On 1st draw, WITNEYS H7 84 --- WITNEY a heavy woollen fabric [n]
Other tops: WITNEYS H4 84
Other moves: WITNEYS H2 78, WITNEYS H3 78, WITNEYS H6 78, WITNEYS H8 78, WITNEYS H5 76 SINEWY H7 32 OrangeCup STEWY H8 30 Stranger WEYS H8 20 Grace_Tjie
On 2nd draw, SHAMED 13H 32 --- SHAME to cause to feel a painful sense of guilt or degradation [v]
Other moves: DAH I11 28, AHEM I12 27, AHED I12 26, DIGAMY 12C 26, HEDGY 12D 26 SHAMED 13H 32 OrangeCup DAH I11 28 Stranger MADE G12 18 Grace_Tjie
On 3rd draw, OX 14I 55 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: AX 14I 55
Other moves: MOXA 14J 45, ABOMA 14I 41, BOX 14J 41, MAX 14J 41, MOXA 12L 39 OX 14I 55 Stranger AX 14I 55 OrangeCup, Grace_Tjie
On 10th draw, MOS K13 29 --- MO a moment [n]
Other tops: SOULDAN 10B 29
Other moves: DULIAS L1 28, ALODIUM G5 26, AUDIOS L1 26, SOLDAN 10C 26, SULDAN 10C 26 ILIAD 8K 21 OrangeCup DUOS L3 20 Stranger
On 11th draw, LATERIZED M5 71 --- LATERIZE to convert to laterite [v]
Other moves: ZATI L1 52, GLITZ 4K 50, ZITE 12A 50, ZAIRE D8 48, TAILZIE F6 38 ZATI L1 52 OrangeCup ZITE 12A 50 Stranger ZA 10E 28 Grace_Tjie
On 12th draw, JUDO L1 46 --- JUDO a form of jujitsu [n]
Other moves: JOUGS 4H 42, JOURS D8 40, JUDOS N2 36, JOTAS 6J 30, JO 15A 28 JUDO L1 46 OrangeCup, Stranger JO 15A 28 Grace_Tjie
On 13th draw, OPIATES N2 82 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other moves: OPIATES I2 71, ATOPIES I2 69, SEPTATION 9C 64, SOAPIE(S)T B8 61, JAPE 1L 39 JAPE 1L 39 Grace_Tjie, OrangeCup JAPS 1L 39 Stranger
On 14th draw, ACRIDE(S)T B8 62 --- ACRID sharp and harsh to the taste or smell [adj]
Other moves: CRED O1 38, ARED O1 32, ARID O1 32, IRED O1 32, READ O1 32 CRED O1 38 OrangeCup, Stranger TEAD O1 32 Grace_Tjie
On 15th draw, BORAL A4 36 --- BORAL a mixture of boron carbide and aluminum [n]
Other tops: BLARE A4 36, BLORE A4 36, BOREL A4 36
Other moves: BOREAL A3 33, QI F10 31, ABORE A4 30, ROBLE A4 30, BANE 10F 28 BLARE A4 36 OrangeCup QI F10 31 Stranger, Grace_Tjie
On 16th draw, YEW J4 39 --- YEW an evergreen tree or shrub [n]
Other moves: WYE O1 36, WINEY B1 31, WINY O2 29, NYE O1 27, WINY B1 27 WYE O1 36 Stranger, OrangeCup WINEY B1 31 Grace_Tjie
On 17th draw, PRONG O1 40 --- PRONG to pierce with a pointed projection [v]
Other tops: ORANGE O1 40, PRANG O1 40
Other moves: APO M1 36, ORANG O1 34, GRAPE B2 32, GROPE B2 32, OPEN O1 32 PRANG O1 40 Stranger GROPE B2 32 Grace_Tjie OPEN O1 32 OrangeCup
On 18th draw, MNA G11 25 --- MNA a Greek weight [n]
Other moves: INK C12 21, AUNTIE 3A 20, AT O7 18, BAINITE 4A 18, ET O7 18 ET O7 18 OrangeCup TANE B3 16 Stranger NITE B1 12 Grace_Tjie
On 19th draw, QUIRE D8 48 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other tops: QUIRT D8 48
Other moves: QI F10 31, QI A11 27, QI G8 26, QI J8 24, REQUIT 6A 19 QUIRT D8 48 Stranger QUIRE D8 48 OrangeCup QI F10 31 Grace_Tjie