On 5th draw, TEAZELS I2 71 --- TEAZEL to raise a nap on fabric [v]
Other tops: TEAZLES I2 71
Other moves: ZAGS F10 66, ZAG F10 65, ZETA A6 42, ZEA A7 39, AZINES 10E 37 ZAGS F10 66 fatcat, charmz, babsbedi, jimling
On 6th draw, AE(R)OBIA A3 80 --- AEROBIUM an organism that requires free oxygen [n]
Other moves: AE(R)OBIA C4 69, (Z)ABAIONE E6 68, ABOITEA(U) 2E 67, A(D)OBE 15A 37, (D)IEB H1 35 ZEB(R)A 5I 30 fatcat BOA J4 26 jimling BEGI(N) F10 24 babsbedi BAG F10 23 charmz
On 7th draw, STOPPED 15B 100 --- STOP to discontinue the progress or motion of [v]
Other moves: ESTOPPED 3C 82, ESTOPPED 14B 69, POSTED B1 38, ESTOP 15A 35, POP F8 33 STOPPED 15B 100 jimling STOPPED 15B 50 charmz, fatcat, babsbedi
On 8th draw, FE A14 59 --- FE a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: ME A14 55, AE A14 47, MOFO J4 47, NE A14 47, OE A14 47 FAME H1 39 charmz OF J5 37 fatcat NAM J4 34 jimling OM J5 31 babsbedi
On 9th draw, AHI J5 40 --- AHI a Hawaiian fish (yellowfin tuna or bigeye) [n]
Other tops: RAH J4 40
Other moves: AH J5 37, OH J5 37, HAZIER 5G 36, HAZER 5G 34, THORIA 2I 34 RAH J4 40 babsbedi OH J5 37 jimling, fatcat HARE H1 31 charmz
On 10th draw, ROTOS K1 34 --- ROTO a type of printing process [n]
Other tops: EUROS K1 34, ROOTS K1 34, ROTES K1 34, ROUES K1 34, ROUTS K1 34, TORES K1 34, TOROS K1 34, TORUS K1 34, TOURS K1 34, TRUES K1 34
Other moves: EROS K2 32, OOTS K2 32, ORES K2 32, ORTS K2 32, OURS K2 32 ROOTS K1 34 fatcat, babsbedi TOURS K1 34 jimling
On 11th draw, DIRL H1 25 --- DIRL to tremble [v]
Other tops: DIOL H1 25
Other moves: LID F8 23, LOD F8 23, DOOR 14D 22, RORID 1K 21, GIRT C12 20 DO B6 18 charmz DOG F10 17 jimling, babsbedi VOID 11H 16 fatcat
On 13th draw, JUGA F10 54 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other moves: JAG F10 53, JUG F10 53, ABJECT 14H 36, ABJECT 3A 34, ARBUTE 1J 33 JAG F10 53 fatcat, babsbedi, jimling, charmz
On 14th draw, RIVEN 1K 27 --- RIVE to tear apart [v]
Other tops: RIVEL 1K 27, RIVER 1K 27
Other moves: VIVER 11H 22, GENT C12 20, GERT C12 20, GIRT C12 20, TINEA 13B 20 RIVER 1K 27 charmz, jimling, babsbedi, fatcat
On 15th draw, HEX B4 60 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other moves: EXO B5 56, REX B4 54, TEX B4 54, EX B5 51, IBEX L1 50 HEX B4 60 charmz, fatcat, babsbedi, jimling
On 16th draw, TORMINA K7 71 --- TORMINA gripes [n]
Other moves: TORMINA 14G 70, MOIRA C5 28, MORIA C5 28, TOMIA C5 28, NORMA C5 26 T*M C5TOM C5 20 babsbedi AM L3 18 jimling MINOR 14G 16 fatcat EM N1 8 charmz
On 17th draw, DONE E10 28 --- DO to begin and carry through to completion [v]
Other tops: REDON E8 28
Other moves: UDON E9 26, DON E10 24, ODOUR 8K 24, GERT C12 20, GIRT C12 20 ODOUR 8K 24 fatcat, babsbedi DORE C5 19 jimling
On 18th draw, OWNER 8K 36 --- OWNER one that owns [n]
Other tops: OWLER 8K 36
Other moves: ERENOW N1 34, ENOW L10 29, ENOW L12 28, OWRE C6 27, LOWER 14K 26 OWNER 8K 36 fatcat OWLER 8K 36 babsbedi, jimling
On 19th draw, CLOTE 14J 36 --- CLOTE the burdock [n]
Other tops: BLITE 14J 36
Other moves: COBLE C5 32, BOLETI 14I 30, BRETTICE 3G 30, BOITE C5 28, NOETIC 2A 28 BOATIE 13I 22 fatcat OBE J10 19 babsbedi BO G2 14 jimling
On 20th draw, BOKE C5 29 --- BOKE to belch [v]
Other moves: BOK C5 28, FOB C5 26, REITBOK 3H 26, BOUK C5 25, UFO L10 25 KEEF N6 21 jimling FE 15N 20 fatcat, babsbedi
On 21th draw, UNIFIC 12J 28 --- UNIFIC unifying [adj]
Other moves: IF D7 24, UM J9 24, IF L3 22, IWI 13M 21, IWI G1 20 IF D7 24 babsbedi MI 15N 16 fatcat MU 15N 16 jimling