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Game of December 23, 2013 at 07:56, 1 player
1. 48 pts jimling

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acirswy   H8    28    28   scray
 2. ?aiilsy   8A    83   111   dialysis
 3. ?ehinoz   B3    73   184   hominize
 4. einrttw  13C    85   269   twinter
 5. ddelops   J7    76   345   poddles
 6. abeegop   A1    45   390   beep
 7. eginorv   E5    56   446   revying
 8. adeilnt   1A    86   532   bidental
 9. abdelmu  A10    44   576   ambled
10. aefirtu   K4    30   606   treifa
11. eooqrsu   4H    52   658   quoters
12. aaeertu   2H    70   728   aureate
13. ahinoov   3L    27   755   van
14. finouuw   1K    25   780   of
15. ajkmoou   L9    32   812   mojo
16. aggnowx   7E    40   852   vox
17. chiknow  M10    47   899   howk
18. aciintu   6D    22   921   tec
19. aggiinu  N12    20   941   nag

Remaining tiles: giiuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6645 Filejimling     0  1:14  -893   48     1.6645 jimling     0  1:14  -893   48 

On 1st draw, SCRAY H8 28 --- SCRAY the tern [n]
Other tops: SCARY H8 28, SCRAW H8 28
Other moves: CRAWS H4 26, CRAYS H4 26, WAIRS H4 24, CRAWS H8 22, CRAYS H8 22
CRAWS H4 26 jimling

On 2nd draw, (D)IALYSIS 8A 83 --- DIALYSIS the separation of substances in a solution by diffusion through a membrane [n]
Other moves: (D)IALYSIS 8C 61, I(N)YALAS 11E 36, I(N)LAYS 13C 35, SYL(V)IA 13H 35, (B)IALYS 13C 35
LAYS 13E 22 jimling

On 3rd draw, HO(M)INIZE B3 73 --- HOMINIZE to alter the environment to conform with evolving man [v]
Other tops: HIZ(Z)ONER 10A 73, HI(Z)ZONER 10A 73, HO(M)INIZE B5 73
Other moves: (G)ENIZAH C3 64, ION(I)ZE 13C 59, (I)ONIZE 13C 59, OZE(K)I 7B 54, AZIONE C8 50

On 4th draw, TWINTER 13C 85 --- TWINTER a two year old animal [n]
Other tops: WRITTEN 13C 85
Other moves: TWINTERS F1 71, TREW A1 47, WINTER A10 35, WITTER A10 35, REWIN C2 34

On 5th draw, PODDLES J7 76 --- PODDLE to amble at leisure [v]
Other moves: DISPLODE 6A 64, SLOPED A1 52, SLOPE A1 43, SPODE A1 41, PEDALOS 11E 40

On 6th draw, BEEP A1 45 --- BEEP to honk a horn [v]
Other tops: BOEP A1 45
Other moves: GEEP A1 42, PEAGE A1 41, PEAG A1 37, PEAGE 12B 33, APOGEE A10 32

On 7th draw, REVYING E5 56 --- REVIE to stake higher [v]
Other moves: ROVING A10 44, ENVIRO A10 41, OVERGO 8J 33, RENVOI A10 32, REGION A10 29

On 8th draw, BIDENTAL 1A 86 --- BIDENTAL a place struck by lightning then consecrated [n] --- BIDENTAL having two teeth [adj]
Other moves: NIDATE A10 29, DEIGN 11B 28, DINGE 11B 28, DANG 11B 27, DENIAL A10 27

On 9th draw, AMBLED A10 44 --- AMBLE to saunter [v]
Other moves: BEDLAM A10 43, BEMAUL A10 43, BALMED A10 40, BELDAM A10 40, BLAMED A10 40

On 10th draw, TREIFA K4 30 --- TREIFA not kosher also TREF, TREFA, TREFAH [adj]
Other tops: TREF F3 30
Other moves: REF F4 29, TEF F4 29, EF F5 28, TREFA K5 28, AFIRE K5 25

On 11th draw, QUOTERS 4H 52 --- QUOTER one that quotes [n]
Other tops: ROQUETS 4F 52
Other moves: QUOTER 4H 50, QUOTES 4H 50, QUOTE 4H 48, QUESTOR 4G 34, SUQ I1 34

On 12th draw, AUREATE 2H 70 --- AUREATE golden [adj]
Other moves: EATER L6 24, RATE L6 23, RETE L6 23, AERATE 2E 20, AREAE 2C 20

On 13th draw, VAN 3L 27 --- VAN to transport in a van (a type of motor vehicle) [v]
Other tops: NAH 3L 27, NOH 3L 27
Other moves: NOAH 3L 26, OHIA 1K 26, AHI 1M 25, AHI 3M 24, OHO 3M 24

On 14th draw, OF 1K 25 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: OW 1K 25, WOF D4 25
Other moves: WOF C4 23, OWN 1J 22, WO 1N 22, WINO L9 21, FIN 5G 19

On 15th draw, MOJO L9 32 --- MOJO a magic charm [n]
Other moves: JAM D4 30, KA 1N 26, KO 1N 26, MAKO L9 26, MOKO L9 26

On 16th draw, VOX 7E 40 --- VOX voice [n]
Other tops: AXON M11 40
Other moves: WAX M10 36, WOX M10 36, WONGA M10 34, WANG M10 32, WAX M12 31

On 17th draw, HOWK M10 47 --- HOWK to dig [v]
Other moves: HOICK M10 44, HOIK M10 38, HONK M10 38, WONK M10 38, NEK 6D 34

On 18th draw, TEC 6D 22 --- TEC detective [n]
Other tops: TIC N12 22
Other moves: UNWIT D11 21, RICIN 5E 20, TAIN N12 20, CIT 5G 18, NAT N12 18

On 19th draw, NAG N12 20 --- NAG to find fault incessantly [v]
Other moves: GIG 5G 19, EHING 3A 18, GIN 5G 17, AIN 5G 16, IGG N13 16

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