On 6th draw, PAVED 4A 31 --- PAVE to cover with material that forms a firm, level surface [v]
Other moves: SPALLED C8 26, PALED 4A 25, PLEAD 4A 25, DEVALLS C2 24, PEDAL 4A 24 PAVED 4A 31 SQUAW1 APED 4K 19 Stranger, allenpi PAL 9E 18 roocatcher PLACE F2 17 Kalikokat
On 7th draw, ANTHELIA D6 72 --- ANTHELIA halolike areas seen in the sky opposite the sun [n] --- ANTHELION a halolike area seen in the sky opposite the sun [n]
Other moves: APHELIAN A7 64, HAW 6F 37, HEW 6F 37, EVANISH C3 36, EH 6E 32 EH 6E 32 roocatcher HELP A1 27 Stranger, SQUAW1 HEAP A1 27 allenpi, Kalikokat
On 17th draw, ZHO 14J 40 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: HOW 6F 37, ZOO 14J 37, YUTZ 10G 36, ZOIC B6 35, AZOTH 2A 34 HOW 6F 37 roocatcher ZOO 14J 37 Stranger ZOO 14A 32 SQUAW1, allenpi ZOOT 12L 28 Kalikokat
On 18th draw, TOY 14A 23 --- TOY to amuse oneself as if with a toy (a child's plaything) [v]
Other moves: TOIT L9 22, OY 14B 21, SOYA C8 21, AYAH K11 20, TIVY C2 20 TOY 14A 23 Kalikokat, SQUAW1 YOK 2J 18 Stranger YAK 2J 18 allenpi GAY B13 14 roocatcher
On 19th draw, JAK 2J 30 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other tops: AJIVA C1 30
Other moves: JAVA C2 28, TALAQ 11B 28, JAIL B6 27, JAIL F10 27, JILL F10 27 JAK 2J 30 Stranger, SQUAW1, allenpi JAIL F10 27 roocatcher JAI B6 26 Kalikokat
On 20th draw, VIVAT C2 24 --- VIVAT an expression of applause [n]
Other moves: AVITAL 2A 22, VIVA C2 20, VITTA 15F 19, TRIVIA 11G 18, VAULT 10F 18 AT 15A 16 roocatcher, SQUAW1 QUAIL 10G 16 allenpi QAT K1 15 Kalikokat VILL 11B 14 Stranger