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Game of December 1, 2013 at 20:17, 1 player
1. 40 pts jimling

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. amnrttu   H6    74    74   tantrum
 2. ?eeflqt  11E    36   110   fleuret
 3. iorsstu  13G    78   188   tsouris
 4. adeelnp  14A    76   264   deplane
 5. aacgirt   F4    65   329   tragical
 6. aehmnoy  15E   105   434   haemony
 7. aefiloy  A12    45   479   fady
 8. biknors  12L    40   519   bisk
 9. eeglnru   O6    36   555   gerenuk
10. degiluv   B6    73   628   divulge
11. ?bceoor   4A    80   708   codebtor
12. adhilot   A1    33   741   ditch
13. aeilorv   E1    28   769   verbal
14. inoqswz   3G    46   815   zos
15. adeijno   2G    39   854   djin
16. aeiopww   8A    42   896   avow
17. eeiinpq  10H    27   923   repine
18. aiooqwx   I5    40   963   wox

Remaining tiles: aiioq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6295 Filejimling     1  1:52  -923   40     1.6295 jimling     1  1:52  -923   40 

On 1st draw, TANTRUM H6 74 --- TANTRUM a fit of rage [n]
Other moves: TANTRUM H2 70, TANTRUM H3 70, TANTRUM H4 70, TANTRUM H7 70, TANTRUM H8 70

On 2nd draw, FLEU(R)ET 11E 36 --- FLEURET a fencing foil [n]
Other moves: F(I)QUE 11E 32, Q(A)T 6F 31, EQU(A)TE 11F 28, QUEE(S)T 11G 28, QUELE(A) 11G 28

On 3rd draw, TSOURIS 13G 78 --- TSOURIS tsuris [n]
Other moves: SUITORS 13B 76, SUITORS 13H 76, TSOURIS 13B 76, SUITORS L5 68, TSOURIS L5 68

On 4th draw, DEPLANE 14A 76 --- DEPLANE to get off an airplane [v]
Other moves: PANELED G1 70, PANELED I1 70, DEPLANE G2 69, DEPLANE I2 69, ENDPLATE 6B 65

On 5th draw, TRAGICAL F4 65 --- TRAGICAL of the nature of a tragedy [adj]
Other moves: AGARIC 15G 39, TRAGIC 15G 39, AGARIC 15F 33, ARIA 15A 33, CADI A12 30

On 6th draw, HAEMONY 15E 105 --- HAEMONY a plant which could act against magic [n]
Other moves: HAEMONY I2 77, MYNAH 15E 51, HYNDE A11 48, HYENA 15E 46, NOMADY A10 45

On 7th draw, FADY A12 45 --- FADY wearing away [adj]
Other moves: FOLEY 12A 38, FADE A12 36, FADO A12 36, FIDO A12 36, YODE A12 36

On 8th draw, BISK 12L 40 --- BISK a thick soup [n]
Other tops: BINK 12L 40, BIRK 12L 40, BONK 12L 40, BORK 12L 40, BOSK 12L 40
Other moves: KOBS 12L 36, BOKS 12L 32, KINO 12L 32, KINS 12L 32, KIRN 12L 32
BONK 12L 40 jimling

On 9th draw, GERENUK O6 36 --- GERENUK a long necked antelope [n]
Other moves: GLEEK O8 30, GREEK O8 30, KEEL O12 24, KEEN O12 24, KERN O12 24

On 10th draw, DIVULGE B6 73 --- DIVULGE to reveal [v]
Other moves: FIDGE 12A 25, FUDGE 12A 25, UGLIED E1 25, VIED E3 25, FUGIE 12A 23

On 11th draw, CO(D)EBTOR 4A 80 --- CODEBTOR one that shares a debt [n]
Other moves: OB(J)ECTOR 4A 76, BORECO(L)E J4 63, BROC(H)E A1 39, BROC(H)O A1 39, CORB(I)E A1 39

On 12th draw, DITCH A1 33 --- DITCH to dig a long, narrow excavation in the ground [v]
Other moves: HARD 5D 32, HILD 10J 31, AITCH A1 30, AVID 8A 30, HAD 10J 30

On 13th draw, VERBAL E1 28 --- VERBAL a word derived from a verb [n] --- VERBAL to attribute a statement or admission to [v]
Other moves: VIOLA N2 25, VOILA N2 25, AVEL 8A 24, AVER 8A 24, EVIL 8A 24

On 14th draw, ZOS 3G 46 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZIPS C12 45, ZO 3G 44, ZIP C12 43, ZOS 14L 41, WIZ 10J 38

On 15th draw, DJIN 2G 39 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: ADJOIN 2I 38, INVADE 1C 33, JADING 6J 33, NEVOID 1C 33, ADJOINT K5 30

On 16th draw, AVOW 8A 42 --- AVOW to declare openly [v]
Other moves: WEAPON 10J 36, WAWE 10J 33, WAW 10J 32, WIPE 10J 32, WAP 10J 31

On 17th draw, REPINE 10H 27 --- REPINE to express discontent [v]
Other moves: REPIN 10H 26, NEEP K2 25, QI 1I 25, PEEN 10J 24, PEIN 10J 24

On 18th draw, WOX I5 40 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: WAX I5 40
Other moves: OXO I6 39, AX I6 36, OX I6 36, TAXI 6H 27, TAX 6H 26

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