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Game of December 21, 2013 at 07:43, 2 players
1. 509 pts fatcat
2. 366 pts jimling

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abeipt   H2    76    76   baptise
 2. ?aiijrt   3C    40   116   tinaja
 3. cnoosuy   2D    30   146   soy
 4. addeiot   9F    73   219   iodated
 5. ceeiosv   5D   102   321   covetise
 6. aemprty   1A    55   376   tamper
 7. ghinotu   J7    66   442   outnight
 8. diknstu   L1    44   486   kinds
 9. adehnou   2J    36   522   hoiden
10. cefnooy   8L    37   559   oofy
11. aeenrrs  15D    87   646   earners
12. aeeglrx  13H    48   694   exhale
13. aelmouw   1L    43   737   kame
14. aceglnu  11E    40   777   angelic
15. binoqrt   7M    25   802   bin
16. fgilorv   8A    50   852   frivol
17. aiqruuz  10B    53   905   quiz
18. alrtuww  12H    31   936   wag
19. glrtuuw  12B    23   959   trug

Remaining tiles: lruw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6537 Filefatcat      1 17:57  -450  509     1.6537 fatcat      1 17:57  -450  509 
  2.6700 Filejimling     0 11:54  -593  366     2.6700 jimling     0 11:54  -593  366 

On 1st draw, BAPTI(S)E H2 76 --- BAPTISE to administer baptism [v]
Other tops: BAPTI(S)E H4 76, BAPTI(Z)E H2 76, BAPTI(Z)E H4 76, BEPAI(N)T H2 76, BEPAI(N)T H4 76, PATIB(L)E H4 76, PATIB(L)E H8 76
Other moves: BAPTI(S)E H3 72, BAPTI(S)E H6 72, BAPTI(S)E H8 72, BAPTI(Z)E H3 72, BAPTI(Z)E H6 72
P(L)ATE H4 18 fatcat

On 2nd draw, TI(N)AJA 3C 40 --- TINAJA an earthenware jar [n]
Other moves: RAJ G1 39, TAJ G1 39, (H)AJ G1 38, (R)AJ G1 38, (T)AJ G1 38
RAJ G1 39 fatcat
JAR 9F 22 jimling

On 3rd draw, SOY 2D 30 --- SOY the soybean [n]
Other moves: CONY 4B 28, COSY 4B 28, NYS I1 28, OYS I1 28, OY 2E 27
SOY 2D 30 fatcat
COYS 9E 24 jimling

On 4th draw, IODATED 9F 73 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other tops: IODATED 9B 73, TOADIED 9B 73, TOADIED 9E 73
Other moves: IODATED G7 68, TOADIED G6 68, TOADIED I6 68, TOADIED G8 63, TOADIED I8 63
DATED 9H 20 fatcat
DATED 9D 20 jimling

On 5th draw, COVETISE 5D 102 --- COVETISE ardent desire [n]
Other moves: COVETISE J5 67, COSTIVE 5E 48, VOICES 8A 44, VOICE 4A 42, COSIE I1 32
VISE I1 30 fatcat
VICES 10B 24 jimling

On 6th draw, TAMPER 1A 55 --- TAMPER to interfere in a harmful manner [v]
Other moves: TYMP 1A 50, YRAPT 1A 49, TRYP 1A 44, MATEY 8K 41, MEATY 8K 41
TAMP 1A 41 jimling
PARTY 8K 41 fatcat

On 7th draw, OUTNIGHT J7 66 --- OUTNIGHT to surpass in mentioning nights [v]
Other tops: (S)HOUTING 7H 66
Other moves: HOUTING(S) 7A 64, (S)OUTHING 7H 63, HOING 8K 39, HONGI 8K 39, NOUGHT 8A 38
HUNG 4K 21 fatcat
DOTH L9 16 jimling

On 8th draw, KINDS L1 44 --- KIND a class of similar or related objects or individuals [n] --- KIND to beget [v]
Other moves: DINKS 15F 43, DUNKS 15F 43, KINDS 15F 43, KNITS L1 42, KNUTS L1 42
DUNKS 15F 43 jimling
DINKS 15F 43 fatcat

On 9th draw, HOIDEN 2J 36 --- HOIDEN to act like a tomboy [v]
Other tops: HAINED 2J 36, KHUD 1L 36, UNHEAD 8A 36
Other moves: KHAN 1L 33, KOHA 1L 33, KUEH 1L 33, AHED 8L 31, ODAH 8L 31
HOUND 10B 28 jimling, fatcat

On 10th draw, OOFY 8L 37 --- OOFY expensive, ostentatious [adj]
Other moves: OOFY 10D 36, KENO 1L 35, FY 10F 34, CHOOF 13I 32, FOGEY 12H 32
YO 1N 26 jimling
FE 1N 26 fatcat

On 11th draw, EARNERS 15D 87 --- EARNER one that earns [n]
Other tops: REEARNS 15D 87
Other moves: YEARNERS O8 86, TERRANES A1 77, REEARNS 10A 67, REARISEN 11F 66, RARENES(S) 7A 59
EARNERS 15D 37 fatcat
NEARS 15F 28 jimling

On 12th draw, EXHALE 13H 48 --- EXHALE to expel air or vapor [v]
Other moves: AX 2A 38, EX 2A 38, AXEL C12 30, HEXER 13J 30, FAX N8 29
AX 2A 38 jimling
FAX N8 29 fatcat

On 13th draw, KAME 1L 43 --- KAME a ridge of gravel or sand left by a glacier [n]
Other moves: ANEW O1 33, ANOW O1 33, ENOW O1 33, UNMEW O1 33, WEM 7M 33
ANEW O1 33 jimling
WO 1N 26 fatcat

On 14th draw, ANGELIC 11E 40 --- ANGELIC pertaining to an angel (a winged celestial being) [adj]
Other tops: GALENIC 11E 40
Other moves: CUNEAL 8A 29, GLANCE 12J 28, CUNEAL C10 24, GLEN 7L 24, CANGLE 12C 23
GLANCE 12C 23 jimling
CLEAN 12D 19 fatcat

On 15th draw, BIN 7M 25 --- BIN to store in a large receptacle [v]
Other tops: BIO 7M 25, BON 7M 25
Other moves: QI 12D 24, BIONT 12A 22, ROIN 7L 22, NIB 7M 21, NOB 7M 21
BORN 12B 14 fatcat

On 16th draw, FRIVOL 8A 50 --- FRIVOL to behave playfully [v]
Other moves: FRIVOL C10 32, VIGOR 12A 28, GO 6N 24, FOIL C12 22, NOG 3L 22
FLOG L12 20 fatcat

On 17th draw, QUIZ 10B 53 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: QUAIR 12A 50, IZAR B5 33, QUIZ C6 33, RIZA B8 33, RIZ B8 32
QUIZ C6 33 fatcat

On 18th draw, WAG 12H 31 --- WAG to move briskly up and down or to and fro [v]
Other moves: WRAWL 14A 29, QUART B10 28, WAWL C12 28, WAWL 14B 27, RUGA 12H 25
RAW 14M 14 fatcat

On 19th draw, TRUG 12B 23 --- TRUG a gardener's basket [n]
Other moves: LUG 12C 21, RUG 12C 21, TUG 12C 21, UG 12D 19, GU 12E 18
RUG 12C 21 fatcat

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