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Game of December 14, 2013 at 16:08, 2 players
1. 187 pts jimling
2. 114 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abcelsu   H4    78    78   bascule
 2. aefgirt  10B    72   150   figeater
 3. ?adnost   5E    82   232   ondatras
 4. eeprstu   K1    60   292   epurates
 5. ?aacfir   F7    68   360   faradaic
 6. aeghiuu   8K    30   390   saugh
 7. aehjqrt   L1    43   433   hates
 8. ilnostt   N1    72   505   slotting
 9. eiloorx   9A    40   545   rex
10. deemnpr  12E    82   627   dampener
11. imnoouy  H12    33   660   pumy
12. bdiiioy  11I    32   692   yob
13. aijnoqr   4B    35   727   rioja
14. aeiinoz   6A    44   771   azine
15. eiilnow   7A    26   797   won
16. eilnoqw   3C    46   843   qi
17. deklnov  13K    26   869   devon
18. eegilow  O11    30   899   wongi
19. deeiklo  14H    33   932   miked

Remaining tiles: eillov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6785 Filejimling     0  4:18  -745  187     1.7310 SQUAW1      1  2:43  -818  114 
  2.7310 FileSQUAW1      1  2:43  -818  114            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6785 jimling     0  4:18  -745  187 

On 1st draw, BASCULE H4 78 --- BASCULE a type of seesaw [n]
Other moves: BASCULE H2 74, BASCULE H3 74, BASCULE H6 74, BASCULE H7 74, BASCULE H8 74
CABLES H4 26 jimling

On 2nd draw, FIGEATER 10B 72 --- FIGEATER a large beetle [n]
Other moves: FIGEATER 10E 66, FRIGATES 6A 66, FRUITAGE 8F 64, FIGURATE 8E 63, BAREFIT 4H 24
FRIGATES 6A 66 jimling

On 3rd draw, ONDAT(R)AS 5E 82 --- ONDATRA a large American vole [n]
Other tops: ASTON(I)ED E4 82, OD(O)NATES E4 82, SA(L)TANDO 5D 82, TA(C)NODES E4 82, TO(R)NADES E4 82, (E)NDOSTEA E4 82, (O)DONATES E4 82
Other moves: ONST(E)AD J8 78, ASTO(U)ND J9 76, DANTO(N)S J4 76, DONAT(E)S J4 76, DON(N)ATS J4 76
DONATES E5 32 jimling

On 4th draw, EPURATES K1 60 --- EPURATE to purify [v]
Other moves: REPUTE 9A 30, SETUP J10 30, STEEP J10 30, STREP J10 30, ERES 11E 28
STEEP J10 30 jimling

On 5th draw, FARA(D)AIC F7 68 --- FARADAIC pertaining to a type of electric current [adj]
Other moves: REFAC(E) 1J 42, C(H)IEF 1H 39, FAR(E)S L1 39, FECIA(L) 1J 39, FIR(E)S L1 39
CARAFE 1F 33 jimling

On 6th draw, SAUGH 8K 30 --- SAUGH a willow tree [n]
Other moves: HAG L1 27, HUGE(R) J1 26, HUER 9C 25, FAUGH B10 24, GE(R)AH J3 24

On 7th draw, HATES L1 43 --- HATE to despise [v]
Other tops: HARES L1 43
Other moves: JAGER D8 42, REHEAT 1J 39, HIJRA C9 38, HAJ 4C 35, HEJIRA 13C 34

On 8th draw, SLOTTING N1 72 --- SLOT to cut a long, narrow opening in [v]
Other moves: STOTIN J10 25, STILT J10 24, STINT J10 24, STOIT J10 24, STOLN J10 24

On 9th draw, REX 9A 40 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other tops: LEX 9A 40, LOX 9A 40
Other moves: EX 9B 39, OX 9B 39, OORIE O1 33, FLEXOR B10 32, FOXIER B10 32

On 10th draw, DAMPENER 12E 82 --- DAMPENER one that dampens [n]
Other moves: DAMPENER L7 79, MENDER A4 36, DEMIREP 13C 32, EMPARED 12C 26, ENARMED 12D 26

On 11th draw, PUMY H12 33 --- PUMY a pebble [n]
Other moves: YOM 11I 32, YUM 11I 32, MOONY 4A 31, MOONY 11K 30, IMINO 13F 29

On 12th draw, YOB 11I 32 --- YOB a hooligan [n]
Other moves: BODY 11K 30, DOBY 11K 28, Y*D 11I 28, YOB 11K 28, YOD 11I 28

On 13th draw, RIOJA 4B 35 --- RIOJA a dry red Spanish wine [n]
Other moves: ROJI 4C 33, JAR A7 30, JOR A7 30, MAJOR 14H 30, QADI G3 30

On 14th draw, AZINE 6A 44 --- AZINE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ZINE 6B 43, ZONE 6B 43, NAZIR A5 42, ZEIN 13K 42, ZONER A5 42

On 15th draw, WON 7A 26 --- WON to dwell [v]
Other tops: LEW 5A 26, NEW 5A 26
Other moves: LAWER A5 24, WALER A5 24, LONE 7A 23, WO 7A 21, EON 7A 20

On 16th draw, QI 3C 46 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: LAWER A5 24, QI C3 22, OLEIN 13J 20, WO G14 20, ION O1 19

On 17th draw, DEVON 13K 26 --- DEVON one of a breed of small, hardy cattle [n]
Other moves: LAWER A5 24, DEV 13K 22, DOUK M6 21, LEK 13K 21, LEUKON M6 21

On 18th draw, WONGI O11 30 --- WONGI to chat [v]
Other tops: GNOW O12 30, WENGE O11 30, WINGE O11 30
Other moves: ENEW O12 24, ENOW O12 24, LAWER A5 24, WEE 14J 24, WE 14N 22

On 19th draw, MIKED 14H 33 --- MIKE to amplify or record by use of a microphone [v]
Other moves: KED 14J 29, MIKE 14H 27, MOKE 14H 27, FICKLED 7F 26, KOLO N10 25

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