On 1st draw, INDEWS H8 28 --- INDEW to provide with [v]
Other tops: DWINES H3 28, SUNDEW H7 28, WIDENS H4 28
Other moves: INDEW H8 26, WEIDS H4 26, WENDS H4 26, WIDEN H4 26, WIDES H4 26
On 2nd draw, FOID I8 23 --- FOID one of a group of minerals related to feldspar [n]
Other moves: FOID G11 22, FOID I11 22, FOIN G11 21, FOIN I11 21, FOIN I8 21
On 3rd draw, GILC(U)PS 13B 28 --- GILCUP a buttercup [n]
Other moves: PILCR(O)W 12B 26, SPLIC(E)R 13H 26, P(H)I J10 25, P(S)I J10 25, CRIP(P)LED 11B 24
On 4th draw, VIRGIN B10 36 --- VIRGIN a person who has never had sexual intercourse [n] --- VIRGIN to continue to be chaste [v]
Other moves: VIRGA B10 34, VANITIED 11B 24, VINA 14A 24, VITA 14A 24, INVITAL D7 22
On 5th draw, DRIFTIEST 8F 64 --- DRIFTY full of drifts (masses of wind-driven snow) [adj]
Other moves: DETRIT(U)S F7 62, TIREDEST 11E 36, SNIDER 15A 27, TRISTE J5 25, ENTRIST 15A 24
On 6th draw, TERAWATT N2 88 --- TERAWATT one trillion watts [n]
Other moves: TERAWATT N1 76, TERAWATT N8 76, TERAWATT J2 74, TERAWATT J1 65, AWAITER K5 40
On 7th draw, EROSELY O9 85 --- EROSE uneven [adv] --- EROSELY in an uneven manner [adv]
Other moves: ONEYERS 15A 42, ONEYRES 15A 42, ONEYER 15A 39, ONEYRE 15A 39, YORES O1 36 SNEERY 15A 30 charmz
On 8th draw, ANTIMERE 4H 74 --- ANTIMERE a part of an organism symmetrical with a part on the opposite side of the main axis [n]
Other moves: MATINEE 7A 67, ENAMINE 15A 36, INTIMAE K5 36, MATINEE K5 36, MINIATE K5 36
On 10th draw, ZOEA N11 45 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: REZ M3 39, ZOAEA 2F 36, ADOZE F7 35, LAZED F4 35, RAZED F4 35
On 11th draw, BEMAULE(D) D8 78 --- BEMAUL to maul [v]
Other moves: BEMAU(L)ED F1 64, BEMEDA(L) 11E 44, (G)AMB M10 41, (I)AMB M10 41, (J)AMB M10 41
On 12th draw, AFARA 5J 34 --- AFARA an African tree [n]
Other moves: FAP M13 31, FORA 5K 30, PINAFORED 11A 30, AREPA M2 29, PAREO 3K 28
On 13th draw, ENROUGHS L8 76 --- ENROUGH to make rough [v]
Other moves: HERONS M3 38, HONES O1 37, ROUGHS 5C 35, HONGS 5D 33, GORES O1 31
On 14th draw, DOB E9 27 --- DOB to inform on [v]
Other tops: DOUBTS 15G 27, DUB E9 27, GLOBUS 15G 27
Other moves: BODE O1 26, BUT C9 26, BLOB 8A 24, BLOGS 15H 24, BLUB 8A 24
On 15th draw, POX 6H 54 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other tops: PIX 6H 54
Other moves: NIX 6H 52, NOX 6H 52, OX 6I 51, NIXE O1 44, NOXIOUS 15F 42
On 16th draw, NEROLS M3 26 --- NEROL a fragrant alcohol [n]
Other tops: NERALS M3 26
Other moves: ULNA K10 19, TALONS 15G 18, TAUONS 15G 18, TOLANS 15G 18, UNA(D)ULT 15A 18
On 17th draw, OUTGIVE 3C 29 --- OUTGIVE to give more than [v]
Other moves: GO F10 22, EGOIST 15H 21, GOIEST 15H 21, STEY 15L 21, TIGE O1 21
On 18th draw, HAICKS 15G 45 --- HAICK an Arab head covering [n]
Other moves: CHIKS 15H 42, HACKS 15H 42, HAKE O1 42, HICKS 15H 42, HIKE O1 42