On 2nd draw, HONOREE 11E 40 --- HONOREE a person receiving an honor [n]
Other moves: HEROE I9 33, HERON I9 33, HONER I9 33, HARE I9 28, HARO I9 28
On 3rd draw, FLEAM 10B 39 --- FLEAM a lancet for bleeding horses [n]
Other moves: FLAMER 12A 37, FEMAL 10J 35, FLEAM 12A 35, FRAME 10J 35, FALTER 10J 34
On 4th draw, WISDOM 12C 38 --- WISDOM the power of true and right discernment [n]
Other moves: SOWND L11 33, TOWNS 10H 33, DISOWN 14F 32, TOWN 10H 32, WINDS 12A 32
On 5th draw, SOAPY L11 39 --- SOAPY containing or resembling soap [adj]
Other tops: BIOPSY L7 39
Other moves: BYLAWS C8 36, BLOWSY C9 34, SOAPY 9A 33, BLOWY C9 32, TOBY 10H 32
On 6th draw, KAPHS 14J 48 --- KAPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: ASHKEY 15G 48
Other moves: HYKES 15K 45, SHAKY 15H 45, HEAVY 15H 42, SHEVA 13F 36, HERS I9 35 SHAKY 15H 45 charmz
On 7th draw, FERULAE G1 66 --- FERULA a flat piece of wood [n]
Other tops: FERULAE I1 66
Other moves: FLARY 15H 41, FERULA 15E 33, LEARY 15H 32, TUFA 10H 32, ALEF 13A 29 FLARY 15H 41 charmz
On 8th draw, UNTIDY 15G 39 --- TIDY neat and orderly [adj] --- TIDY neat and orderly [adj] --- UNTIDY messy [adj] --- UNTIDY messy [adj] --- UNTIDY to make untidy [v] --- UNTIDY to make messy [v]
Other moves: NUDITY 15G 38, UNITY 15H 32, FIAUNT 1G 30, AD H1 27, FUNDI 1G 27 FAINT 1G 24 charmz
On 9th draw, AXE H1 56 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: AX H1 51, EX H1 51, AREG H1 45, FAX 1G 39, ARET H1 37 AXE H1 56 charmz
On 10th draw, ABORTERS N7 62 --- ABORTER one that aborts [n]
Other tops: ARBORETS N7 62, TABORERS N7 62
Other moves: ROBE I1 33, ROB I1 32, BLAWORT C9 30, BLEWART C9 30, BOET I1 29 BRA F6 25 charmz
On 11th draw, WANTIN(G) O1 81 --- WANT to have a desire for [v] --- WANTING something lacking [n]
Other moves: WANTIN(G) 14A 73, WINNA O4 50, WANI(O)N O4 49, WANT(O)N O4 49, WI(G)AN F2 48 TAW O7 37 charmz
On 12th draw, VIG F2 42 --- VIG short form of vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other moves: VIN F2 40, YIN F2 40, YON F2 40, GOV I1 38, YO F2 37
On 13th draw, BELUGA 2J 30 --- BELUGA a white sturgeon [n]
Other moves: BAUR 13K 28, PLEURA 2J 28, TUBE 10H 26, BRU F6 25, GAUR 13K 25 BE M9 16 charmz
On 14th draw, REGULO 4D 28 --- REGULO the scale of temperature in a gas oven [n]
Other tops: REGULI 4D 28
Other moves: LAER 13K 22, ROTON 3K 21, LOOT 13A 20, OLEO 13A 20, RIOT 13A 20
On 15th draw, YATTERED K5 77 --- YATTER to talk idly [v]
Other moves: YATTERED J5 66, DAY M7 31, EYED 13F 31, READY 9A 31, YAAR 13K 31 WARY C12 20 charmz
On 16th draw, ZEIN J6 70 --- ZEIN a simple protein [n]
Other moves: COZE M7 62, COZ M7 59, ZONE M7 54, PIEZO M4 51, ZO M7 46
On 17th draw, CAPO M7 34 --- CAPO a pitch-raising device for fretted instruments [n]
Other moves: CAP L4 33, COP L4 33, QUIPO M1 32, CAP M7 31, COP M7 31
On 18th draw, COVING 14B 31 --- COVING a concave moulding [n]
Other moves: COG L4 30, QUINO M1 28, QUOIN M1 28, CLOWN C9 26, NOG L4 26