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Game of December 8, 2013 at 18:11, 4 players
1. 386 pts jimling
2. 199 pts Kalikokat
3. 146 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?degirx   H8    40    40   index
 2. begiotz  G11    37    77   bez
 3. afhinrt  13C    40   117   hafiz
 4. aelmoor  14B    36   153   romeo
 5. eghinsv   8H    98   251   inveighs
 6. ainoopt  12A    34   285   noop
 7. adnorst   L8    70   355   intrados
 8. egkpstu  15G    36   391   tupeks
 9. cdenrtu  13I    26   417   cudden
10. ?acflrr  N10    36   453   franc
11. alqrsuv  10J    32   485   qat
12. ginrstu   O1    80   565   rustings
13. ?ailort   1H    74   639   retailor
14. aeginrw   3H    76   715   wearings
15. beiltuv  11G    31   746   belier
16. aeelosy  O10    32   778   yeas
17. bdeeoot   4D    29   807   booted
18. eeiltuw   5E    34   841   weet
19. aaijluv   6B    33   874   jail
20. ailmuvy   A7    42   916   mayvin

Remaining tiles: lu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6719 Filejimling     3  9:26  -530  386     1.7371 SQUAW1      1  2:46  -770  146 
  2.6088 FileKalikokat   0  7:28  -717  199     2.7567 argomearns  1  1:56  -853   63 
  3.7371 FileSQUAW1      1  2:46  -770  146            Group: intermediate
  4.7567 Fileargomearns  1  1:56  -853   63     1.6719 jimling     3  9:26  -530  386 
                                             2.6088 Kalikokat   0  7:28  -717  199 

On 1st draw, I(N)DEX H8 40 --- INDEX a type of reference guide at the end of a book [n] --- INDEX to provide with an index [v]
Other tops: RED(O)X H8 40, RED(U)X H8 40, R(A)DIX H8 40
Other moves: RE(F)IX H8 38, RE(M)IX H8 38, XERI(C) H4 38, (M)IREX H8 38, DEXI(E) H4 28
(F)IXED H8 28 jimling
EX(E)D H6 22 Kalikokat

On 2nd draw, BEZ G11 37 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: TOZED 10D 35, TOZIE G11 35, DOZE 10H 34, EGOTIZE 11B 34, EGOTIZE 11H 34
ZED 10F 33 jimling
BOG G11 21 Kalikokat

On 3rd draw, HAFIZ 13C 40 --- HAFIZ a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart [n]
Other moves: FRITZ 13C 34, NARTHEX 12B 34, FAIN I8 23, BERTHA 11G 22, BEATH 11G 20
FAITH G4 17 jimling, Kalikokat

On 4th draw, ROMEO 14B 36 --- ROMEO a male lover [n]
Other moves: AMOLE 12A 30, LAME 12B 30, LOME 12B 30, MORIA F10 30, EMO 12C 28
REM 12B 23 Kalikokat

On 5th draw, INVEIGHS 8H 98 --- INVEIGH to protest angrily [v]
Other moves: INVEIGHS 8D 66, SHIVE 15F 36, NEIGHS 15F 33, SHIV 15F 33, HIES 15C 32
NEIGHS 15F 33 jimling
HEN 15A 26 Kalikokat

On 6th draw, NOOP 12A 34 --- NOOP a knob [n]
Other tops: ATOP 12A 34, PION 12A 34, POON 12A 34, POOT 12A 34
Other moves: APT 15C 30, OOP 12B 30, OPT 15C 30, TOP 12B 30, POTION F10 29
NOT I11 19 Kalikokat
NAP 15F 18 jimling

On 7th draw, INTRADOS L8 70 --- INTRADOS the inner curve of an arch [n]
Other moves: DIATRONS L7 68, TORNADES K2 68, TABERDS 11E 40, ONBEATS 11E 36, EXTRADOS 12G 32
DONS I11 22 Kalikokat
NODS 15F 18 jimling

On 8th draw, TUPEKS 15G 36 --- TUPEK an Inuit animal-skin tent [n]
Other moves: PUKES 15H 33, SKEP 15F 33, SKEPS 15H 33, SPEK 15F 33, SPEKS 15H 33
PUKES 15H 33 jimling
SPUG 15L 21 Kalikokat

On 9th draw, CUDDEN 13I 26 --- CUDDEN a young coalfish [n]
Other tops: CURDED 13I 26
Other moves: CRUDE 13I 22, RETUND A8 21, UNDERN A7 21, CUBED 11E 20, CUDDEN 13J 20
CRED 11K 14 Kalikokat

On 10th draw, FRANC N10 36 --- FRANC a monetary unit of France [n]
Other tops: FLANC(H) N10 36, FRANC(O) N10 36, FRANC(S) N10 36
Other moves: FR(A)NC N10 34, F(R)ANC N10 34, FALC(O)N A7 30, FARC(I)N A7 30, FLAC(O)N A7 30
CL(E)AN A8 18 jimling
FRA(I)L 11K 14 Kalikokat

On 11th draw, QAT 10J 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: LASQUE K3 30, SQUARE K3 30, QUALE K4 28, QUARE K4 28, URAO 14I 26
QAT 10J 32 jimling

On 12th draw, RUSTINGS O1 80 --- RUSTING the act of rusting [n]
Other moves: UNSTRING A6 77, UNGIRTH N2 26, NURSING A7 24, RUNTISH N2 24, RUSTING A7 24
RUSTINGS O1 80 jimling

On 13th draw, R(E)TAILOR 1H 74 --- RETAILOR to tailor again [v] --- TAILOR to fit with clothes [v]
Other moves: R(E)LATION A5 71, TAIL(E)RON A5 71, (F)LATIRON A5 71, ORALI(S)TS 3H 66, OR(B)ITALS 3H 66

On 14th draw, WEARINGS 3H 76 --- WEARING the process or wasting [n]
Other moves: WARNING A7 33, WEANING A7 33, WEARING A7 33, AWEING A8 30, AWNING A8 30
WEARINGS 3H 76 jimling

On 15th draw, BELIER 11G 31 --- BELIER one that belies [n]
Other moves: BLIVE 4D 28, LEVIN A8 24, LIVEN A8 24, BLITE 4D 22, BUTLE 4D 22

On 16th draw, YEAS O10 32 --- YEA an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: ESLOYNE A7 30, ALEYE 2F 28, ALEYES 4D 28, EALES 4H 28, AYES 4I 27

On 17th draw, BOOTED 4D 29 --- BOOT to load a program into a computer [v]
Other moves: BEDE 4J 28, DEBONE A8 27, OBTEND A8 27, BOOTEE 4D 26, BED 4J 24

On 18th draw, WEET 5E 34 --- WEET to know [v] --- WEET wet [adj]
Other moves: EWE 5D 28, LEW 5C 26, TEW 5C 26, WEE 5E 26, TWEEN A8 24

On 19th draw, JAIL 6B 33 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: JAVA 3A 32, JIVE K5 28, JUVE K5 28, LAV 3C 25, AJIVA 6H 24
JAIL 6B 33 SQUAW1, argomearns

On 20th draw, MAYVIN A7 42 --- MAYVIN an expert [n]
Other moves: MAUVIN A7 33, MAVIN A8 30, MAY 3C 30, MAY 7A 30, YAMUN A8 30
MAY 7A 30 SQUAW1, argomearns

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