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Game of December 9, 2013 at 06:20, 1 player
1. 87 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeghlx   H3    46    46   exhale
 2. ?efltvw   G2    35    81   tweel
 3. belortu   G8    64   145   boulter
 4. accinos   1D   100   245   cocains
 5. adeinnp  12B    74   319   pinnated
 6. afimrst  15A    99   418   maftirs
 7. adefhio   2J    47   465   hoaed
 8. aeegors   F1    27   492   cees
 9. aeknnry   1L    67   559   kyar
10. aeilntu  13I    70   629   alunite
11. deginou   3K    36   665   dino
12. aegiopr   O7    36   701   pierage
13. eggnsuz   L1    40   741   kaizens
14. aeittvv   M8    65   806   vitative
15. defoorw   K5    40   846   woofed
16. gimoqry   J6    38   884   ygo
17. bgjmoqu  14B    41   925   jo
18. biimrru  15L    33   958   berm
19. giiqruu   E7    34   992   quiring

Remaining tile: u

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6815 Filecharmz      1  3:35  -905   87     1.6815 charmz      1  3:35  -905   87 

On 1st draw, EXHAL(E) H3 46 --- EXHALE to expel air or vapor [v]
Other tops: (E)XHALE H3 46
Other moves: HEL(I)X H8 44, GAL(A)X H8 40, G(A)LAX H8 40, LA(T)EX H8 38, (R)ELAX H8 38

On 2nd draw, TW(E)EL G2 35 --- TWEEL to weave with a twill [v]
Other tops: TWE(E)L G2 35
Other moves: FE(A)L G3 34, FE(A)T G3 34, FE(E)L G3 34, FE(E)T G3 34, FE(S)T G3 34

On 3rd draw, BOULTER G8 64 --- BOULTER a sieve [n]
Other moves: TROUBLE G8 62, TROUBLE I8 62, BO I3 27, BEHOTE 5F 22, LUR(E)X 4D 22

On 4th draw, COCAINS 1D 100 --- COCAIN a narcotic [n]
Other moves: COCAINS 15A 96, CANTICOS 12D 76, COCAINES 13A 74, COCAIN 1D 47, CALICOS 11E 44

On 5th draw, PINNATED 12B 74 --- PINNATED resembling a feather [adj]
Other moves: PINELAND 11C 72, UNPAINED 10G 67, PAINED H10 43, (E)XPAND 4G 30, (E)XPEND 4G 30

On 6th draw, MAFTIRS 15A 99 --- MAFTIR the concluding section of a parashah [n]
Other moves: FIRST 15D 46, FRIST 15D 46, MAIST 15D 40, FASTI 15E 34, FARMOST 9C 33

On 7th draw, HOAED 2J 47 --- HOA to stop [v]
Other moves: FOID 14B 36, HEAD 14B 36, HEID 14B 36, HIED 14B 36, HOED 14B 36

On 8th draw, CEES F1 27 --- CEE the letter C [n]
Other tops: CEAS F1 27, ERASE 3J 27
Other moves: AREG 1L 26, ERGS 3J 25, OGEES 3K 24, OGRES 3K 24, ARES 1L 23

On 9th draw, KYAR 1L 67 --- KYAR a fibre obtained from coconut husks [n]
Other moves: KNAR 1L 55, YEAN 1L 47, YEAR 1L 47, YAK 1M 38, KY F9 36

On 10th draw, ALUNITE 13I 70 --- ALUNITE a mineral [n]
Other tops: RETINULA 14G 70
Other moves: ALUNITE 11I 67, LINEATE 13A 28, ETA 3K 27, ITA 3K 27, NET 3K 27

On 11th draw, DINO 3K 36 --- DINO a dinosaur [n]
Other moves: GEOID 12K 34, DES(E)XING 4D 32, END 3L 32, DEN 3K 30, DIN 3K 30

On 12th draw, PIERAGE O7 36 --- PIERAGE a pier toll [n]
Other moves: GAPER 12K 34, PEAG 14B 32, POPERA B10 32, APOGEE O8 30, OPERA O11 30

On 13th draw, KAIZENS L1 40 --- KAIZEN Japanese business practice which seeks continual improvement [n]
Other moves: KAIZEN L1 38, GENS 4J 37, ZEPS B10 35, ZEP B10 34, ENS 4K 33

On 14th draw, VITATIVE M8 65 --- VITATIVE concerned with the preservation of life [adj]
Other moves: VITAE 13A 28, CAVETTI D1 24, VITA 13A 24, VITE 13A 24, VITAE I6 23

On 15th draw, WOOFED K5 40 --- WOOF to utter a gruff barking sound [v]
Other moves: WOOFER K5 38, FEED 15L 36, FEOD 15L 36, WEED 15L 36, WOOF K5 34
WEED 15L 36 charmz

On 16th draw, YGO J6 38 --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: MOY J4 36, G*Y J4 35, QUIM 10F 35, OY J5 33, G*Y*M J7 32
YA B14 10 charmz

On 17th draw, JO 14B 41 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JUN L11 33, GJU N5 31, BEGO 15L 30, QUIM C10 30, JO N6 29
JO 14B 41 charmz

On 18th draw, BERM 15L 33 --- BERM a ledge [n] --- BERM to provide with a berm (a ledge) [v]
Other moves: MERI 15L 27, CRUMB D1 22, BI M5 19, MI M5 19, MIR 14I 19

On 19th draw, QUIRING E7 34 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: QUIN E9 26, QI 11C 24, QUIRING D7 18, QUIP B9 17, GU 13A 16

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