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Game of January 30, 2014 at 17:33, 4 players
1. 294 pts roocatcher
2. 224 pts allenpi
3. 171 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??acmry   H7    82    82   acronym
 2. eilnprt   7F    65   147   trapline
 3. dehlopr   8K    44   191   delph
 4. diinors  14H    83   274   sordini
 5. aghilst   E1    83   357   alights
 6. aegiovw   1D    45   402   waive
 7. adefikr  11E    56   458   franked
 8. adeeimu  13J    32   490   aimed
 9. abegnsu   4B    76   566   bugganes
10. acejoru   3C    45   611   ouija
11. biinoty  10J    32   643   yob
12. acenort   2H    74   717   enactor
13. egiorsz  15J    53   770   sez
14. aeilntu   9A    60   830   auntlier
15. egiqrtw   A8    36   866   qat
16. eginort   C7    70   936   ringtone
17. aefouwx  D12    47   983   wex
18. aefoouv  B13    41  1024   avo

Remaining tiles: efioou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6872 Fileroocatcher  1  9:56  -730  294     1.7213 GLOBEMAN    1  4:22  -853  171 
  2.6769 Fileallenpi     1  6:42  -800  224            Group: intermediate
  3.7213 FileGLOBEMAN    1  4:22  -853  171     1.6872 roocatcher  1  9:56  -730  294 
  4.6542 Filejimling     0  4:31  -929   95     2.6769 allenpi     1  6:42  -800  224 
                                             3.6542 jimling     0  4:31  -929   95 

On 1st draw, ACR(O)(N)YM H7 82 --- ACRONYM a word formed from the initials of a compound term or series of words [n]
Other tops: CAM(E)(L)RY H6 82, CRAM(E)(S)Y H6 82, MYR(I)CA(S) H3 82, (P)R(I)MACY H6 82
Other moves: ACR(O)(N)YM H3 80, ACR(O)(N)YM H6 80, CAM(E)(L)RY H2 80, CAM(E)(L)RY H4 80, CRAM(E)(S)Y H4 80
CA(L)M(L)Y H7 30 allenpi

On 2nd draw, TRAPLINE 7F 65 --- TRAPLINE a series of traps [n]
Other tops: INTERLAP 7B 65
Other moves: TERPIN(O)L 10B 63, TRIPLANE 7C 63, T(O)PLINER 10G 63, INEPTLY 12B 24, PELTRY 12C 22
PINE G10 21 allenpi

On 3rd draw, DELPH 8K 44 --- DELPH a type of earthenware [n]
Other moves: OHED 8L 35, MORPHED 13H 32, HYPOED 12G 30, HEP 8M 29, HOP 8M 29
HOPED 6K 24 allenpi
HELPED M3 24 jimling

On 4th draw, SORDINI 14H 83 --- SORDINO a device used to muffle the tone of a musical instrument [n]
Other moves: SORDINI E7 77, MIDIRONS 13H 74, INDRIS E2 25, IODINS E2 25, NIDORS E2 25
RINDS E3 23 allenpi
DOS 14F 21 jimling

On 5th draw, ALIGHTS E1 83 --- ALIGHT to come down from something [v]
Other moves: HALTI(N)GS 11C 72, LATHI(N)GS 11C 72, G(O)LIATHS 10G 65, LAIGHS E2 31, LIGHTS E2 31
HAILS E3 27 allenpi
SPLAT N7 20 jimling

On 6th draw, WAIVE 1D 45 --- WAIVE to give up intentionally [v]
Other moves: AWAVE 1E 33, AVOW 1E 30, VIEWY 12D 28, WAVEY 12D 28, AGAVE 1E 27
WAIVE 1D 45 allenpi
AVOW 1E 30 jimling

On 7th draw, FRA(N)KED 11E 56 --- FRANK to mark (a piece of mail) for free delivery [v]
Other moves: FADE 15L 50, DEFI 15L 42, AFIELD 2A 40, FIELD 2B 38, WEKA D1 36
DIKER I1 28 allenpi

On 8th draw, AIMED 13J 32 --- AIM to direct toward a specified object or goal [v]
Other moves: ADEEM 6J 31, MEDIAE 12A 31, AMIDE 13K 30, EDEMA 13K 30, MEDIAE 10J 30
MADE 10J 26 allenpi

On 9th draw, BUGGANES 4B 76 --- BUGGANE an evil spirit [n]
Other tops: BUGGANES 4C 76
Other moves: BEGS 15L 48, BENS 15L 44, GENA 15L 36, GENS 15L 36, GENU 15L 36
BA 15N 18 roocatcher

On 10th draw, OUIJA 3C 45 --- OUIJA a board used in seances [n]
Other moves: JERBOA B1 34, JUCO 10B 34, JURE 10B 32, RUBACE B2 32, BAJU B4 29
JOBE B2 26 roocatcher

On 11th draw, YOB 10J 32 --- YOB a hooligan [n]
Other moves: YONI 10J 31, YONT 10J 31, YIN 10J 30, YON 10J 30, BIOTIN 10J 29
YOB 10J 32 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 12th draw, ENACTOR 2H 74 --- ENACTOR one that enacts [n]
Other moves: ENACTOR 3I 73, ANCHORET O5 64, CENT 15L 44, RENT 15L 28, ENACT 6J 27
CENT 15L 44 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher

On 13th draw, SEZ 15J 53 --- SAY to utter [v]
Other moves: ZOS 1M 49, SEZ 15M 43, GROSZE F10 40, SEZ 1M 40, GRIZE 12A 39
ZOS 1M 49 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 14th draw, AUNTLIER 9A 60 --- AUNTLY of or suggesting an aunt [adj]
Other moves: HIANT 5E 25, ELAN 1L 22, ETUI 1L 22, HINT 5E 22, ILEA 1L 22
TAN 1M 13 roocatcher

On 15th draw, QAT A8 36 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: EARWIG A8 33, TAWIER A8 30, WAGER A8 30, WAITER A8 30, WRITE 12A 29
WATER A8 27 roocatcher

On 16th draw, RINGTONE C7 70 --- RINGTONE a ringing tone on a mobile phone [n]
Other moves: HINT 5E 22, ERINGO 5G 21, GRONE 12A 21, TRIGON 5G 21, CRINOID K2 20
GON 1M 17 roocatcher

On 17th draw, WEX D12 47 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: FAX D12 47, FOX D12 47, WAX D12 47, WOX D12 47
Other moves: WAX 1M 46, WEX 1M 46, WOX 1M 46, AXE 3L 42, AX 3L 38
WAX 1M 46 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN

On 18th draw, AVO B13 41 --- AVO a monetary unit of Macao [n]
Other tops: AVE B13 41, EVO B13 41, OVA B13 41
Other moves: FAE 9M 29, FOE 9M 29, FOVEA 5H 29, VEX 14B 26, FEU 3M 24
FA 15N 22 roocatcher

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