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Game of December 27, 2013 at 08:47, 1 player
1. 45 pts jimling

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?gnoprs   H3    74    74   sponger
 2. ceioqsu  10H    42   116   suq
 3. ehilopw   5E    60   176   whoopie
 4. aeiilnr   3A    68   244   airlines
 5. ddehlty   A1    45   289   deathly
 6. ?aaeegj   L1    55   344   jagas
 7. bdegims   6F    44   388   mined
 8. enorrsy   1J    48   436   enjoys
 9. ceeilns   1A    86   522   declines
10. adeemrt   O1    86   608   streamed
11. abgooru   2L    26   634   abut
12. acekotv   3J    28   662   kago
13. ailntuv   B7    67   729   unvital
14. cefiort  12A    30   759   farcie
15. egioort  11I    25   784   tiger
16. aenruvw  A12    32   816   fawn
17. adeooot  C10    23   839   derat
18. aoortuz   M9    48   887   zorro
19. abiotux   N9    61   948   ox
20. abiotuv   L9    31   979   ave

Remaining tiles: bfiotu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6634 Filejimling     1  1:51  -934   45     1.6634 jimling     1  1:51  -934   45 

On 1st draw, SPONG(E)R H3 74 --- SPONGER one that sponges [n]
Other tops: PROS(I)NG H4 74, PRO(I)GNS H4 74, PR(E)SONG H4 74, ROP(I)NGS H2 74, SPOR(I)NG H3 74
Other moves: PROS(I)NG H6 72, PRO(I)GNS H8 72, PR(E)SONG H6 72, ROP(I)NGS H7 72, SPONG(E)R H8 72

On 2nd draw, SUQ 10H 42 --- SUQ a marketplace in the Middle East [n]
Other tops: QIS 10F 42
Other moves: EQUIPS 4D 34, PIQUES 4H 34, EQUIP 4D 32, PIQUE 4H 32, CIRQUES 9F 29

On 3rd draw, WHOOPIE 5E 60 --- WHOOPIE boisterous fun [n]
Other moves: PILOW 11I 35, HOWE I3 34, PHEW I2 34, WHELPS 3C 34, WHIP I2 33

On 4th draw, AIRLINES 3A 68 --- AIRLINE an air transportation system [n]
Other tops: SNAILIER 3H 68
Other moves: HAIRLINE F5 65, GAINLIER 7H 61, AIRLINER 9A 60, NIRLIE 11I 25, INLIER 11J 23

On 5th draw, DEATHLY A1 45 --- DEATHLY like death [adj]
Other moves: DIETHYL B2 44, DEATHY A1 42, HEADY A1 42, YEAH A1 42, DATEDLY A2 39
DEATHLY A1 45 jimling

On 6th draw, JAGA(S) L1 55 --- JAGA a watchman (Indonesia) [n]
Other moves: JAG(S) L2 37, JEL(L) D1 36, J(O)LE D1 36, JEE(S) L2 35, G*dJ* 4J 29

On 7th draw, MINED 6F 44 --- MINE to dig into for valuable materials [v]
Other moves: JIBE 1L 39, JIBS 1L 39, J*SM 1L 39, MINES 6F 38, IMBASED 2I 36

On 8th draw, ENJOYS 1J 48 --- ENJOY to receive pleasure from [v]
Other moves: JOEY 1L 42, JOYS 1L 42, YEARNS 2J 34, JEON 1L 33, JOES 1L 33

On 9th draw, DECLINES 1A 86 --- DECLINE to refuse [v]
Other moves: SILENCES O1 83, SILENCE 11I 81, LEUCINES I8 66, LICENSER 9A 64, LICENS(E)E 8B 62

On 10th draw, STREAMED O1 86 --- STREAM to flow in a steady current [v]
Other moves: REDREAMT C3 65, R(E)TEAMED 8G 63, RET(E)AMED 8E 62, RETEAM(E)D 8B 61, MAARE 2J 50

On 11th draw, ABUT 2L 26 --- ABUT to touch along a border [v]
Other moves: BUROO N5 24, BORA N5 23, BURA N5 23, BAUR N4 22, *B* N6 20

On 12th draw, KAGO 3J 28 --- KAGO a Japanese basketwork passenger litter [n]
Other moves: KETA N5 27, KETO N5 27, VEGA 3J 26, VEGO 3J 26, TACK N7 25

On 13th draw, UNVITAL B7 67 --- UNVITAL not vital [adj]
Other moves: NIVAL 11I 29, AVAL 4J 28, ANAL 4J 22, AVA 4J 21, INULA 11J 21

On 14th draw, FARCIE 12A 30 --- FARCIE in cookery, stuffed [adj]
Other tops: FACTOR 12A 30
Other moves: FETOR C10 29, RIFTE 11I 29, TERF A12 29, FACER 12A 28, FACET 12A 28

On 15th draw, TIGER 11I 25 --- TIGER a fierce, striped Asiatic animal [n]
Other moves: GIRO 11I 24, GIRT 11I 24, GITE 11I 24, TIGE 11I 23, GIE 11I 22

On 16th draw, FAWN A12 32 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other tops: FAVE A12 32
Other moves: AW 2I 31, WAVER L8 30, UNWEAVE L8 28, WARNER M9 26, WARREN M9 26

On 17th draw, DERAT C10 23 --- DERAT to rid of rats [v]
Other moves: OARED C10 22, TARED C10 22, DARE C10 21, DART C10 21, DATE N5 21

On 18th draw, ZORRO M9 48 --- ZORRO a South American fox [n]
Other tops: ZOOEA L8 48
Other moves: OUZO 10L 37, TZAR N4 36, AZO 10M 34, AZO N4 33, ZOA N5 33

On 19th draw, OX N9 61 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX N9 61
Other moves: TEABOX L10 56, BOX 11E 34, BOX 10L 32, OBIA N6 32, AB N9 31

On 20th draw, AVE L9 31 --- AVE an expression of greeting or farewell [n]
Other moves: BEAT L10 30, ABUT N4 22, OVA L7 22, UVA L7 22, AVA 4J 21

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