On 1st draw, IONIZE H8 50 --- IONIZE to convert into ions [v]
Other tops: AZIONE H3 50
Other moves: ZONAE H4 48, AZIONE H4 32, AZIONE H7 32, AZIONE H8 32, IONIZE H3 32 ZONAE H4 48 Grace_Tjie
On 2nd draw, SOLDIERY 11D 98 --- SOLDIERY the military profession [n]
Other moves: YODLERS 14B 92, YODLERS 14F 88, YODLERS 7E 80, YODLERS 14C 79, YODELERS 13C 78 ODES I12 23 Grace_Tjie
On 3rd draw, MASTY 14F 40 --- MASTY of the nature of masts [adj]
Other moves: MALTY 12A 35, MASTY 12A 35, AMYLS 14D 34, GYMS 14E 34, LYMS 14E 33 SAY 14H 30 Grace_Tjie
On 4th draw, TEARDROP E5 72 --- TEARDROP a tear [n]
Other tops: PREDATOR E5 72
Other moves: TEARDROP 9B 66, PRORATED 9F 65, PREDATOR 9B 64, PROTRADE 9F 64, PARROTED 9D 63 PEAT 12A 22 Grace_Tjie
On 5th draw, BOON(I)ES 15A 83 --- BOONIES a backwoods area [n]
Other tops: OBEN(T)OS 15A 83
Other moves: BON(G)OES 15A 80, BO(L)ONEYS K5 74, BON(G)OES F1 70, BOON(I)ES F1 69, BOONE(R)S F1 65 BEN(D)S 13A 24 Grace_Tjie
On 6th draw, A(C)TINIAE 5C 57 --- ACTINIA a marine animal [n]
Other moves: ANI(S)E 13B 24, (S)ENE 13E 24, ANE(M)IA 15J 23, ANI(L)E 7E 22, A(L)ANE 7G 22 NIP 12C 14 Grace_Tjie
On 7th draw, FIRKIN H1 54 --- FIRKIN a small cask for liquids, butter or fish [n]
Other moves: KEFIR 4H 52, REIKI H1 42, FLANKER C3 40, KEEF 13G 40, KEFIR 8A 39 FINK 6J 32 Grace_Tjie
On 8th draw, DOWTS 13A 30 --- DOWT a cigarette-end [n]
Other tops: DOWLS 13A 30, WOLDS 13A 30
Other moves: DOWS 13B 28, LOWTS 13A 28, OWL 14A 28, OWT 14A 28, WUDS 13B 28 WOLDS 13A 30 charmz WO 14B 22 Grace_Tjie
On 9th draw, VARIX F2 64 --- VARIX a varicose vein [n]
Other moves: VERNIX F1 59, NIXE F4 54, NIX F4 51, AX 14A 44, EX 14A 44 EX 14A 44 charmz HEX 6J 34 Grace_Tjie
On 10th draw, JUD G9 38 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: P**PPOEP 12B 31, JEER 10B 29, JOUR 10B 29, JUPE J2 29, JOG G7 28 JUD G9 38 charmz JO 12B 23 Grace_Tjie
On 11th draw, TAMPED A8 36 --- TAMP to pack down by tapping [v]
Other tops: TOMBED A8 36
Other moves: EMPART 8A 33, *B*ABO 14A 32, KEMBO 4H 32, KEMPT 4H 32, BAMPOT 13J 31 MOPER 8A 30 charmz MOPE 6J 24 Grace_Tjie
On 12th draw, BEAGLING C3 78 --- BEAGLING hunting with beagles [n]
Other moves: BEING 13G 28, BEEN 13G 26, BEIN 13G 26, BINGLE 13J 25, BINGLE 4J 24 BEGIN 4J 20 charmz BLING 4J 20 Grace_Tjie
On 13th draw, HOLED 6J 34 --- HOLE to make a hole (a cavity in a solid) [v]
Other moves: HOE 14B 33, HOI 14B 33, HOO 14B 33, HOODIE 6J 33, HOOLIE 6J 32 HOLED 6J 34 Grace_Tjie
On 14th draw, AECIAL 15J 38 --- AECIAL pertaining to the aecium [adj]
Other moves: GALLICA L3 26, ELLAGIC L4 24, GALLIC L3 24, ALLICE L4 22, GALLICA L4 22 ACE 12K 15 Grace_Tjie
On 16th draw, FEARE 13G 32 --- FEARE a companion [n]
Other moves: FEAR 13G 31, FEER 13G 31, FORAGE 4J 31, FACER 4J 29, FARCE 4J 29 FOG 7M 23 Grace_Tjie
On 17th draw, WHIG O8 47 --- WHIG one who interprets history as a continuing victory of progress over reactionary forces [n] --- WHIG to jog along [v]
Other moves: HOW I7 36, CHI O8 35, COW I7 34, CHOW B1 33, HOI 14B 33 CHI O8 35 Grace_Tjie
On 18th draw, COT I7 22 --- COT a light, narrow bed [n] --- COT to become tangled [v]
Other moves: CULOTTE L4 20, COTTED N1 18, COULEE L3 18, CUTLET L3 18, TOE I7 18 TE 7M 9 Grace_Tjie