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Game of January 22, 2014 at 06:13, 2 players
1. 224 pts mordeckhi
2. 49 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aijkry   H4    52    52   jakey
 2. ?ilnoos   8A    83   135   snootily
 3. benortu   E5    86   221   buttoner
 4. cdeintv  11B    64   285   invected
 5. aeeglmo   I4    34   319   ogam
 6. aehlstx  12G    64   383   exalts
 7. ahnostw   K6    78   461   whatnots
 8. egilpru  H11    42   503   expel
 9. acdeimu   8K    36   539   amice
10. aeiinos   9D    34   573   ionise
11. aeghoru  13H    45   618   phasor
12. aeinopr   N5    70   688   apocrine
13. deortuy  O12    35   723   drey
14. adeefru  B10    34   757   fired
15. degottu   O1    30   787   goutte
16. abdefgu  A12    34   821   abed
17. aaefiir  15F    62   883   filariae
18. gilquvz   J2    44   927   zig

Remaining tiles: lquuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4154 Filemordeckhi   0 16:58  -703  224     1.6717 charmz      0  1:59  -878   49 
  2.6717 Filecharmz      0  1:59  -878   49            Group: not rated
                                             1.4154 mordeckhi   0 16:58  -703  224 

On 1st draw, JAK(E)Y H4 52 --- JAKEY (Scots) a homeless alcoholic [n]
Other tops: JA(C)KY H4 52, J(E)RKY H4 52
Other moves: JARK(S) H4 46, JAK(E)Y H8 44, JA(C)KY H8 44, J(E)RKY H8 44, KA(N)JI H4 40

On 2nd draw, SNOO(T)ILY 8A 83 --- SNOOTILY in a snooty manner [adv] --- SNOOTY snobbish [adv]
Other tops: SINOLO(G)Y 8A 83, SNOO(P)ILY 8A 83, S(P)OONILY 8A 83
Other moves: (R)OSINOL I3 82, SOLI(T)ON I3 80, SOLA(T)ION 5E 78, LOOSIN(G) 9E 77, LO(G)IONS 9B 77

On 3rd draw, BUT(T)ONER E5 86 --- BUTTONER one that buttons [n]
Other tops: REBU(T)TON E4 86
Other moves: BU(T)TONER E6 68, REBUT(T)ON E3 68, BURSTONE A5 61, RUBSTONE A5 61, JETON 4H 24

On 4th draw, INVECTED 11B 64 --- INVECTED edged by convex curves [adj]
Other moves: JIVED 4H 32, VERDICT 12C 32, CERVID 12C 28, CIVET F2 26, EVICTED 11E 26
JET 4H 10 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, OGAM I4 34 --- OGAM an ancient alphabet [n]
Other moves: GLEAM F2 32, GLEEMAN B2 32, GLOAM F2 32, GOLEM F2 32, MILAGE B10 30
MILE B10 12 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, EXALTS 12G 64 --- EXALT to place in a high position [v]
Other moves: EXALT H11 60, EXEAT H11 60, AXE 10A 53, AX 10A 50, EX 10A 50
OXEN C8 19 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, WHATNOTS K6 78 --- WHATNOT an ornamental set of shelves [n]
Other moves: TAWS J4 51, TOWS J4 51, STAW J3 47, STOW J3 47, TAW J4 46
WHATS 13A 32 charmz
HOW 13L 23 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, EXPEL H11 42 --- EXPEL to force out [v]
Other moves: EXILE H11 36, GAPIER 8J 36, GAUPER 8J 30, PAIGLE 8J 30, GRIP F3 27
ALURE 8K 18 mordeckhi
PILE L3 17 charmz

On 9th draw, AMICE 8K 36 --- AMICE a vestment worn about the neck and shoulders [n]
Other tops: CAUMED 8J 36, DECUMAN B2 36
Other moves: AMIDE 8K 33, CADEAU 8J 33, CAUDAE 8J 30, CAMEO D4 28, MAID F6 28
CAME 8J 11 mordeckhi

On 10th draw, IONISE 9D 34 --- IONISE to convert into ions [v]
Other tops: SEITAN 9H 34
Other moves: ONOS 9E 29, SANTO 9H 29, SENTI 9H 29, ISO 9G 27, OSE 9G 27
NICE N6 8 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, PHASOR 13H 45 --- PHASOR a rotating vector whose phase varies sinusoidally [n]
Other moves: GERAH F2 38, ROUGHEN B2 38, HIRAGE B10 36, EPHAS 13G 32, ROUGHIE M3 32
REACH N5 12 mordeckhi

On 12th draw, APOCRINE N5 70 --- APOCRINE relating to a product of a gland [adj]
Other moves: PROCAINE N5 66, PELORIAN 15F 61, PINIER B10 28, PIONER B10 28, PIRNIE B10 28
NEAR 14L 13 mordeckhi

On 13th draw, DREY O12 35 --- DREY a squirrel's nest [n]
Other tops: DORTY O1 35, DORY O12 35, DOTY O12 35, DUROY O1 35, DUTY O12 35, DYER O12 35
Other moves: TOYED O1 33, TYRED O1 33, DETOUR O10 32, JOYED 4H 32, OUTRED O10 31
TRAY 5L 7 mordeckhi

On 14th draw, FIRED B10 34 --- FIRE to project by discharging from a gun [v]
Other moves: FARED O1 33, FAURD O1 33, FEUED O1 33, FRAUD O1 33, FREED O1 33
FRAY 15L 14 mordeckhi

On 15th draw, GOUTTE O1 30 --- GOUTTE a drop [n]
Other tops: DUETTO O1 30
Other moves: JOTTED 4H 28, TOGED O1 27, GODET O1 26, VOTED D11 26, DOGE J2 25
OUTED O1 24 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, ABED A12 34 --- ABED in bed [adv]
Other moves: FAB A13 32, JOBED 4H 30, BAGIE M5 29, FAB C13 29, FAD A13 29
FAG J2 26 mordeckhi

On 17th draw, FILARIAE 15F 62 --- FILARIA a parasitic worm [n]
Other moves: AFIRE J1 30, FARE J2 29, FIRE J2 29, FERIA D1 28, AFAR J1 25
FAIRY 15K 12 mordeckhi

On 18th draw, ZIG J2 44 --- ZIG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZULU 6B 33, LUZ 6D 32, ZIN B6 32, ZOL C7 31, ZIG M3 30
QUIN B5 15 mordeckhi

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