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Game of December 24, 2013 at 05:37, 2 players
1. 460 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 162 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiinoz   H8    50    50   ionize
 2. delorsy  11D    98   148   soldiery
 3. aglmsty  14F    40   188   masty
 4. adeprrt   E5    72   260   teardrop
 5. ?benoos  15A    83   343   boonies
 6. ?aaeiin   5C    57   400   actiniae
 7. efiklnr   H1    54   454   firkin
 8. dlostuw  13A    30   484   dowts
 9. aehnrvx   F2    64   548   varix
10. eegjopu   G9    38   586   jud
11. abemopt   A8    36   622   tamped
12. beggiln   C3    78   700   beagling
13. dehiloo   6J    34   734   holed
14. aacegil  15J    38   772   aecial
15. finoqru  N10    70   842   quinoa
16. acefgor  13G    32   874   feare
17. cghiouw   O8    47   921   whig
18. ceeottu   I7    22   943   cot

Remaining tiles: eetuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6163 FileGrace_Tjie  1 15:11  -483  460     1.6163 Grace_Tjie  1 15:11  -483  460 
  2.6751 Filecharmz      2  5:25  -781  162     2.6751 charmz      2  5:25  -781  162 

On 1st draw, IONIZE H8 50 --- IONIZE to convert into ions [v]
Other tops: AZIONE H3 50
Other moves: ZONAE H4 48, AZIONE H4 32, AZIONE H7 32, AZIONE H8 32, IONIZE H3 32
ZONAE H4 48 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, SOLDIERY 11D 98 --- SOLDIERY the military profession [n]
Other moves: YODLERS 14B 92, YODLERS 14F 88, YODLERS 7E 80, YODLERS 14C 79, YODELERS 13C 78
ODES I12 23 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, MASTY 14F 40 --- MASTY of the nature of masts [adj]
Other moves: MALTY 12A 35, MASTY 12A 35, AMYLS 14D 34, GYMS 14E 34, LYMS 14E 33
SAY 14H 30 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, TEARDROP E5 72 --- TEARDROP a tear [n]
Other tops: PREDATOR E5 72
PEAT 12A 22 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, BOON(I)ES 15A 83 --- BOONIES a backwoods area [n]
Other tops: OBEN(T)OS 15A 83
Other moves: BON(G)OES 15A 80, BO(L)ONEYS K5 74, BON(G)OES F1 70, BOON(I)ES F1 69, BOONE(R)S F1 65
BEN(D)S 13A 24 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, A(C)TINIAE 5C 57 --- ACTINIA a marine animal [n]
Other moves: ANI(S)E 13B 24, (S)ENE 13E 24, ANE(M)IA 15J 23, ANI(L)E 7E 22, A(L)ANE 7G 22
NIP 12C 14 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, FIRKIN H1 54 --- FIRKIN a small cask for liquids, butter or fish [n]
Other moves: KEFIR 4H 52, REIKI H1 42, FLANKER C3 40, KEEF 13G 40, KEFIR 8A 39
FINK 6J 32 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, DOWTS 13A 30 --- DOWT a cigarette-end [n]
Other tops: DOWLS 13A 30, WOLDS 13A 30
Other moves: DOWS 13B 28, LOWTS 13A 28, OWL 14A 28, OWT 14A 28, WUDS 13B 28
WOLDS 13A 30 charmz
WO 14B 22 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, VARIX F2 64 --- VARIX a varicose vein [n]
Other moves: VERNIX F1 59, NIXE F4 54, NIX F4 51, AX 14A 44, EX 14A 44
EX 14A 44 charmz
HEX 6J 34 Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, JUD G9 38 --- JUD a mass of coal holed ready for removal [n]
Other moves: P**P 12B 31, JEER 10B 29, JOUR 10B 29, JUPE J2 29, JOG G7 28
JUD G9 38 charmz
JO 12B 23 Grace_Tjie

On 11th draw, TAMPED A8 36 --- TAMP to pack down by tapping [v]
Other tops: TOMBED A8 36
Other moves: EMPART 8A 33, *B* 14A 32, KEMBO 4H 32, KEMPT 4H 32, BAMPOT 13J 31
MOPER 8A 30 charmz
MOPE 6J 24 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, BEAGLING C3 78 --- BEAGLING hunting with beagles [n]
Other moves: BEING 13G 28, BEEN 13G 26, BEIN 13G 26, BINGLE 13J 25, BINGLE 4J 24
BEGIN 4J 20 charmz
BLING 4J 20 Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, HOLED 6J 34 --- HOLE to make a hole (a cavity in a solid) [v]
Other moves: HOE 14B 33, HOI 14B 33, HOO 14B 33, HOODIE 6J 33, HOOLIE 6J 32
HOLED 6J 34 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, AECIAL 15J 38 --- AECIAL pertaining to the aecium [adj]
Other moves: GALLICA L3 26, ELLAGIC L4 24, GALLIC L3 24, ALLICE L4 22, GALLICA L4 22
ACE 12K 15 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, QUINOA N10 70 --- QUINOA a weedy plant [n]
Other moves: QUINOL L1 50, FIQUE M2 34, QUINA N11 28, QUINE M2 28, QUIRE M2 28
QUIRE M2 28 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, FEARE 13G 32 --- FEARE a companion [n]
Other moves: FEAR 13G 31, FEER 13G 31, FORAGE 4J 31, FACER 4J 29, FARCE 4J 29
FOG 7M 23 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, WHIG O8 47 --- WHIG one who interprets history as a continuing victory of progress over reactionary forces [n] --- WHIG to jog along [v]
Other moves: HOW I7 36, CHI O8 35, COW I7 34, CHOW B1 33, HOI 14B 33
CHI O8 35 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, COT I7 22 --- COT a light, narrow bed [n] --- COT to become tangled [v]
Other moves: CULOTTE L4 20, COTTED N1 18, COULEE L3 18, CUTLET L3 18, TOE I7 18
TE 7M 9 Grace_Tjie

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