK bad, unfashionable [adj]
Other moves: MAWK 4L 46, MACK 4L 44, MECK 4L 44, WALK 4L 44, WEAK 4L 44
MAWK 4L 46 jimling
MACK 4L 44 fatcat

On 5th draw, PROKES O1 45 --- PROKE to poke [v]
Other tops: POAKES O1 45, SPAM 7J 45
Other moves: KASME O4 42, SPARE 7J 40, PAM 7K 38, SAPOR 7K 38, SAME 7K 37
SPERM O6 36 jimling
MARKS O1 33 fatcat

On 6th draw, TEMSING I7 77 --- TEMS to sift [v]
Other tops: TEMSING G7 77
Other moves: STEMING 10H 75, TEMSING 10E 73, MISAGENT F2 71, STEAMING F2 69, TEAMINGS F3 69
TEAMINGS F3 69 jimling
TIMES 10D 22 fatcat

On 7th draw, ODORATE 2G 70 --- ODORATE emitting a smell [adj]
Other tops: RATOONED 12D 70
Other moves: ADORE M4 25, TARO M3 25, DOTER G3 24, EARD H12 24, ADO M4 22
EARD H12 24 fatcat
ART G8 12 jimling

On 8th draw, MOULDING 13B 76 --- MOULDING a long, narrow strip used to decorate a surface [n]
Other moves: UNLIMED 3C 42, MOULD H11 37, MOUND H11 37, LUMINED 3C 34, LOUND H11 29
DOM 6D 23 jimling
DIM 6D 23 fatcat

On 9th draw, NOSHERIE N6 63 --- NOSHERIE a cafe [n]
Other moves: HOES J10 45, RESHOE 14A 44, HEROISE 11E 40, HORMES B10 38, SHOE J9 37
SOH J8 34 jimling
OH 6E 27 fatcat

On 10th draw, ALEXINE 11E 56 --- ALEXINE a substance in the blood which protects against disease [n]
Other moves: LANX 12A 48, BOXER I1 43, OXER I2 40, AXEL M11 37, BOX I1 37
LEX 14A 37 fatcat
LAX 14A 37 jimling

On 11th draw, HIT O8 40 --- HIT to strike forcibly [v]
Other tops: HAT O8 40, HOA O8 40, HOT O8 40
Other moves: BAGH M10 39, GHAST 8K 39, GHOST 8K 39, BAITH 6B 38, BAH G7 37
HAT O8 40 fatcat, jimling

On 12th draw, FEAT O12 44 --- FEAT a notable act or achievement [n] --- FEAT skillful [adj] --- FEAT to cover with feathers [v]
Other tops: FATE O12 44, FETA O12 44
Other moves: ATABEG M9 40, ABATE M9 36, AGATE M9 33, BAFT 14A 33, FAG G7 33
FEAT O12 44 jimling
FAB O13 29 fatcat

On 13th draw, GLEDS M9 45 --- GLED a bird of prey [n]
Other moves: BODGES M10 42, BODGE M10 40, BODLES M10 38, BOGLES M10 38, BODLE M10 36
LOSED L9 27 fatcat
BEDS 14A 27 jimling

On 14th draw, VIRTU 4A 25 --- VIRTU a love or taste for the fine arts [n]
Other tops: VID 14A 25
Other moves: VIRTUE 3C 23, ADO M4 22, DIRT 14A 22, DUIT 14A 22, DURR 14A 22
VID 14A 25 fatcat
DAVIT F4 17 jimling

On 15th draw, VYING A4 36 --- VIE to strive for superiority [v] --- VYING an act of vying [n]
Other moves: BYDING B1 34, GUYED 3E 33, YUG 14B 33, BUNG 12A 32, BUYING B1 32
BUY 14A 29 jimling
BY 14A 28 fatcat

On 16th draw, DIVVYING A1 57 --- DIVVY to divide [v]
Other moves: VAR G7 29, DOURA 14A 26, VAIR 14A 26, VID 14A 25, DOUAR B6 24
VID 14A 25 fatcat
AVOID 1C 16 jimling

On 17th draw, BUOY 12A 40 --- BUOY to mark with a buoy (a warning float) [v]
Other moves: WEY 3G 35, YEW 3G 35, ABY 12B 34, YOW 12C 33, OBEY 3F 32
WAY 14A 31 jimling, fatcat

On 18th draw, CAW G7 37 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other tops: AROW M4 37
Other moves: CROWBAR C3 36, CRUMB B10 34, BOWER 3E 31, WEB 3G 31, BARROW C2 30
CRUMB B10 34 fatcat
AW F5 13 jimling

On 19th draw, BURQA C2 32 --- BURQA a coverall worn by Muslim women [n]
Other tops: BAJU 1I 32, JOBE 3E 32, JUBA 1I 32, JUBE 3E 32, JUMBO B11 32
Other moves: JUBA 10B 31, JAB 1K 29, JURA 10B 29, JUMAR B11 28, JAB 1I 27
QUAT 15L 23 jimling
JOB G1 22 fatcat

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