On 1st draw, SEITY H8 24 --- SEITY personal identity [n]
Other tops: GEYEST H4 24, YETIS H4 24, YITES H4 24
Other moves: GEYEST H3 22, GEYEST H7 22, GEYEST H8 22, GYTES H4 22, GEYEST H5 20
On 2nd draw, SNIPPET(S) 8H 92 --- SNIPPET a small piece snipped off [n]
Other tops: SNIPPET(Y) 8H 92, STEPPIN(G) 8H 92, (S)NIPPETS 8A 92
Other moves: (S)NIPPETY 12A 78, NIPPIE(S)T 10G 69, (S)NIPPET G3 69, NIPPIE(S)T 10D 67, NIPP(I)EST 8B 64
On 3rd draw, EX(T)ERNE M8 42 --- EXTERNE a non-resident of an institution [n]
Other moves: EX(T)ERN M8 40, EX(O) 9L 39, (A)XE 9L 39, EX 9L 38, (A)X 9L 36
On 4th draw, FAVER 14J 38 --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other tops: FIVER 14J 38
Other moves: AVIDER 14I 36, FADER 14J 34, FARED 14J 34, FIRED 14J 34, FRIED 14J 34
On 5th draw, KATIPO L4 33 --- KATIPO a New Zealand spider [n]
Other tops: BOAK G9 33
Other moves: BORAK 12K 32, IKAT 15H 31, BRAK 12L 30, BRIK 12L 30, OKTA 15G 29
On 6th draw, FAS(T)I 10J 30 --- FASTI in Rome, sanctioned trading days [n]
Other moves: SOFTA 15F 29, FIAT 15H 28, FAS(T) 10J 27, FIGO M3 27, FIS(T) 10J 27
On 7th draw, PLATE K8 24 --- PLATE to cover with a thin layer of metal [v]
Other moves: LEETLE 15E 23, ALLEE 15G 22, EAVE L12 22, PLAT K8 22, TELAE 15G 22
On 8th draw, RUGBY 15F 41 --- RUGBY a form of football [n]
Other moves: BARYE 15G 40, BERAY 15G 40, BERAY 15F 38, GABY 15G 38, REBUY 15F 38
On 9th draw, HAED 7G 28 --- HAE to have [v]
Other tops: DHOLE M2 28
Other moves: HADE M3 27, ODAH M2 27, DHOLE 14B 26, H**L*HAOLE M2 26, HOAED 7F 26
On 10th draw, OCREATE 6A 72 --- OCREATE relating to an ocrea [adj]
Other moves: CERATE M1 26, CREATE M1 26, CERATE 14A 24, COATE M2 24, COATEE 14A 24 CREATOR F9 13 EvilGrin
On 11th draw, DEAIRING C2 76 --- DEAIR to remove air from [v]
Other moves: GANOID A3 27, GEOID A4 27, GONIDIA A5 27, INDIGO A1 27, DEARING C3 24
On 12th draw, WOODS A4 39 --- WOOD to furnish with wood (the hard, fibrous substance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) [v]
Other moves: WOST D1 31, WOTS D1 31, DOWT B1 29, WOES D4 28, DOWTS A5 27
On 13th draw, RADIOMEN 2A 84 --- RADIOMAN a radio operator or technician [n]
Other moves: MORAINE(S) O1 80, ROMAINE(S) O1 80, ROMANI(S)E O2 62, MARINE D1 33, ADERMIN 2B 32
On 14th draw, ZILA D1 52 --- ZILA an administrative district in British India [n]
Other moves: ZA 5E 46, ZA K5 46, ALGUMS 1H 42, MULGAS 1G 40, ALGUM 1H 39
On 15th draw, BOWNE 1G 40 --- BOWNE to prepare [v]
Other moves: GNOW H1 36, WEB 1G 35, BOW 1G 34, ENOW 1F 33, ENOW H1 33
On 16th draw, DISHRAG(S) O1 98 --- DISHRAG a cloth for washing dishes [n]
Other moves: DISHRAG 14A 85, DARGAHS E5 48, HARDS 5E 36, HARD 5E 34, DAHS 5E 33
On 17th draw, OUTLIVE B8 80 --- OUTLIVE to live longer than [v]
Other moves: OUTLIVE D8 78, OUTLIVE D9 75, OUTLIVER F8 65, OUTVIE 14A 26, OUTVIE D8 26
On 18th draw, LOCUM N2 55 --- LOCUM a temporary substitute [n]
Other moves: CUM N4 32, MOC N2 31, OOM N4 28, LOCO N2 27, COOM M2 26