On 1st draw, JAK(E)Y H4 52 --- JAKEY (Scots) a homeless alcoholic [n]
Other tops: JA(C)KY H4 52, J(E)RKY H4 52
Other moves: JARK(S) H4 46, JAK(E)Y H8 44, JA(C)KY H8 44, J(E)RKY H8 44, KA(N)JI H4 40
On 2nd draw, SNOO(T)ILY 8A 83 --- SNOOTILY in a snooty manner [adv] --- SNOOTY snobbish [adv]
Other tops: SINOLO(G)Y 8A 83, SNOO(P)ILY 8A 83, S(P)OONILY 8A 83
Other moves: (R)OSINOL I3 82, SOLI(T)ON I3 80, SOLA(T)ION 5E 78, LOOSIN(G) 9E 77, LO(G)IONS 9B 77
On 3rd draw, BUT(T)ONER E5 86 --- BUTTONER one that buttons [n]
Other tops: REBU(T)TON E4 86
Other moves: BU(T)TONER E6 68, REBUT(T)ON E3 68, BURSTONE A5 61, RUBSTONE A5 61, JETON 4H 24
On 4th draw, INVECTED 11B 64 --- INVECTED edged by convex curves [adj]
Other moves: JIVED 4H 32, VERDICT 12C 32, CERVID 12C 28, CIVET F2 26, EVICTED 11E 26 JET 4H 10 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, OGAM I4 34 --- OGAM an ancient alphabet [n]
Other moves: GLEAM F2 32, GLEEMAN B2 32, GLOAM F2 32, GOLEM F2 32, MILAGE B10 30 MILE B10 12 mordeckhi
On 6th draw, EXALTS 12G 64 --- EXALT to place in a high position [v]
Other moves: EXALT H11 60, EXEAT H11 60, AXE 10A 53, AX 10A 50, EX 10A 50 OXEN C8 19 mordeckhi
On 7th draw, WHATNOTS K6 78 --- WHATNOT an ornamental set of shelves [n]
Other moves: TAWS J4 51, TOWS J4 51, STAW J3 47, STOW J3 47, TAW J4 46 WHATS 13A 32 charmz HOW 13L 23 mordeckhi
On 8th draw, EXPEL H11 42 --- EXPEL to force out [v]
Other moves: EXILE H11 36, GAPIER 8J 36, GAUPER 8J 30, PAIGLE 8J 30, GRIP F3 27 ALURE 8K 18 mordeckhi PILE L3 17 charmz
On 9th draw, AMICE 8K 36 --- AMICE a vestment worn about the neck and shoulders [n]
Other tops: CAUMED 8J 36, DECUMAN B2 36
Other moves: AMIDE 8K 33, CADEAU 8J 33, CAUDAE 8J 30, CAMEO D4 28, MAID F6 28 CAME 8J 11 mordeckhi
On 10th draw, IONISE 9D 34 --- IONISE to convert into ions [v]
Other tops: SEITAN 9H 34
Other moves: ONOS 9E 29, SANTO 9H 29, SENTI 9H 29, ISO 9G 27, OSE 9G 27 NICE N6 8 mordeckhi