On 1st draw, INC(A)VED H8 82 --- INCAVE to secrete [v]
Other tops: EVINC(E)D H3 82, (E)VINCED H3 82
Other moves: EVINC(E)D H8 80, INC(A)VED H2 80, (E)VINCED H8 80, EVINC(E)D H6 78, INC(A)VED H6 78 VINED H7 18 mordeckhi
On 2nd draw, SURB(A)SES 11D 86 --- SURBASE a molding or border above the base of a structure [n]
Other tops: RUB(A)SSES 11E 86
Other moves: SUBSERES 13B 74, SUBSERES 13D 62, RUB(A)SSE 11E 32, REBUSES 13G 26, REBUSES 13C 22 BR(A)SES 11F 14 mordeckhi
On 3rd draw, HYMENIAL J8 74 --- HYMENIAL pertaining to hymenium [adj] --- HYMENIUM a layer in certain fungi [adj]
Other moves: HYMENIAL 13E 70, HAILY 10J 42, LEHAYIM 13G 40, HYLISM D7 36, LINHAY 12J 36 SHAM D11 18 mordeckhi
On 4th draw, LOWRIE 15J 39 --- LOWRIE a small parrot [n]
Other moves: HEARIE 8J 30, OARWEED 14B 26, OWRIE K5 26, WEARIED 14B 26, WERO 12A 26 LOWER 15J 12 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, RETIA K5 20 --- RETE an anatomical mesh or network [n]
Other tops: ATRIA K5 20, TIARAED 14B 20
Other moves: AAS I9 18, RADIATA 14F 17, ARISTAE D8 16, ATRESIA D7 16, RITE 12C 16 HEART 8J 9 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, RANG L6 24 --- RING to form a ring (a circular band) around [v]
Other tops: NONG L6 24, RONG L6 24
Other moves: ANGA L7 22, ARGON 12A 20, GRANA 10B 20, NAGOR 12A 20, ORGANA 10A 19 SANG D11 10 mordeckhi
On 7th draw, DIXITS M8 47 --- DIXIT a statement [n]
Other moves: OX 14M 38, DIXIT 12A 36, OXIDISER 6E 34, DIXI 12A 32, OXIDISE 13B 32 TAXIS 7K 20 mordeckhi
On 8th draw, JEFE J2 32 --- JEFE a chief [n]
Other tops: JEREED 6J 32
Other moves: DEF J4 31, JEFE M3 31, REEF J3 31, HINDER 8J 30, NEF J4 30 HINDER 8J 30 mordeckhi
On 9th draw, PT(O)MAINE O8 86 --- PTOMAINE a compound produced by the decomposition of protein [n]
Other tops: IMPAN(A)TE O8 86, IMP(A)NATE O8 86
Other moves: PITMAN(S) N2 82, IMPAN(A)TE 3C 76, IMP(A)NATE 3C 76, PT(O)MAINE 3C 76, ANTISP(A)M D7 74 SPAM D11 16 mordeckhi
On 13th draw, GOEY H1 51 --- GOEY anxious to go [adj]
Other moves: KAYO H1 48, KAGO 1E 39, KAY H1 37, KAIE H1 36, YAGI 1E 36 LAKE C12 16 mordeckhi
On 14th draw, WHIO 1L 42 --- WHIO New Zealand mountain duck [n]
Other tops: WHAE 1L 42, WHEN 1L 42, WHIN 1L 42, WHOA 1L 42
Other moves: INWOVE A8 36, ANOA N1 30, VIEW A12 30, NAOI N2 29, WANE 13B 29 LAWN C12 14 mordeckhi
On 15th draw, FADE F3 31 --- FADE to lose colour or brightness [v]
Other moves: DACE 13B 29, FANE F3 29, CAAED B10 28, FACADE B9 28, ACED 13C 26 VEND A12 24 charmz VANE A12 21 mordeckhi
On 16th draw, CANTONED 14A 76 --- CANTON to divide into cantons (districts) [v]
Other moves: CENTAVO A7 36, CONVENT A9 36, COVENT A10 33, OCTAVE A8 33, AZON 4L 28 VANE A12 21 mordeckhi
On 17th draw, GORE E4 31 --- GORE to pierce with a horn or tusk [v]
Other tops: GORI E4 31, KIR 13B 31
Other moves: GOR E4 29, OKE E5 29, VICE A12 27, KI 13B 25, KOI N13 25
On 18th draw, QUA B10 32 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: VICE A12 27, EUOI 2L 19, EUOI N12 18, OE N4 17, OI N4 17 ALA B12 3 mordeckhi