On 2nd draw, TERPINOL 8A 89 --- TERPINOL a fragrant liquid [n]
Other moves: POINTER G9 73, DIPTERON 10H 69, (A)TROPINE 5H 68, REPOINT G9 67, REPOINT I9 67
On 3rd draw, KATIPO D4 24 --- KATIPO a New Zealand spider [n]
Other moves: BATIK 4H 22, KENTIA 6F 22, KENTIA F6 22, OAKIER C3 22, POAKA D8 22
On 4th draw, Q(U)ASHEE B2 52 --- QUASHEE a black in the West Indies [n]
Other moves: Q(I)S 10B 44, S(U)Q 10D 44, OSHA(C) I7 39, B(U)QSHA 4H 38, QAD(I)S 10F 36
On 5th draw, DEIONISE F4 63 --- DEIONISE to remove ions from [v]
Other moves: IODISE E1 26, IODISE E5 25, EIDE E3 24, SIDE E3 24, SIDED 10D 24
On 6th draw, PEW E3 36 --- PEW a bench for seating people in church [n]
Other moves: PEWIT E1 34, TEPA E3 33, TEW E3 32, PIETA E2 31, WETA E3 31
On 7th draw, TACNODE 12A 83 --- TACNODE a point of contact between two curves [n]
Other moves: (A)NECDOTA 5H 70, TACNODE I9 68, CANOED 12A 35, CANTED 12A 35, COATED 12A 35
On 8th draw, NORTHING 6H 66 --- NORTHING movement toward the north [n]
Other moves: HOAING B10 36, THON 13B 34, HIANT B10 32, HOI 13C 30, HON 13C 30
On 10th draw, ZOARIA B10 70 --- ZOARIUM a colony of bryozoans [n]
Other moves: ZOA A4 50, ZEA 11E 48, GAZAR O6 45, FORZA E11 44, ZA A4 44
On 11th draw, UNWIFELY 15F 68 --- UNWIFELY not wifely [adj] --- WIFELY of or befitting a wife [adj]
Other moves: FUGLY O4 48, NAIFLY 15A 48, FEYING O1 42, FLYING O1 42, FAINLY 15A 39
On 12th draw, ORANG 14J 32 --- ORANG a large ape [n]
Other moves: GOLDARN O6 30, GRANDLY M9 28, TOAD A12 28, TOLD A12 28, DRAGON O3 27
On 13th draw, MATURED O9 90 --- MATURE to make or become mature [v]
Other moves: MURIATED M3 76, UNDREAMT N5 63, DUMA 13J 41, MARTED O10 37, ARCED C10 36
On 14th draw, AUFS N8 34 --- AUF an elf's child [n]
Other moves: FAVA 15A 33, LAUF 15A 33, FLUISH L1 32, AUF N8 31, AFOUL E10 28 VIS C1 25 charmz
On 15th draw, BEHAVER L4 38 --- BEHAVER one that behaves [n]
Other moves: BEHAVE L4 36, HAVEREL L6 34, BELIVE M3 32, ABOVE E10 30, RELIVE M3 28 AB M8 19 charmz
On 16th draw, TIX 14D 51 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: LOX 14D 51
Other moves: OX 14E 50, TIX M5 37, XI I9 37, TAXI 15A 36, OXY 14D 34 LOX 14D 51 charmz
On 17th draw, JAVA 15A 48 --- JAVA coffee [n]
Other moves: JA A4 36, JO A4 36, CAVA 15A 33, JUCO M1 30, CAJON N2 28 JA A4 36 charmz
On 18th draw, YOU A4 26 --- YOU something identified with the person addressed [n] --- YOU the 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun [pron]
Other moves: CLOY M1 25, COLY M1 25, OYE 11D 24, CLY M2 23, COY M2 23 COY M2 23 charmz