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Game of December 29, 2013 at 04:31, 2 players
1. 365 pts denbay
2. 238 pts fatcat

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. inooprs   H4    22    22   poison
 2. ?deiorr   5E    82   104   droopier
 3. aefgioo   6J    31   135   fae
 4. eeeinrs   G7    68   203   eserine
 5. ?annsuv  13A    70   273   unshaven
 6. egiltuy  11E    40   313   tuilyie
 7. aiimost   C6    64   377   amitosis
 8. egllort  A10    27   404   regulo
 9. aeilotv   B1    82   486   violate
10. bhmortu   8A    44   530   brith
11. aagmnqu   4L    34   564   aqua
12. emnoprw   O3    95   659   manpower
13. abdgilw   1A    30   689   avid
14. aefjnty   N9    45   734   fanjet
15. acdeegu  L11    30   764   deuce
16. acdgotw   O1    60   824   womanpower
17. acdghly  H11    60   884   lynch
18. abdgikl  M13    38   922   kid
19. abggltx  10I    55   977   ax

Remaining tiles: bggltz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4400 Filedenbay      1 16:09  -612  365     1.6579 fatcat      2  3:20  -739  238 
  2.6579 Filefatcat      2  3:20  -739  238            Group: not rated
                                             1.4400 denbay      1 16:09  -612  365 

On 1st draw, POISON H4 22 --- POISON to administer a harmful substance to [v]
Other tops: POORIS H4 22, PORNOS H4 22, PRIONS H4 22, PRISON H4 22, PROINS H4 22, SPINOR H3 22
Other moves: PIONS H4 20, PIRNS H4 20, POONS H4 20, POORI H4 20, PORNO H4 20
POISON H7 18 denbay

On 2nd draw, DROO(P)IER 5E 82 --- DROOPY drooping [adj]
Other tops: DROO(L)IER 5E 82, (B)ROODIER 5E 82
Other moves: PORRID(G)E 4H 72, PRER(A)DIO 4H 72, PRO(V)IDER 4H 72, DRO(O)PIER 4D 70, DR(O)OPIER 4D 70
POISONED H4 11 denbay

On 3rd draw, FAE 6J 31 --- FAE from (Scots) [prep]
Other moves: FOGIE 4A 29, FOGIE 4K 29, FA 6J 28, FE 6J 28, FOGIE 6B 26
FIE 4D 17 denbay

On 4th draw, ESERINE G7 68 --- ESERINE a toxic alkaloid [n]
Other tops: ESERINE 10G 68
Other moves: ESERINE G9 62, ESERINE I9 62, SNEERIER F1 62, EERINESS 7B 61, EERINESS 7A 60
REINS 10D 16 denbay

On 5th draw, UNS(H)AVEN 13A 70 --- SHAVE to sever the hair close to the roots [adj] --- UNSHAVEN not shaven [adj]
Other moves: SUAV(E) H11 31, NA(E)VUS 14B 28, UNREAV(E)S L3 28, UNREAV(E) L3 26, VANN(E)RS 10B 26
SUN 14G 11 denbay

On 6th draw, TUILYIE 11E 40 --- TUILYIE to struggle [v]
Other moves: GUYLINE B8 38, LYTING B9 36, TYEING B9 36, GLUEY 4J 34, YULE A12 33
GUILTY 11E 20 denbay

On 7th draw, AMITOSIS C6 64 --- AMITOSIS a type of cell division [n]
Other moves: AMITOSIS C8 63, STOMIA 4J 33, MAIST L8 31, MOAS 12A 31, MOIST L8 31
MUST A12 27 denbay

On 8th draw, REGULO A10 27 --- REGULO the scale of temperature in a gas oven [n]
Other moves: LONGE H11 24, TRIGO 8A 24, OGRE 10I 23, GOLLER 10J 22, ERUGO A11 21
GORE L3 10 denbay

On 9th draw, VIOLATE B1 82 --- VIOLATE to break or disregard the terms or requirements of [v]
Other moves: VIOLATE B3 74, ALIVE 8A 36, OLIVE 8A 36, LAEVO 4K 27, LOAVE 4K 27
LOVE 4K 23 denbay

On 10th draw, BRITH 8A 44 --- BRITH (Hebrew) a Jewish circumcision rite [n]
Other tops: BRIM 8A 44
Other moves: BUHR A5 42, MHO 10I 38, OHM 10I 38, TRIM 8A 38, BROTH 10J 36
HIT J10 14 denbay

On 11th draw, AQUA 4L 34 --- AQUA water [n]
Other moves: QI J10 31, AMA 10I 28, AQUA 12K 28, MANGA 10J 28, QUARE L2 28
QI J10 31 denbay

On 12th draw, MANPOWER O3 95 --- MANPOWER available resources of able-bodied people [n]
Other moves: MANROPE O3 33, PAWNER O3 33, PAWNOR O3 33, PROEM 10J 33, WARMEN O3 33
OVEN 1A 24 denbay

On 13th draw, AVID 1A 30 --- AVID eager [adj]
Other moves: AWDL L9 28, BAWD 10I 28, BAWD 10J 28, WADI L9 28, BAWL 10I 27
AVID 1A 30 denbay

On 14th draw, FANJET N9 45 --- FANJET a type of jet engine [n]
Other moves: FANJET 12J 41, JITNEY J10 34, FLYTE 4A 33, JANE N7 33, JAY N7 32
JAY N7 32 fatcat
JOY 3A 26 denbay

On 15th draw, DEUCE L11 30 --- DEUCE to bring a tennis score to a tie [v]
Other tops: CADGE L9 30
Other moves: CADEE L9 28, EDUCE L10 28, LANCE H11 27, CADE L9 26, CEDE L9 26
LANCE H11 27 fatcat
CODE 3A 14 denbay

On 16th draw, WOMANPOWER O1 60 --- WOMANPOWER [n]
Other moves: COWAGE 15G 36, ATOC O12 35, TOWAGE 15G 30, WODGE 15H 30, D(H)OW D12 28
WODGE 15H 30 fatcat
NOW H13 18 denbay

On 17th draw, LYNCH H11 60 --- LYNCH to judge and put to death without legal sanction [v]
Other moves: CHYLDE 15G 45, CHYLE 15H 39, CLAYED 15H 36, LANCH H11 36, HAY O13 34
LYNCH H11 60 fatcat
AVIDLY 1A 13 denbay

On 18th draw, KID M13 38 --- KID to tease [v]
Other moves: KA 10J 34, D(H)AK D12 32, KA M13 31, KI M13 31, DAK O13 29
KA 10J 34 fatcat
GLIB 4A 18 denbay

On 19th draw, AX 10I 55 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AXIL J9 27, TAXI J8 27, AB 10I 25, TAX 7K 25, XI J10 25
AX 10I 55 fatcat
BOX 3A 24 denbay

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