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Game of February 6, 2014 at 08:27, 3 players
1. 354 pts mordeckhi
2. 289 pts Grace_Tjie
3. 147 pts jimling

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adehlos   H3    80    80   shoaled
 2. acdtvwy   4D    28   108   daych
 3. abeiloz   3C    45   153   lazo
 4. eillmot   I8    69   222   melilot
 5. aaeegns  11C    68   290   agenesia
 6. ?dertvw   5B    41   331   weds
 7. eegnnst   K5   102   433   gennets
 8. ceiortv   L1    35   468   victor
 9. deghijs  12A    53   521   jedis
10. himnoru  A12    42   563   john
11. abefiko  H13    38   601   kaf
12. eiiortw   2J    32   633   write
13. einrtuu   O1    30   663   triune
14. aaefnxy   N6    34   697   fax
15. ?eiiopr   1D    82   779   ripieno
16. beirtuu   O8    45   824   urite
17. bnopruv  N10    29   853   pub
18. agimouv   G7    27   880   amove
19. bgiinor  14A    28   908   hiring

Remaining tiles: aboquy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4180 Filemordeckhi   0 15:34  -554  354     1.6330 Grace_Tjie  0  8:30  -619  289 
  2.6330 FileGrace_Tjie  0  8:30  -619  289     2.6506 jimling     0  4:13  -761  147 
  3.6506 Filejimling     0  4:13  -761  147            Group: not rated
                                             1.4180 mordeckhi   0 15:34  -554  354 

On 1st draw, SHOALED H3 80 --- SHOAL to become shallow [v]
Other moves: SHOALED H6 76, SHOALED H2 74, SHOALED H4 74, SHOALED H7 74, SHOALED H8 74

On 2nd draw, DAYCH 4D 28 --- DAYCH (English dialect) to thatch [v]
Other moves: WATCH 4D 26, WAVY G8 23, YAW G6 23, WADY G8 21, WAVY 6G 21

On 3rd draw, LAZO 3C 45 --- LAZO to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other moves: BLAIZE 6F 43, BEZ 3C 42, BIZ 3C 42, AZOLE 5B 40, BEZIL 5A 39
LAZE 6G 15 mordeckhi

On 4th draw, MELILOT I8 69 --- MELILOT a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: MELILOT G8 69
Other moves: MEZAIL E1 34, ZATI E3 26, ECO G3 24, ME 2F 24, MI 2F 24
SMILE 3H 10 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, AGENESIA 11C 68 --- AGENESIA absence or imperfection of a bodily part [n]
Other moves: AGENES 15D 34, AGENISE 11E 32, GENAS H11 31, GENES H11 31, ANGAS 15E 28
GENES 15E 28 mordeckhi

On 6th draw, WED(S) 5B 41 --- WED to marry [v]
Other moves: SEW(E)D H11 36, V(I)ZARD E1 36, WEZA(N)D E1 36, W(I)ZARD E1 36, RED(S) 5B 35
TOYER F2 12 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, GENNETS K5 102 --- GENNET a small Spanish horse [n]
Other moves: GENNETS 15C 87, GENNETS J2 69, GENETS 15D 37, GENTES 15D 37, GENETS K6 34
GENES 15E 28 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, VICTOR L1 35 --- VICTOR one who defeats an adversary [n]
Other tops: VECTOR L1 35
Other moves: VETO 12A 30, OCTAVE C8 28, OVERACT C7 28, RECIT G2 28, SCRIVE 3H 28
NICER 8K 24 mordeckhi

On 9th draw, JEDIS 12A 53 --- JEDI a follower of Jedi philosophy (Star Wars film) [n]
Other moves: JEDI 12A 49, JEDIS 15E 49, JIGGED D8 48, JIGS 15F 46, HIDES M3 44
JIGS 15F 46 mordeckhi, Grace_Tjie

On 10th draw, JOHN A12 42 --- JOHN a toilet [n]
Other moves: THORIUM 14I 40, HORN M3 37, JOIN A12 33, JOUR A12 33, HIN M3 32
JOUR A12 33 Grace_Tjie
CHIN 3L 18 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, KAF H13 38 --- KAF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: KEF H13 38, KIF H13 38
Other moves: KIEF J3 37, FECK G2 36, KAF J4 36, KEF J4 36, BECK G2 35
FA 2F 30 Grace_Tjie
BACK 3J 24 mordeckhi

On 12th draw, WRITE 2J 32 --- WRITE to form characters or symbols on a surface with an instrument [v]
Other moves: VIEW 1L 30, VROW 1L 30, KOTOWER 13H 28, RECIT G2 28, EWE B12 27
VIEW 1L 30 Grace_Tjie
NOTER 8K 18 mordeckhi

On 13th draw, TRIUNE O1 30 --- TRIUNE a trinity [n]
Other moves: RECIT G2 28, TRINE O1 27, URENT O1 27, URINE O1 27, URITE O1 27
URINE O1 27 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, FAX N6 34 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other tops: FAYNE N6 34, YEX N6 34
Other moves: FY 2F 33, NEF J4 32, EF J5 31, FAENA N6 31, NAY N4 31
FY 2F 33 Grace_Tjie
EX 6B 27 jimling
HEX 14A 26 mordeckhi

On 15th draw, RIPIE(N)O 1D 82 --- RIPIENO a musical passage performed by all the performers [n]
Other moves: PERIO(D)IDE 9A 63, IRO(N)E O8 42, I(C)IER O8 42, I(M)PI O8 42, I(M)P O8 39
IRE O8 36 mordeckhi
IRO(N) O8 36 jimling
IO(N) O8 33 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, URITE O8 45 --- URITE an abdominal segment [n]
Other tops: UTERI O8 45
Other moves: URB O8 42, IURE O8 39, IRE O8 36, URE O8 36, UTE O8 36
IRE O8 36 Grace_Tjie, jimling, mordeckhi

On 17th draw, PUB N10 29 --- PUB a public bar [n] --- PUB to go to a public bar, PUBBED, PUBBING, PUBS [v]
Other moves: BURP N10 28, BURN N10 26, BUN N10 25, BUR N10 25, PUN N10 25
PUB 10A 15 jimling
PORE 12L 12 mordeckhi

On 18th draw, AMOVE G7 27 --- AMOVE to remove [v]
Other tops: MAGI G6 27
Other moves: EMO B12 24, MA B14 24, MO B14 24, MU B14 24, GOV M11 23
OM 6B 17 jimling
WAG B5 9 mordeckhi

On 19th draw, HIRING 14A 28 --- HIRE to engage the services of for payment [v] --- HIRING the act by which an article is hired [n]
Other moves: BOING M11 26, BONG M11 24, BOG M11 22, BORN M11 22, GRADINI C9 22
GOB M11 21 Grace_Tjie
WIRING B5 16 jimling
BRAT 14F 12 mordeckhi

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