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Game of January 20, 2014 at 06:09, 1 player
1. 18 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abhinu   H7    28    28   banish
 2. ?emorsv  11D    94   122   verismos
 3. adeootu  12H    28   150   hooted
 4. abcefos  D11    30   180   vocab
 5. adhnnru   K7    63   243   handsturn
 6. adinotu   9A    62   305   nudation
 7. aeeilns   A2    77   382   selenian
 8. aegikrt   8J    45   427   takier
 9. aaceenr  15A    33   460   carbeen
10. adeimop  14B    43   503   maaed
11. afgills  H14    42   545   is
12. fioptwx   B1    39   584   wox
13. egjlosz   8D    47   631   zel
14. eegptwy  15K    33   664   ngwee
15. aipsvyy   B5    31   695   ays
16. fgioppt   C2    39   734   pop
17. afglluy   I1    81   815   fugally
18. fgiiort   1E    36   851   griff
19. eiijotu   J1    28   879   etui
20. ijorttv   E4    26   905   trijet

Remaining tiles: ioqtv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6736 Filecharmz      0  1:13  -887   18     1.6736 charmz      0  1:13  -887   18 

On 1st draw, BANI(S)H H7 28 --- BANISH to expel [v]
Other tops: BHUNA(S) H3 28
Other moves: BAI(T)H H8 26, BANI(S)H H4 26, BAN(D)H H8 26, BHUNA H4 26, BHUNA(S) H4 26

On 2nd draw, VER(I)(S)MOS 11D 94 --- VERISMO realism in art or literature [n]
Other moves: VER(I)SMO(S) 11A 72, VERISMO(S) 10E 70, VERI(S)MOS 10E 70, R(E)MOVES I2 69, VER(I)SMO G1 68

On 3rd draw, HOOTED 12H 28 --- HOOT to cry like an owl [v]
Other tops: HOUTED 12H 28
Other moves: HAUTE 12H 24, IODATE 10H 24, OVATED D10 24, TOOMED I8 24, DUOMO I8 22

On 4th draw, VOCAB D11 30 --- VOCAB a vocabulary [n]
Other moves: FABS 13L 29, FACE 13L 29, FOBS 13L 29, FAB 13L 27, FOB 13L 27

On 5th draw, HANDSTURN K7 63 --- HANDSTURN
Other moves: BANDH 15D 33, BUNDH 15D 33, BHUNA 15D 30, NHANDU 14B 28, NHANDU M8 28

On 6th draw, NUDATION 9A 62 --- NUDATION the act of making bare [n]
Other moves: ABOUND 15C 27, BANDIT 15D 27, BOUDIN 15D 27, DAUNTON 15H 27, INDUNA 15J 27

On 7th draw, SELENIAN A2 77 --- SELENIAN of the moon [adj]
Other tops: SELENIAN 15G 77, SELENIAN A5 77
Other moves: SEALINE L3 76, SEALINE L1 71, SEALINE J1 66, SEALINE I1 64, ANELES 8A 39

On 8th draw, TAKIER 8J 45 --- TAKY attractive [adj]
Other moves: AKITA 8K 42, KARTING 15F 42, REAKING 15F 42, REINK 15H 42, TRANK 15H 42

On 9th draw, CARBEEN 15A 33 --- CARBEEN the Moreton Bay ash [n]
Other tops: CARBENE 15A 33
Other moves: ENURE 13I 29, ARCANE 15G 27, BARCA 15D 27, BRACE 15D 27, CANNAE 15H 27

On 10th draw, MAAED 14B 43 --- MAA to bleat like a goat [v]
Other tops: POMADE B1 43
Other moves: PRIMED 14J 34, PUMIE 13J 33, AMPED 14D 32, DECAMP 13B 32, PREMIA 14J 32

On 11th draw, IS H14 42 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other tops: AS H14 42
Other moves: INFALL 15J 39, CARBEENS 15A 36, FRAGS 14J 34, FRAILS 14J 34, FR*GS 14J 34

On 12th draw, WOX B1 39 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: FIX B1 39, FOX B1 39
Other moves: FIX 8D 37, PIX B1 37, POX B1 37, PROFIT 14J 34, PIX 8D 33

On 13th draw, ZEL 8D 47 --- ZEL an Oriental cymbal [n]
Other moves: GROSZE 14J 40, JEEZ N7 40, EGOS C1 39, GROSZ 14J 38, EGO C1 37

On 14th draw, NGWEE 15K 33 --- NGWEE a monetary unit of Zambia [n]
Other moves: WEEPY I3 32, GRYPE 14J 30, GRYPT 14J 30, WEEPY N6 29, WEDGY M10 26

On 15th draw, AYS B5 31 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: AY B5 28, AY 14M 25, PYA 7M 25, IVY 13M 24, IVY I5 24

On 16th draw, POP C2 39 --- POP to make a sharp, small, explosive sound [v]
Other moves: OFT C3 35, POI C2 35, POT C2 35, OPT C3 33, PO C2 33

On 17th draw, FUGALLY I1 81 --- FUGAL being in the state of a fugue [adv] --- FUGALLY in a fugal manner [adv]
Other moves: PLAGUY 4C 32, PLAYFUL 4C 32, FUGLY I3 31, FY 14N 31, FULLY I3 30

On 18th draw, GRIFF 1E 36 --- GRIFF the offspring of a black person and a mulatto [n]
Other tops: GRIFF 1F 36
Other moves: GOFF 1F 33, GOFF 1G 33, TRIFF 1E 33, TRIFF 1F 33, FIFI 1G 30

On 19th draw, ETUI J1 28 --- ETUI a case for holding small articles [n]
Other moves: JEE N6 26, JOE N6 26, OUTJET E4 26, JEDI M10 24, JUDO M10 24

On 20th draw, TRIJET E4 26 --- TRIJET a aeroplane powered by three jet engines [n]
Other tops: JOE N6 26
Other moves: TORTIVE N2 24, MOJO I11 23, JIVE O12 22, TUTOR 13J 21, JOE N13 20
JAI 4H 18 charmz

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