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Game of December 23, 2013 at 10:16, 2 players
1. 265 pts kellybelly
2. 33 pts jimling

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. einnoqu   H4   102   102   quinone
 2. ?firrst   5D    90   192   fritures
 3. adehitt   8C    63   255   athetoid
 4. adeeloo   4B    27   282   aloed
 5. adegrsu  11H    85   367   sugared
 6. acelosy   L8    90   457   coarsely
 7. bdgmnou  15H    33   490   bungy
 8. eimopyz   8L    54   544   cozy
 9. adefikl   7F    42   586   finked
10. ?acnttx   6J    54   640   xu
11. eilmort   C8    76   716   amitrole
12. aiopptw   3B    33   749   paw
13. aeglotv  15A    36   785   laevo
14. acemors  13E    68   853   racemose
15. aaeijnt  12A    42   895   jarta
16. ehinnov   A4    59   954   hoven
17. egiinpt  B10    28   982   peag
18. beeintu   H1    66  1048   ubiquinones
19. eeiinrt   2H    74  1122   benitier

Remaining tiles: inw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7565 Filekellybelly  1  9:29  -857  265     1.7565 kellybelly  1  9:29  -857  265 
  2.6645 Filejimling     0  1:11 -1089   33            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6645 jimling     0  1:11 -1089   33 

On 1st draw, QUINONE H4 102 --- QUINONE a crystalline derivative of aniline [n]
Other moves: QUINONE H2 84, QUINONE H3 84, QUINONE H6 84, QUINONE H7 84, QUINONE H8 84

On 2nd draw, FRITUR(E)S 5D 90 --- FRITURE a dish of fried food [n]
Other moves: FRUIT(E)RS 5F 70, FR(A)TRIES 10B 70, FR(O)STIER 10B 70, FURRI(E)ST 5G 70, F(E)RRITES 10B 70
FIRST 11E 33 jimling

On 3rd draw, ATHETOID 8C 63 --- ATHETOID affected with a type of nervous disorder [adj]
Other moves: HADE 4A 34, HIDE 4A 34, HATE 4A 32, HEAD 4C 31, HIED 4C 31

On 4th draw, ALOED 4B 27 --- ALOED pertaining to aloe [adj]
Other tops: DOOLAN 9C 27, LOOED 4B 27
Other moves: LEAD 4C 25, LEADEN 7C 25, LEADEN 9C 25, LEED 4C 25, LOAD 4C 25

On 5th draw, SUGARED 11H 85 --- SUGAR to cover with sugar (a sweet carbohydrate) [v]
Other tops: DESUGAR 11F 85
Other moves: GUARDEES 10B 68, GUARDEES 10C 64, DEGRAS 11C 33, GRADES 11C 33, GRADUS 11C 33

On 6th draw, COARSELY L8 90 --- COARSE rough [adv] --- COARSELY in a coarse manner [adv]
Other moves: COALY B2 36, SCALY B2 36, CREASY L10 30, CYANO 7E 30, CYANS 7E 30

On 7th draw, BUNGY 15H 33 --- BUNGY a strong rubber rope [n]
Other tops: BUNDY 15H 33
Other moves: COMB 8L 30, DUNGY 15H 30, GUNDY 15H 30, MOUND 6J 29, OUNDY 15H 27

On 8th draw, COZY 8L 54 --- COZY snug and comfortable [adj] --- COZY to attempt to get on friendly terms [v]
Other moves: MOZE 7A 48, PIZE 7A 48, COZE 8L 45, MIZ 7A 45, MOZ 7A 45

On 9th draw, FINKED 7F 42 --- FINK to inform to the police [v]
Other tops: FADLIKE C7 42
Other moves: FIKED 6J 39, KIEF 7C 39, FAIKED 4J 38, FANK 7F 36, FINK 7F 36
FIKED 6J 39 kellybelly

On 10th draw, X(U) 6J 54 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: COXA(E) 9K 53, COXA 9K 49, COX(A) 9K 47, (C)OXA 9K 46, (M)OXA 9K 46
X(U) 6J 54 kellybelly

On 11th draw, AMITROLE C8 76 --- AMITROLE an herbicide [n]
Other moves: MOTELIER 13F 74, MOER 9C 29, MOIT 9C 29, TOMO 9K 27, LAMITER C7 26
TOMO 9K 27 kellybelly

On 12th draw, PAW 3B 33 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other tops: P**P 15A 33
Other moves: WANT 9F 30, PAW B13 29, WAP B13 29, AWETO 15A 27, PAPAW 10K 27
WIZ N6 23 kellybelly

On 13th draw, LAEVO 15A 36 --- LAEVO turning towards the left [adj]
Other moves: GLEAVE 15A 33, OLLAV 14B 32, VEGETAL 13I 30, VOLTAGE 14A 30, VORLAGE 12A 30

On 14th draw, RACEMOSE 13E 68 --- RACEMOSE having the form of a raceme [adj]
Other moves: CZARDOMS N7 48, COMAE 9K 35, MEANS 9E 34, SCROME 14E 32, CAREMES 13G 30

On 15th draw, JARTA 12A 42 --- JARTA a term of endearment [n]
Other moves: JIZ N6 35, HANJAR E8 32, JANE 10K 29, HAJI E8 28, JAPAN B1 28
JIN 10B 26 kellybelly

On 16th draw, HOVEN A4 59 --- HOVEN relating to a cattle disease [adj]
Other moves: OHIA B9 34, EH B9 30, OH B9 30, OHO 9L 30, HIVE A4 28
OHO 9L 30 kellybelly

On 17th draw, PEAG B10 28 --- PEAG a form of currency once used by North American Indians [n]
Other moves: PEAN B10 26, PEAT B10 26, PIAN B10 26, TIPI 11C 24, TIPT 11C 24
PIAN B10 26 kellybelly

On 18th draw, UBIQUINONES H1 66 --- UBIQUINONE [n]
Other moves: BIZE N6 21, BEZ N6 20, BIZ N6 20, BANE 10K 19, BANI 10K 19
BIZE N6 21 kellybelly

On 19th draw, BENITIER 2H 74 --- BENITIER a holy-water font [n]
Other moves: BENTIER 2H 22, MEER 9C 19, MEET 9C 19, MEIN 9C 19, MIEN 9C 19
MEET 9C 19 kellybelly

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