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Game of December 1, 2013 at 18:49, 4 players
1. 760 pts OrangeCup
2. 428 pts worsie
3. 173 pts jimling

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aalost   H8    64    64   alastor
 2. aaceimr  11B    74   138   macarise
 3. ?aelnny  13G    74   212   nonleafy
 4. dfiorst  15D    60   272   foids
 5. aehilnt   8A    95   367   anthelia
 6. abbdeiy   J5    83   450   yabbied
 7. enopqtu  N10    74   524   queyn
 8. aeijnru   8J    48   572   bunjie
 9. aegilnx  14B    48   620   exing
10. cekoptw  A12    65   685   cowk
11. eoorstz  15L    87   772   zest
12. aefrstu   B1    76   848   aftersun
13. dglootu   A1    39   887   loud
14. eegorrv   6D    64   951   overgear
15. aimoprv   5I    34   985   myopia
16. giorrtv  C10    30  1015   varix
17. eghortw   N2    38  1053   thraw
18. degiopt  12L    27  1080   pied

Remaining tiles: egoot

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7820 FileOrangeCup   5 13:33  -320  760     1.7820 OrangeCup   5 13:33  -320  760 
  2.5980 Fileworsie      1 14:33  -652  428     2.7596 argomearns  0  1:02 -1050   30 
  3.6524 Filejimling     1  5:13  -907  173            Group: intermediate
  4.7596 Fileargomearns  0  1:02 -1050   30     1.6524 jimling     1  5:13  -907  173 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5980 worsie      1 14:33  -652  428 

On 1st draw, ALASTO(R) H8 64 --- ALASTOR an avenging deity in Greek tragedy [n]
Other tops: ALASTO(R) H2 64, ALASTO(R) H3 64, ALASTO(R) H4 64, ALASTO(R) H7 64, A(M)ATOLS H2 64, A(M)ATOLS H4 64, A(M)ATOLS H6 64, A(M)ATOLS H7 64, A(M)ATOLS H8 64, SALTA(T)O H2 64, SALTA(T)O H3 64, SALTA(T)O H4 64, SALTA(T)O H6 64, SALTA(T)O H8 64, SAL(T)ATO H2 64, SAL(T)ATO H3 64, SAL(T)ATO H4 64, SAL(T)ATO H6 64, SAL(T)ATO H7 64, SAL(T)ATO H8 64, SOLAT(I)A H2 64, SOLAT(I)A H3 64, SOLAT(I)A H4 64, SOLAT(I)A H6 64, SOLAT(I)A H8 64, TA(P)ALOS H3 64, TA(P)ALOS H4 64, TA(P)ALOS H6 64, TA(P)ALOS H7 64, TA(P)ALOS H8 64, (C)ATALOS H2 64, (C)ATALOS H3 64, (C)ATALOS H6 64, (C)ATALOS H7 64, (C)ATALOS H8 64, (C)OASTAL H2 64, (C)OASTAL H3 64, (C)OASTAL H6 64, (C)OASTAL H7 64, (C)OASTAL H8 64
Other moves: ALASTO(R) H5 62, ALASTO(R) H6 62, A(M)ATOLS H3 62, A(M)ATOLS H5 62, SALTA(T)O H5 62
SALTO H4 12 OrangeCup
TALO(N)S H4 12 jimling

On 2nd draw, MACARISE 11B 74 --- MACARISE to declare to be blessed [v]
Other tops: MESARAIC 11F 74
Other moves: COREMIA 13G 30, AIMER G11 22, CAMERAS 11B 22, MATRICE 12F 22, RIEM I10 22
CRAM I7 21 OrangeCup
CREAMS 11C 20 jimling

On 3rd draw, NONLEA(F)Y 13G 74 --- NONLEAFY not having leaves [adj]
Other moves: (M)ANNE(R)LY 14C 69, LYN(C)EAN G2 66, LYN(C)EAN I2 66, (I)NANELY G2 66, (I)NANELY I2 66
YEAN(S) 15D 51 OrangeCup
YALE(S) 15D 51 jimling

On 4th draw, FOIDS 15D 60 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other tops: FIDOS 15D 60, FORDS 15D 60
Other moves: FORTS 15D 57, FRITS 15D 57, DRIFTS 15C 54, FIORDS 15C 54, FORTIS 15C 51
FORDS 15D 60 OrangeCup, jimling

