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Game of December 8, 2013 at 06:33, 2 players
1. 440 pts fatcat
2. 160 pts jimling

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aaeilnt   H3    66    66   antliae
 2. aaeehht   G7    38   104   haha
 3. ?abeiio   4B    68   172   ibogaine
 4. denortu   D1    62   234   unrooted
 5. eelrsst  11G    75   309   streels
 6. denqstu   B1    90   399   squinted
 7. aceelnw   A7    44   443   weanel
 8. ?fipprs   J6    78   521   frippets
 9. cegiilm   3G    27   548   gamic
10. eeginry  H11    39   587   tying
11. acgorty   K2    32   619   accoy
12. einrtvw   8J    39   658   invert
13. beiilor   2J    38   696   bailie
14. egmotuv   I9    32   728   mure
15. egoorwz   O1    72   800   geez
16. adfootw   E7    86   886   fatwood
17. ijkorru  D12    61   947   jouk
18. adioorx  B10    45   992   axoid

Remaining tiles: orrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6491 Filefatcat      1 11:31  -552  440     1.6491 fatcat      1 11:31  -552  440 
  2.6690 Filejimling     1  2:33  -832  160     2.6690 jimling     1  2:33  -832  160 

On 1st draw, ANTLIAE H3 66 --- ANTLIA the sucking proboscis of moths and butterflies [n]
Other tops: ANTLIAE H2 66, ANTLIAE H4 66, ANTLIAE H6 66, ANTLIAE H7 66, ANTLIAE H8 66
Other moves: ANTLIAE H5 64, ANTLIA H3 14, ANTLIA H4 14, ANTLIA H7 14, ANTLIA H8 14

On 2nd draw, HAHA G7 38 --- HAHA a fence set in a ditch [n]
Other moves: HAH G7 37, HEH G7 37, HATHA G7 30, HEATH G7 30, EATHE G6 29

On 3rd draw, IBO(G)AINE 4B 68 --- IBOGAINE an alkaloid used as an antidepressant [n]
Other moves: BIOTI(T)E 5E 32, BOATIE(S) 5E 32, BAI(L)IE F10 25, BOA(T)IE F10 25, BAI(Z)E F10 24
BIO F10 21 fatcat

On 4th draw, UNROOTED D1 62 --- UNROOT to uproot [v]
Other moves: DONUT 3B 28, DONUT 5B 25, OBTRUDE C3 24, OUTBRED C1 24, OUTDARE 3D 24
DETOUR F10 20 fatcat

On 5th draw, STREELS 11G 75 --- STREEL to saunter [v]
Other tops: STREELS 11A 75, TRESSEL 11C 75, TRESSEL 11D 75
Other moves: STREELS F9 71, STREELS J4 71, TRESSEL J1 71, LEISTERS B2 70, STERLETS 5G 70
RUSTLES 1C 21 fatcat

On 6th draw, SQUINTED B1 90 --- SQUINT to look with the eyes partly closed [v]
Other moves: QATS 3G 48, QAT 3G 47, TUQUES 1A 45, TUQUES 1C 45, SUQ J4 42
QUITED B2 36 fatcat

On 7th draw, WEANEL A7 44 --- WEANEL a weanling [n]
Other moves: ELANCE A8 42, ENLACE A8 42, AWEEL A6 40, WANLE A7 38, AWEE A6 37
WANE A7 35 fatcat

On 8th draw, FRIPPE(T)S J6 78 --- FRIPPET a frivolous or flamboyant young woman [n]
Other tops: FRIPPE(R)S J6 78, F(L)IPPERS J6 78, F(R)IPPERS J6 78
Other moves: FRIPPE(R)S K6 64, FRIPPE(T)S K6 64, F(L)IPPERS K6 64, F(R)IPPERS K6 64, PR(E)IFS 10J 39
FLIPS L10 20 fatcat

On 9th draw, GAMIC 3G 27 --- GAMIC requiring fertilisation [adj]
Other moves: MELIC E7 25, GAME 3G 24, MESIC M9 24, TELIC H11 24, CLIME K2 23
MICE K3 21 fatcat

On 10th draw, TYING H11 39 --- TIE to fasten with a cord or rope [v]
Other moves: YE B10 28, ENERGY E6 27, TEENY H11 27, EYEN K5 26, LINGY L11 26
URINE 1D 15 fatcat

On 11th draw, ACCOY K2 32 --- ACCOY to still [v]
Other tops: GOARY F2 32, GOATY F2 32, ORACY B10 32
Other moves: CASTORY M9 30, CLARTY L10 30, CAGY K3 28, OTARY B10 28, YA B10 28
CAGY K3 28 fatcat

On 12th draw, INVERT 8J 39 --- INVERT to turn upside down [v]
Other tops: INVITE 8J 39
Other moves: UNWIVE 1D 36, (G)WINE E4 31, STUIVER 1B 30, UNRIVET 1D 30, UNWRITE 1D 30
CREW 4K 18 fatcat

On 13th draw, BAILIE 2J 38 --- BAILIE a Scottish magistrate [n]
Other tops: BAILER 2J 38, BAILOR 2J 38
Other moves: BALER 2J 36, ORIBI B10 26, LORE I9 24, BOAR F2 23, BAEL 2J 22
BAILER 2J 38 fatcat

On 14th draw, MURE I9 32 --- MURE to confine [v]
Other tops: MORE I9 32
Other moves: GEMOTE O1 30, GEUM O1 30, MEVE O1 30, VEGO 1G 29, EMO 1M 27
VETO O1 24 fatcat

On 15th draw, GEEZ O1 72 --- GEEZ a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: ORZO 1G 44, ZERO 1G 44, ZOA F2 43, ZERO O1 42, ZOO 1H 41
GEEZ O1 72 jimling
ZERO O1 42 fatcat

On 16th draw, FATWOOD E7 86 --- FATWOOD wood used for kindling [n]
Other moves: AFOOT B10 31, FADO 1G 29, DOWF B11 27, WOAD F2 27, FAA F2 25
FLOW L10 20 fatcat
WO 7M 20 jimling

On 17th draw, JOUK D12 61 --- JOUK to dodge [v]
Other moves: KOJI D12 47, JOUR D12 45, JOR D12 41, JO D12 39, KORU D12 33
JOUR D12 45 fatcat
JO D12 39 jimling

On 18th draw, AXOID B10 45 --- AXOID a helix curve [n]
Other moves: RAX F12 40, ORIXA B10 36, XI G13 36, OXO 1H 35, RADIX B11 30
XI G13 36 fatcat
AX F13 29 jimling

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