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Game of December 22, 2013 at 07:28, 2 players
1. 378 pts jimling
2. 209 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abcegos   H4    80    80   boscage
 2. ?einqrt   8H   128   208   antiquer
 3. acdinrs   5D    94   302   sardonic
 4. deenott   4A    26   328   denote
 5. ?ehiotv   E1    64   392   hortative
 6. abeiilr   O2    63   455   libraire
 7. ainootu   L8    30   485   quinta
 8. ejlmotz   N6    53   538   joe
 9. eelorst   1E    86   624   hosteler
10. deiouwz   A4    48   672   dozed
11. aeelpsy  14J    52   724   yelps
12. aegnorw  15E    90   814   wagoner
13. aadfimu  14B    61   875   madafu
14. egiknou   B2    37   912   keeno
15. afhilrx   2D    54   966   fox
16. ghmptuy  15A    38  1004   gym
17. aailptv  13C    42  1046   pav
18. airtuuw   C6    21  1067   aw
19. hiiirtu  13G    29  1096   hurt

Remaining tiles: iiilu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6655 Filejimling     2 10:08  -718  378     1.7302 SQUAW1      3  5:56  -887  209 
  2.7302 FileSQUAW1      3  5:56  -887  209            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6655 jimling     2 10:08  -718  378 

On 1st draw, BOSCAGE H4 80 --- BOSCAGE a thicket [n]
Other tops: BOCAGES H2 80, BOCAGES H4 80
Other moves: BOCAGES H8 78, BOSCAGE H7 78, BOCAGES H3 76, BOCAGES H6 76, BOCAGES H7 76

On 2nd draw, ANTIQ(U)ER 8H 128 --- ANTIQUER one that antiques [n]
Other moves: SQ(U)INTER 6H 68, Q(U)AINTER 8F 67, ENQ(U)IRE 10H 37, INQ(U)ERE 10D 37, Q(U)INTES 6B 37

On 3rd draw, SARDONIC 5D 94 --- SARDONIC mocking [adj]
Other tops: ACRIDINS K5 94
Other moves: ACRIDINS K3 72, ACRIDIN K5 40, SARONIC 5E 36, QINDARS L8 34, INROADS 5E 32

On 4th draw, DENOTE 4A 26 --- DENOTE to indicate [v]
Other moves: DENET 4A 22, DONEE 4A 22, NOTED 4A 21, TONED 4A 21, TOTED 4A 21

On 5th draw, HO(R)TATIVE E1 64 --- HORTATIVE [adj]
Other moves: OVERHIT(S) O5 63, OVERTHI(N) O5 63, OVE(R)HIT B2 40, DOVEI(S)H A4 39, THE(A)VE B2 38

On 6th draw, LIBRAIRE O2 63 --- LIBRAIRE a bookseller [n]
Other moves: LIBRAIRE O5 61, HIRABLE 1E 36, BELAH 1A 33, HABILE 1E 33, HERBAL 1E 33

On 7th draw, QUINTA L8 30 --- QUINTA a country estate in Portugal or Latin America [n]
Other tops: QUAINT L8 30, QUINOA L8 30
Other moves: QUANT L8 28, QUINA L8 28, QUINO L8 28, QUINT L8 28, QUOIN L8 28

On 8th draw, JOE N6 53 --- JOE a fellow [n]
Other moves: ZEL 14J 48, ZOEAL 13I 48, ZOL 14J 48, ZLOTE 14K 44, JOLE 14J 43

On 9th draw, HOSTELER 1E 86 --- HOSTELER an innkeeper [n]
Other moves: SOLERET 14H 84, SLOETREE B1 70, SOLERET F9 63, LORETTES 12H 60, LORETTES 12G 59

On 10th draw, DOZED A4 48 --- DOZE to sleep lightly [v]
Other moves: ZOWIE 2D 42, WIZ M13 40, WEIZED B3 39, WEIZE B3 37, DZO F9 36
DOZED A4 48 jimling

On 11th draw, YELPS 14J 52 --- YELP to utter a sharp, shrill cry [v]
Other moves: PEEOY 2B 49, SEPOY 2B 49, PALSY 14J 48, YALES 14J 48, PALES 14J 42
ESPY 14K 34 jimling

On 12th draw, WAGONER 15E 90 --- WAGONER one who drives a waggon [n]
Other moves: WAGONER D9 79, GNAWER 15F 37, GOWAN 15G 34, WAGER 15G 34, WAGON 15G 34
WAGONER D9 79 jimling

On 13th draw, MADAFU 14B 61 --- MADAFU (African) coconut milk [n]
Other moves: FUM 14F 36, FAD 14F 34, FUD 14F 34, AMA 14E 29, AMID B6 29
DOF 2D 28 jimling

On 14th draw, KEENO B2 37 --- KEENO a game of chance [n]
Other moves: KEN 13C 35, KIN 13C 35, KON 13C 35, NUKE 13A 35, OKE 13B 33
KON 13C 35 jimling

On 15th draw, FOX 2D 54 --- FOX to outwit [v]
Other tops: HOX 2D 54
Other moves: FAX 15A 52, FIX 15A 52, LOX 2D 51, OX 2E 50, OX F1 50
HOX 2D 54 jimling

On 16th draw, GYM 15A 38 --- GYM a room for athletic activities [n]
Other moves: HUMP 13G 37, YUMP 13G 37, THY 13A 35, YMPT 13G 35, MYTH 13G 34
PUY 15A 33 jimling
H(U)M M7 31 SQUAW1

On 17th draw, PAV 13C 42 --- PAV short form of pavlova, a sweet meringue [n]
Other moves: LAV 13C 34, TAV 13C 34, PAL 13C 33, PAT 13C 33, PIT 13C 33
PAL 13C 33 jimling

On 18th draw, AW C6 21 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: AIRT C6 18, AITU C6 18, ARTI C6 18, TAUIWI 3J 18, WARB 4L 18
WAD D12 14 jimling

On 19th draw, HURT 13G 29 --- HURT to injure [v]
Other moves: H(U)RT M7 26, HUI K10 23, H(U)T M7 23, RUTH 13G 23, HIT 13G 22
HI 15N 20 jimling

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