On 5th draw, ANTHELIA 8A 95 --- ANTHELIA halolike areas seen in the sky opposite the sun [n] --- ANTHELION a halolike area seen in the sky opposite the sun [n]
Other moves: ANTHELIA 8H 86, ETHNICAL D6 84, ANTHELIA L6 74, ANTHELIA E4 72, ANTHELIA 10H 67
LAITH 14B 52 OrangeCup
HE(R) 14F 30 jimling
HAN 12A 16 worsie

On 6th draw, YABBIED J5 83 --- YABBY to fish for yabbies [v]
Other moves: DABBITY C3 40, DIBBE(R) 14C 39, ABYE 14K 38, BEADILY J8 37, YEAD 12L 36
DIBBE(R) 14C 39 OrangeCup
BABY 10G 27 worsie

On 7th draw, QUEYN N10 74 --- QUEYN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUOTE K3 44, TOQUE K2 40, QUEP 14B 39, QUOP 14B 39, QUOTE K1 38
QUEYN N10 74 OrangeCup
QUOTE K1 38 worsie

On 8th draw, BUNJIE 8J 48 --- BUNJIE a strong rubber rope [n]
Other moves: AJEE 12K 43, JEER 12L 43, INJERA K2 42, INJURE K2 42, JARINA L8 42
JEER 12L 43 OrangeCup
JAI O8 41 worsie

On 9th draw, EXING 14B 48 --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: AXING 14B 48
Other moves: ILEX K3 41, LAX K4 39, LEX K4 39, LANX L12 38, XENIAL K1 38
ILEX K3 41 OrangeCup
LEX K4 39 worsie

On 10th draw, COWK A12 65 --- COWK to feel nauseous [v]
Other moves: COWP A12 59, WOK 13B 53, EWK A13 47, TWP A13 41, POCKET K1 40
WOK 13B 53 OrangeCup
WEXING 14A 17 worsie

On 11th draw, ZEST 15L 87 --- ZEST to fill with zest (invigorating excitement) [v]
Other moves: ZEES 12L 51, ERSATZ L10 50, ZEE 12L 47, OOZES 15J 42, ORZOS 15J 42
ZEST 15L 87 OrangeCup, worsie

On 12th draw, AFTERSUN B1 76 --- AFTERSUN a moisturiser to soothe sunburn [n]
Other moves: AFTERSUN L1 74, FEATURES E2 72, REFUTALS F2 65, FEATURES O2 62, ORES 13A 34
FASTER K1 30 OrangeCup
FEET 12L 27 worsie

On 13th draw, LOUD A1 39 --- LOUD strongly audible [adj]
Other moves: DOUT A1 37, DUGOUT K4 35, LOGOUT K4 33, LOUT A1 31, OD 13C 31
DOUT A1 37 OrangeCup
GAD 1A 15 worsie

On 14th draw, OVERGEAR 6D 64 --- OVERGEAR of investments, to overstretch by use of debt [v]
Other moves: EGO 13C 36, VERGER K1 32, ER 13C 28, GREVE K1 28, GROVE K1 28
EGO 13C 36 OrangeCup
GROVE K1 28 worsie

On 15th draw, MYOPIA 5I 34 --- MYOPIA a visual defect [n]
Other moves: PAVIOR K1 32, POEM 12L 31, VAPOR K2 30, VARIX C10 30, AMP 10A 29
POEM 12L 31 OrangeCup
VAPOR K2 30 argomearns
MOVIE E4 20 worsie

On 16th draw, VARIX C10 30 --- VARIX a varicose vein [n]
Other moves: OR 13C 28, VIGORO D1 28, GOT 4K 22, TOG 4K 22, DEVOIR 4A 20
OR 13C 28 worsie, OrangeCup

On 17th draw, THRAW N2 38 --- THRAW to twist [v]
Other moves: THROWE 4D 37, WHEE 12K 36, GOTH 4K 35, GERAH N2 34, TORAH N2 32
THRAW N2 38 OrangeCup
WE 6N 26 worsie

On 18th draw, PIED 12L 27 --- PI to jumble or disorder [v]
Other tops: DEEP 12L 27, P**D 12L 27
Other moves: PODITE 4D 25, TEG C2 25, PEDATE 10E 24, OGRE 4L 23, PIET 12L 23
PIED 12L 27 OrangeCup
DOE O1 19 worsie

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