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Game of February 1, 2014 at 14:46, 4 players
1. 673 pts allenpi
2. 597 pts SQUAW1
3. 568 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. emnortt   H8    70    70   torment
 2. ceeopsy  14E    77   147   ecotypes
 3. ?dhmnuy  12B    82   229   unrhymed
 4. ?eioops   8A    86   315   roopiest
 5. eegiost   L7    72   387   egotises
 6. aeilnrr   M1    69   456   larnier
 7. aaceitu  15H    48   504   aua
 8. acelosu   C3    74   578   acoelous
 9. aeeiotw   1K    36   614   owlet
10. adfhikn   N5    39   653   dhak
11. aegiiin   O8    33   686   agen
12. bdefilr   E3    78   764   birdlife
13. aabgqrt   F2    38   802   qat
14. ortuvwx   K9    42   844   tux
15. adenvwz  15A    83   927   wanze
16. biiilov   D3    28   955   bo
17. agiinrv  N10    30   985   riving
18. afijlrv  14B    38  1023   ja
19. dfiiirv  F10    30  1053   fry

Remaining tiles: diiilv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6761 Fileallenpi     4 18:37  -380  673     1.7324 SQUAW1      7 16:05  -456  597 
  2.7324 FileSQUAW1      7 16:05  -456  597     2.7794 OrangeCup   0  0:12  -998   55 
  3.6348 FileGrace_Tjie  3 13:18  -485  568            Group: intermediate
  4.7794 FileOrangeCup   0  0:12  -998   55     1.6761 allenpi     4 18:37  -380  673 
                                             2.6348 Grace_Tjie  3 13:18  -485  568 

On 1st draw, TORMENT H8 70 --- TORMENT to inflict with great bodily or mental suffering [v]
Other tops: TORMENT H2 70, TORMENT H3 70, TORMENT H4 70, TORMENT H6 70, TORMENT H7 70
Other moves: TORMENT H5 68, MENTOR H4 22, MONTRE H4 22, ENORM H8 20, MENTO H4 20
MENTOR H4 22 allenpi

On 2nd draw, ECOTYPES 14E 77 --- ECOTYPE a subspecies adapted to specific environmental conditions [n]
Other moves: SEEPY 15H 72, SEPOY 15H 72, CEPES 15D 66, COPES 15D 66, COPSY 15E 66
COPES 15D 66 allenpi, Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, UN(R)HYMED 12B 82 --- RHYME to compose verse with corresponding terminal sounds [adj] --- UNRHYMED not rhymed [adj]
Other tops: UN(R)HYMED E8 82, UN(R)HYMED K8 82
Other moves: UNRHYM(E)D 10F 76, HYMN 15L 57, HYM(N) 15L 54, H(O)MY 15L 54, HY(E)D 15L 51
HUM(S) 15L 45 Grace_Tjie, allenpi

On 4th draw, (R)OOPIEST 8A 86 --- ROOPY hoarse [adj]
Other tops: (G)OOPIEST 8A 86, (L)OOPIEST 8A 86
Other moves: P**f**ST 8A 77, POO(V)IEST 8A 77, ISOP(H)ONE C6 76, POISONE(D) C7 76, POISONE(R) C7 76
ISO 15G 46 allenpi

On 5th draw, EGOTISES L7 72 --- EGOTISE to talk about oneself a lot [v]
Other moves: EGOITIES E3 68, ERGOTISE 10G 63, EGOTISES G1 61, SEE 15H 48, SEI 15H 48
SEE 15H 48 allenpi
OSE 15G 46 SQUAW1, Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, LARNIER M1 69 --- LARNEY of clothes, smart [adj]
Other moves: LARNIER K1 66, NEARLIER F2 62, NAE 15G 46, AE 15H 41, EA 15G 38
REGAIN 8J 21 allenpi
EA 11E 19 Grace_Tjie

On 7th draw, AUA 15H 48 --- AUA yellow-eye mullet (Maori) [n]
Other tops: AUE 15H 48
Other moves: EAU 15G 46, AA 15H 41, AE 15H 41, CAUM 11E 39, EA 15G 38
CLAT 1L 27 allenpi
EA 11E 19 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, ACOELOUS C3 74 --- ACOELOUS lacking a coelom, a body cavity [adj]
Other moves: EUSOCIAL 5H 70, EUSOCIAL E3 70, ACOELOUS B3 64, CAUM 11E 39, ALECS 15A 32
CLUE 1L 27 Grace_Tjie, allenpi

On 9th draw, OWLET 1K 36 --- OWLET a young nocturnal bird [n]
Other moves: AWETO K8 32, ATWEEL 1H 30, AWEE N1 30, WEET N2 30, TAWIE 15A 29
WEET N2 30 SQUAW1, allenpi

On 10th draw, DHAK N5 39 --- DHAK an Asian tree [n]
Other moves: KINDA 15A 38, DIKA K9 37, FAIK N6 35, FANK N6 35, HAIK N6 35
KADE K11 35 Grace_Tjie, allenpi

On 11th draw, AGEN O8 33 --- AGEN once more [adv]
Other tops: AGIN O8 33
Other moves: AGE O8 30, AINE O8 30, INIA O8 30, AG O8 27, AIN O8 27
AGE O8 30 allenpi, Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, BIRDLIFE E3 78 --- BIRDLIFE avifauna [n]
Other moves: BELFRIED 6B 72, BELFRIED F2 72, FILBERD 2E 70, FILBERDS G1 67, FIBRED N10 55
FIBRED N10 55 OrangeCup, SQUAW1
FIBER N10 51 Grace_Tjie
FIRED N10 49 allenpi

On 13th draw, QAT F2 38 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: BURQA B11 32, QAT 10J 32, ABATE K10 28, QAID 5K 28, QUAG B11 28
QAT 10J 32 Grace_Tjie, allenpi

On 14th draw, TUX K9 42 --- TUX a tuxedo [n]
Other moves: OX M12 38, XU K11 38, AX 2M 36, EX N1 36, WOX N10 36
TUX K9 42 Grace_Tjie, allenpi, SQUAW1

On 15th draw, WANZE 15A 83 --- WANZE to decrease [v]
Other moves: WANZED N10 69, WEZAND N10 69, WANZE N10 65, WAVED N10 55, WANED N10 49
DAZE 2H 36 Grace_Tjie
ADZE N11 30 allenpi

On 16th draw, BO D3 28 --- BO a pal [n]
Other moves: VIOLIN 4H 26, OBI 14A 25, BOIL N10 24, BIO N10 23, BOI N10 23
OBI 14A 25 allenpi
BOIL N10 24 Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, RIVING N10 30 --- RIVE to tear apart [v]
Other tops: RAVING N10 30
Other moves: VIRGIN 4H 28, RAVIN N10 26, AIRING N10 24, RAGINI N10 24, GRAV K4 23
RAVING N10 30 SQUAW1, Grace_Tjie, allenpi

On 18th draw, JA 14B 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: FJELD 6A 32, FLAVIN 4H 32, FAY F10 30, FLY F10 30, FRY F10 30
JA 14B 38 SQUAW1, Grace_Tjie, allenpi

On 19th draw, FRY F10 30 --- FRY to cook over direct heat in hot fat or oil [v]
Other moves: IF B5 28, FID B1 24, VID B1 24, DIV K5 21, IF L4 21
FRY F10 30 SQUAW1, allenpi
IF B5 28 Grace_Tjie

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