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Game of December 12, 2013 at 06:38, 1 player
1. 154 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bdegln   H4    76    76   bangled
 2. einoprt   8A    89   165   terpinol
 3. aaeikot   D4    24   189   katipo
 4. ?aehoqs   B2    52   241   quashee
 5. deeiios   F4    63   304   deionise
 6. aeiiptw   E3    36   340   pew
 7. acdenot  12A    83   423   tacnode
 8. ghinort   6H    66   489   northing
 9. aemrsuw  H12    42   531   smew
10. aafiorz  B10    70   601   zoaria
11. efilnuy  15F    68   669   unwifely
12. adglnor  14J    32   701   orang
13. ademrtu   O9    90   791   matured
14. afilsuv   N8    34   825   aufs
15. abeelrv   L4    38   863   behaver
16. iilotxy  14D    51   914   tix
17. acjlouv  15A    48   962   java
18. cillouy   A4    26   988   you

Remaining tiles: cill

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6795 Filecharmz      1  5:24  -834  154     1.6795 charmz      1  5:24  -834  154 

On 1st draw, B(A)NGLED H4 76 --- BANGLED wearing bangles [adj]
Other tops: BL(U)NGED H4 76, B(I)NGLED H4 76, B(U)NGLED H4 76
Other moves: BL(U)NGED H6 74, BL(U)NGED H8 74, B(A)NGLED H6 74, B(I)NGLED H6 74, B(U)NGLED H6 74

On 2nd draw, TERPINOL 8A 89 --- TERPINOL a fragrant liquid [n]
Other moves: POINTER G9 73, DIPTERON 10H 69, (A)TROPINE 5H 68, REPOINT G9 67, REPOINT I9 67

On 3rd draw, KATIPO D4 24 --- KATIPO a New Zealand spider [n]
Other moves: BATIK 4H 22, KENTIA 6F 22, KENTIA F6 22, OAKIER C3 22, POAKA D8 22

On 4th draw, Q(U)ASHEE B2 52 --- QUASHEE a black in the West Indies [n]
Other moves: Q(I)S 10B 44, S(U)Q 10D 44, OSHA(C) I7 39, B(U)QSHA 4H 38, QAD(I)S 10F 36

On 5th draw, DEIONISE F4 63 --- DEIONISE to remove ions from [v]
Other moves: IODISE E1 26, IODISE E5 25, EIDE E3 24, SIDE E3 24, SIDED 10D 24

On 6th draw, PEW E3 36 --- PEW a bench for seating people in church [n]
Other moves: PEWIT E1 34, TEPA E3 33, TEW E3 32, PIETA E2 31, WETA E3 31

On 7th draw, TACNODE 12A 83 --- TACNODE a point of contact between two curves [n]
Other moves: (A)NECDOTA 5H 70, TACNODE I9 68, CANOED 12A 35, CANTED 12A 35, COATED 12A 35

On 8th draw, NORTHING 6H 66 --- NORTHING movement toward the north [n]
Other moves: HOAING B10 36, THON 13B 34, HIANT B10 32, HOI 13C 30, HON 13C 30

On 9th draw, SMEW H12 42 --- SMEW an Eurasian duck [n]
Other tops: SWAGER O3 42, SWAM H12 42, SWUM H12 42, WAGERS O4 42
Other moves: MAWGER O3 39, WAGER O4 39, WAGES O4 39, MAHEWUS L4 38, MAHEWU L4 36

On 10th draw, ZOARIA B10 70 --- ZOARIUM a colony of bryozoans [n]
Other moves: ZOA A4 50, ZEA 11E 48, GAZAR O6 45, FORZA E11 44, ZA A4 44

On 11th draw, UNWIFELY 15F 68 --- UNWIFELY not wifely [adj] --- WIFELY of or befitting a wife [adj]
Other moves: FUGLY O4 48, NAIFLY 15A 48, FEYING O1 42, FLYING O1 42, FAINLY 15A 39

On 12th draw, ORANG 14J 32 --- ORANG a large ape [n]
Other moves: GOLDARN O6 30, GRANDLY M9 28, TOAD A12 28, TOLD A12 28, DRAGON O3 27

On 13th draw, MATURED O9 90 --- MATURE to make or become mature [v]
Other moves: MURIATED M3 76, UNDREAMT N5 63, DUMA 13J 41, MARTED O10 37, ARCED C10 36

On 14th draw, AUFS N8 34 --- AUF an elf's child [n]
Other moves: FAVA 15A 33, LAUF 15A 33, FLUISH L1 32, AUF N8 31, AFOUL E10 28
VIS C1 25 charmz

On 15th draw, BEHAVER L4 38 --- BEHAVER one that behaves [n]
Other moves: BEHAVE L4 36, HAVEREL L6 34, BELIVE M3 32, ABOVE E10 30, RELIVE M3 28
AB M8 19 charmz

On 16th draw, TIX 14D 51 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: LOX 14D 51
Other moves: OX 14E 50, TIX M5 37, XI I9 37, TAXI 15A 36, OXY 14D 34
LOX 14D 51 charmz

On 17th draw, JAVA 15A 48 --- JAVA coffee [n]
Other moves: JA A4 36, JO A4 36, CAVA 15A 33, JUCO M1 30, CAJON N2 28
JA A4 36 charmz

On 18th draw, YOU A4 26 --- YOU something identified with the person addressed [n] --- YOU the 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun [pron]
Other moves: CLOY M1 25, COLY M1 25, OYE 11D 24, CLY M2 23, COY M2 23
COY M2 23 charmz

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