On 2nd draw, OBOE G8 22 --- OBOE a woodwind instrument [n]
Other tops: A(M)BO G7 22
Other moves: (B)OOB G6 21, (D)OOB G6 21, OBO(E) G8 20, OB(O)E G8 20, (C)ABOOSE 13C 20 BOA G9 19 charmz BEAN 11E 12 mordeckhi
On 3rd draw, SIZEL F4 37 --- SIZEL metal clippings [n]
Other tops: L*Z*SLEZES F4 37, SEIZE F11 37
Other moves: SELENIDE 11D 36, ZEL F6 35, SEIZED 13H 34, DIZENS 11D 32, SEIZES 13C 32 SIZED 13H 16 charmz
On 4th draw, WIENERS 11E 40 --- WIENER a frankfurter [n]
Other tops: AIRWISE 5E 40
Other moves: RESAWS 13C 26, RESAWS 4D 26, SWEARS 13H 26, SWEIRS 13H 26, SWIRES 13H 26 SWEARS 13H 26 charmz RAZE 6D 13 mordeckhi
On 5th draw, PIX E3 44 --- PIX a container for communion bread [n]
Other moves: PR(E)X E2 43, P(A)X E3 41, P(I)X E3 41, P(O)X E3 41, TIX E3 40 PIX E3 44 charmz
On 6th draw, ANI(S)EEDS 13A 70 --- ANISEED the seed of the anise used as a flavoring [n]
Other tops: A(G)ENISED 13C 70, INSEA(M)ED 13F 70
Other moves: ADENI(N)ES 13A 68, ADE(N)INES 13A 68, A(R)SENIDE 13F 68, DENA(R)IES 13A 68, DE(L)AINES 13A 68
On 7th draw, HAUNTERS K4 72 --- HAUNTER one that haunts [n]
Other tops: UNEARTHS K4 72, UNHEARTS K4 72, URETHANS K4 72
Other moves: HAUNTER I2 69, URETHAN A8 42, HUNTER 14A 40, HATE 12A 37, THANA A11 36
On 9th draw, ATAMAN L1 36 --- ATAMAN a Cossack headman [n]
Other moves: AMATE L3 34, AMENTA L2 32, ATMAN L2 32, MANA L4 32, MANAT L1 32 MATE L1 28 charmz
On 10th draw, ANOLYTE B4 70 --- ANOLYTE the part of an electricity-conducting solution nearest the anode [n]
Other moves: ANOLYTE I1 65, LYTTAE 2I 34, NEATLY B5 34, ATONY B6 33, LEANY B6 33 AYE B9 31 charmz
On 11th draw, LYCH 8A 48 --- LYCH a corpse [n]
Other tops: INCH A1 48, LICH A1 48, NACH A1 48
Other moves: CHAIN J5 43, CHAI J5 40, CHIA J5 40, HAN A6 40, CHINA A1 38
On 12th draw, S(E)RAGLIO 15A 77 --- SERAGLIO a harem [n]
Other moves: WALI(E)R 12A 30, ORGA(N)IC C2 29, (D)IALOG A1 29, (A)GARIC C3 28, AGO(N)IC C3 27
On 13th draw, DOTY A1 45 --- DOTY stained by decay [adj]
Other tops: DORY A1 45, DREY A1 45, TEDY A1 45, TIDY A1 45, TODY A1 45
Other moves: TOEY A1 42, TORY A1 42, TREY A1 42, TROY A1 42, TYRED 8K 39
On 14th draw, VAMPED C1 41 --- VAMP to repair or patch [v]
Other moves: MOIDER 10F 34, AMPED C2 33, PAVED 1K 33, MEAD J6 31, AMATED 2I 30 PAVED 1K 33 charmz
On 15th draw, FACADE 3I 46 --- FACADE the front of a building [n]
Other moves: DECAF 3I 40, FEUD J6 37, FATED 2J 34, FETID 2J 34, FACED 1K 33
On 16th draw, INJERA 1G 39 --- INJERA a type of Ethiopian bread [n]
Other moves: JIVE 2F 35, VIRENT 1C 30, EEJIT N2 28, JUN 6J 26, JA J2 25 TAVER 1K 24 charmz
On 17th draw, REVOKE N2 46 --- REVOKE to annul by taking back [v]
Other moves: KI F10 33, KOI 10F 33, WOKE 12A 32, TOKER 8K 30, TROKE 8K 30
On 18th draw, QI 12C 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GOUT J6 23, GIO 12C 19, GI J6 17, GO J6 17, GU J6 17
On 19th draw, FOU J6 32 --- FOU a bushel [n] --- FOU drunk [adj]
Other tops: FUGIO O7 32
Other moves: FIGO O7 29, FUGU O7 29, OFT O6 29, FIG O7 26, FOG O7 26