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Game of February 5, 2014 at 14:03, 2 players
1. 593 pts allenpi
2. 535 pts jimling

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bcenops   H4    26    26   ponces
 2. ?aeefuu   4C    20    46   faceup
 3. aehhlsu   7D    71   117   shauchle
 4. dmorsuw   8K    41   158   sword
 5. eeirrst   O8    80   238   destrier
 6. ?cfivvw  14J    42   280   vivace
 7. adeimnr   N1    80   360   manrider
 8. aelpuyz   1K    87   447   azyme
 9. aaginru   2E    64   511   guarani
10. dekopty   K5    48   559   eyespot
11. aeilmnr   9A    62   621   marlines
12. egklnot   8A    41   662   oke
13. gilnouw  J10    30   692   wig
14. adeiotu   3I    28   720   detain
15. efginot   1G    37   757   fog
16. dejlott   3B    32   789   jot
17. benotux   9K    42   831   pox
18. bdiiotu   4L    28   859   bord
19. abeilnn   A7    92   951   nominable

Remaining tiles: ilqttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6791 Fileallenpi     6 17:49  -358  593     1.6791 allenpi     6 17:49  -358  593 
  2.6508 Filejimling     2 17:57  -416  535     2.6508 jimling     2 17:57  -416  535 

On 1st draw, PONCES H4 26 --- PONCE to solicit clients for a prostitute [v]
Other tops: BONCES H4 26, COPENS H4 26
Other moves: BOEPS H4 24, BONCE H4 24, COPEN H4 24, COPES H4 24, COPSE H4 24
BONCES H4 26 jimling
COPENS H4 26 allenpi

On 2nd draw, FA(C)EUP 4C 20 --- FACEUP with the front part up [adv]
Other moves: (N)EAFE I2 19, FEA(G)UE G8 18, FA(D)E I3 17, FA(M)E I3 17, FA(N)E I3 17
FU(M)E G3 17 allenpi
FE I3 13 jimling

On 3rd draw, SHAUCHLE 7D 71 --- SHAUCHLE to shuffle [v]
Other moves: HAHS I7 40, HEHS I7 40, HAH I7 39, HEH I7 39, HASH 5B 35
HEH 3B 33 allenpi
HOLES 5G 21 jimling

On 4th draw, SWORD 8K 41 --- SWORD a weapon having a long blade for cutting or thrusting [n] --- SWORD to wield a weapon with a long blade [v]
Other moves: DORSUM L7 38, WORDS L4 38, DORSUM L4 37, WORMS L3 37, SWORD L3 36
WORMS L3 37 allenpi, jimling

On 5th draw, DESTRIER O8 80 --- DESTRIER a war horse [n]
RESTER 8A 31 allenpi
SWEET L7 25 jimling

On 6th draw, VIV(A)CE 14J 42 --- VIVACE a musical passage played in a brisk, spirited manner [n]
Other moves: W(A)IF 3A 33, CHIVV(Y) E6 32, C(O)IF 3A 31, C(U)IF 3A 31, F(O)CI 8A 30
W(H)IFF C1 26 jimling
VI(E) 3A 18 allenpi

On 7th draw, MANRIDER N1 80 --- MANRIDER a paddy train [n]
Other moves: MANRIDER 12H 78, SIRNAMED D7 74, MARINADE F6 69, ADERMIN G9 67, INARMED G9 67
DREAM 6B 35 jimling
RAMIE 8A 32 allenpi

On 8th draw, AZYME 1K 87 --- AZYME unleavened bread [n]
Other moves: ZYME 1L 84, L*Z 3B 45, YUMP 1L 45, ZEAL M2 45, YAE O1 43
PALMY 1K 39 jimling
AYE O1 37 allenpi

On 9th draw, GUARANI 2E 64 --- GUARANI a monetary unit of Paraguay [n]
Other moves: GUARANIS 9A 61, ZIGAN L1 30, AGRIA 8A 29, ZING L1 28, AGIN 3A 22
ZING L1 28 allenpi, jimling

On 10th draw, EYESPOT K5 48 --- EYESPOT a simple visual organ of lower animals [n]
Other moves: KEY 1G 47, KYNE 6F 47, YOK 1G 47, KEP 1G 43, KOP 1G 43
YOK 1G 47 jimling
KOP 1G 43 allenpi

On 11th draw, MARLINES 9A 62 --- MARLINE a rope used on a ship [n]
Other tops: MINERALS 9A 62
Other moves: MENIAL 8A 37, MARLINE 3I 36, MARLIN 3I 34, MERLIN 3I 34, MEAL 1F 32
MEN 1G 27 allenpi
MAN 1G 27 jimling

On 12th draw, OKE 8A 41 --- OKE a Turkish unit of weight [n]
Other moves: OKE J9 39, KEG J10 36, KEN 1G 35, KEN J10 35, KET 1G 35
OKE 8A 41 allenpi
KEG J10 36 jimling

On 13th draw, WIG J10 30 --- WIG to provide with a wig (an artificial covering of hair for the head) [v]
Other tops: OW J9 30
Other moves: WIN J10 29, POW 9K 26, WIN 3B 24, WON 3B 24, WON 3I 24
WIG J10 30 allenpi
KAW B8 18 jimling

On 14th draw, DETAIN 3I 28 --- DETAIN to hold in custody [v]
Other tops: ODEA 1F 28
Other moves: AUDIENT 3I 27, AUTOED 6A 27, ADIEU 1A 24, DIOTA 1A 24, TEAD 10B 24
TAD 1G 23 jimling
TOD 1G 23 allenpi

On 15th draw, FOG 1G 37 --- FOG to cover with fog (condensed water vapor near the earth's surface) [v]
Other tops: FEG 1G 37
Other moves: FONE 6F 35, NIEF 6C 35, FE 10B 34, FET 1G 33, NEF 1G 33
FOG 1G 37 jimling
FE 10B 34 allenpi

On 16th draw, JOT 3B 32 --- JOT to write down quickly [v]
Other tops: JET 3B 32, JOE 3B 32, JOL 3B 32
Other moves: JOE 3A 30, JO 3B 28, JOE 6B 28, DOJO M7 27, JA F6 25
JOT 3B 32 allenpi
JA F6 25 jimling

On 17th draw, POX 9K 42 --- POX to infect with syphilis [v]
Other moves: BOXEN M7 32, BOX M7 30, WEX L8 30, WOX L8 30, BONE 6F 29
POX 9K 42 allenpi
BE 10B 28 jimling

On 18th draw, BORD 4L 28 --- BORD an old spelling of BOARD [n]
Other tops: DORB 4L 28
Other moves: BITOU 1A 27, OB 6E 25, BORT 4L 24, BON 6F 23, UDON 6E 23
BORD 4L 28 allenpi
BOX M7 22 jimling

On 19th draw, NOMINABLE A7 92 --- NOMINABLE
Other moves: ENABLING 12C 74, BEAN 10B 34, BEIN 10B 34, INANE 10B 29, BA 10B 28
BEAN 10B 34 allenpi
BOX M7 22 jimling

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