On 1st draw, FYLES H4 30 --- FYLE a line (file) of soldiers [n]
Other tops: FLEYS H4 30, FLUEY H4 30, FLUEY H8 30
Other moves: FEUDS H4 26, FLUED H4 26, FUSED H4 26, FLEYS H8 24, FLUES H4 24
On 2nd draw, (S)TRAYING 5D 94 --- STRAY to wander from the proper area or course [v] --- STRAYING the act of straying [n]
Other tops: TAR(D)YING 5D 94, TAR(R)YING 5D 94, TA(R)RYING 5D 94, TRAYNI(N)G 5E 94, TRAY(N)ING 5E 94, (P)ARTYING 5D 94
Other moves: RINGTA(W)S 8A 80, STINGRA(Y) 8H 80, GANTRI(E)S 8A 77, GA(S)TRINS 8A 77, GRANIT(A)S 8A 77
On 3rd draw, QI 4C 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: GOIER C2 24
Other moves: AGER C3 22, AREG C3 22, GARE C2 22, GOER C3 22, GORE C2 22
On 4th draw, J(I)BES L1 54 --- JIBE to gibe [v]
Other tops: J(O)BES L1 54, J(U)BES L1 54
Other moves: JESTS L1 52, JES(T)S L1 50, JES(U)S L1 50, JET(E)S L1 50, JE(A)TS L1 50
On 5th draw, SPACEMAN 8H 95 --- SPACEMAN an astronaut [n]
Other moves: JAAP 1L 39, JAPE 1L 39, JANE 1L 33, JEAN 1L 33, CA(I)MAN 2J 30
On 6th draw, TIMONEER M6 74 --- TIMONEER a helmsman [n]
Other moves: ERION(I)TE 2G 68, TENORITE E5 66, ORIENTER F4 62, REORIENT F2 62, REORIENT F5 62
On 7th draw, JOEY 1L 42 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other moves: JIBE 1L 39, JOBE 1L 39, YBORE L11 37, ABYE L10 36, ABYE N8 36
On 8th draw, FONDEST 14H 87 --- FOND having an affection for [adj]
Other moves: SOFTENED 12G 76, SOFTENED 11G 74, FO(I)DS 2J 39, FE(I)NT 2J 36, FE(I)ST 2J 36
On 9th draw, AUTOED 15D 42 --- AUTO to ride in an automobile [v]
Other moves: OUTED 15E 36, TAED 15F 33, TEAD 15F 33, TOAD 15F 33, TOED 15F 33 TED 15G 30 charmz
On 10th draw, DIGAM(I)ES 2G 82 --- DIGAMY a second legal marriage [n]
Other moves: MISGRADE F1 66, DEGAME L7 36, AGE(I)SM 2I 34, DEGAMI 14A 34, MESIAD L7 34 DEEM L12 28 charmz
On 11th draw, WAX 1F 69 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: VEX 1F 69, WEX 1F 69
Other moves: EXUL 1G 68, ULEX 1E 63, LAX 1F 60, LEX 1F 60, AX 1G 57
On 12th draw, ADZ 3E 46 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: RIZ 3E 45, DIAZO 14A 43, LAZO 14B 39, ADZ 14B 37, DIAZOLE 12G 36 LAZED 11J 30 charmz
On 13th draw, ELINT L8 20 --- ELINT the gathering of intelligence by electronic devices [n]
Other moves: AIRLINE 12G 16, LATRINE 12G 16, LINTIER 12H 16, NITRILE 12G 16, RATLINE 12G 16
On 14th draw, PERITONEA 11F 72 --- PERITONEUM [n]
Other moves: PEA K10 24, POA K10 24, PEA 13I 22, PIA 13I 22, PIE 13I 22
On 15th draw, HUI 13I 26 --- HUI a Maori gathering [n]
Other tops: HABU 10G 26, HAE 13I 26, H*B*HEBE 10G 26, HIE 13I 26, HUE 13I 26
Other moves: BEE 13I 22, HA 13I 22, HE 13I 22, H*B*HEBE 12C 22, HI 13I 22
On 16th draw, CULVER 12B 28 --- CULVER a pigeon [n]
Other tops: CALVER 12B 28, CARVEL 12B 28, CLAVER 12B 28
Other moves: CAVEL 12C 26, CAVER 12C 26, CALVE 12B 24, CARVE 12B 24, CLAVE 12B 24
On 17th draw, BOHO 10E 26 --- BOHO a Bohemian [n]
Other moves: BOHO 14B 25, BOOH 10D 24, HOBO 14B 24, BOH 10E 23, BOOH 14A 23
On 18th draw, UNCLEW B10 26 --- UNCLEW to unwind [v]
Other moves: UNWEAL 9A 23, LIANE 14B 22, WANNEL O6 21, WEAL 9C 21, WEAN 9C 21
On 19th draw, GINK 10K 38 --- GINK a fellow [n]
Other moves: OINK 10K 36, INK 10L 33, KA N10 33, KAGO A8 32, KAGO A7 29
On 20th draw, ARVO A7 23 --- ARVO afternoon [n]
Other tops: RIVO A7 23
Other moves: VOAR 9C 21, AVO A8 20, RIVA 2B 16, VAR 9D 16, VOR 9D 16