On 2nd draw, EMBA(R)GO 10D 77 --- EMBARGO to prohibit trade by a governmental order [v]
Other moves: EMBA(R)GO G8 75, BEG(L)AMOR 6A 70, BERGAMO(T) 6F 70, EMBA(R)GO G9 65, EMBA(R)GO I9 65 HOMAGE 4H 24 jimling MOBE(S) 10D 22 charmz
On 3rd draw, OSTEOMA E5 36 --- OSTEOMA a tumor of bone tissue [n]
Other moves: TOEAS 11D 35, EATS 11E 31, OATS 11E 31, OOTS 11E 31, OVATE 11A 26 HOOVES 4H 24 jimling SOOT 11H 22 charmz
On 4th draw, REPLYING 6H 72 --- REPLY to answer [v]
Other moves: GILPEY 8A 45, YELPING D9 37, GILPY D1 31, PINEY D1 31, GYNIE 8A 30 PEELING D9 30 ELCEE PLYING 11J 28 jimling PLAY 11C 18 charmz
On 5th draw, YAGERS O4 42 --- YAGER a German army marksman [n]
Other moves: YAGER O4 39, YOGAS O4 39, YUGAS O4 39, YEARS 12A 34, YORES 12A 34 YAGERS O4 42 charmz GREYS O6 27 jimling
On 6th draw, WITNEY L1 32 --- WITNEY a heavy woollen fabric [n]
Other moves: TOWNEE 8A 30, WINTLE D1 30, TWEEL D8 28, TWEEN D8 28, LOWNE 8A 27 TWINE 8A 27 jimling TWO N2 17 charmz
On 7th draw, KIEVE 8A 48 --- KIEVE a large tub [n]
Other tops: KNAVE 8A 48, KNIVE 8A 48
Other moves: KNIVE 2J 44, ALIKE 8A 42, VAKEEL 8A 42, LEAVEN 8A 39, ALIVE 8A 36 WAKE 1L 33 charmz WIVE 1L 30 jimling
On 9th draw, WHO F5 37 --- WHO what or which person or persons [pron]
Other tops: WHA F5 37
Other moves: FOWTH 3I 36, WHAMO D1 36, MHO F5 35, MIHA F4 34, FOH F4 32 WHAM 11J 29 jimling WHOM 11J 29 charmz
On 10th draw, QADI D3 41 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other moves: QAID 2J 40, QAID D2 35, QAID B6 34, QAT D3 30, QI I3 26 QAID 2J 40 charmz QAT D3 30 jimling
On 11th draw, REQUIN 3B 32 --- REQUIN a voracious shark [n]
Other moves: ROQUE 3B 28, VIRTUE 3I 26, ENVIRO N9 24, ERUVIN N9 24, UNLIVE K4 24 REQUIN 3B 32 charmz OVER N9 17 jimling
On 12th draw, VOIDS 12A 36 --- VOID to make void (of no legal force or effect) [v]
Other moves: DIVEST 12A 34, VOTES 12A 34, DIVES 12A 32, DOVES 12A 32, VISED 12C 28 VOTES 12A 34 charmz DIVOTS 11J 23 jimling
On 13th draw, OX 2E 52 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: FLAX K5 38, OX 9B 36, FAIX 2J 34, AX 2N 31, FAX 11J 31 OX 2E 52 charmz FOX 11J 31 jimling
On 14th draw, NEEPS 1A 33 --- NEEP a turnip [n]
Other tops: CEPES 1A 33
Other moves: CREEP B2 30, CROPS B10 30, CRONES B10 28, PEONES B10 28, PRONES B10 28 VEEP A12 27 charmz
On 16th draw, CLOOT B10 26 --- CLOOT a cloven hoof [n]
Other tops: BIRL M9 26, BORT M9 26, BROIL B10 26, BROOL B10 26, CROOL B10 26
Other moves: BLOC K5 24, OBIT M8 24, BIO M9 23, BIT M9 23, BOIL M12 23 BOIL M12 23 charmz
On 17th draw, INTO M10 21 --- INTO to a position within [prep]
Other tops: IOTA M10 21
Other moves: ANION M8 19, INION M8 19, NAOI M11 19, NONA G1 19, AIOLI K3 18 AN A14 8 charmz
On 18th draw, JEAT 9G 43 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other tops: JEAN 9G 43
Other moves: JAI O12 42, JEU 9G 40, JUNTA 3I 40, JA O12 38, TAJ O13 36 JA I3 22 charmz
On 19th draw, CAZ O13 50 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other moves: GAIN O12 33, GAIT O12 33, RITZ B3 33, AZINE I2 31, ZAG L8 30
On 20th draw, ERRING B1 22 --- ERR to make a mistake [v] --- ERRING a wandering [n]
Other moves: AIM 11E 21, MURTI 3I 20, GINNER 11J 18, GRIME I2 18, GUNNER 11J 18
On 21th draw, FLUB K5 28 --- FLUB to bungle [v]
Other tops: FLIM K5 28
Other moves: MUFTI 3I 26, FLIR K5 24, FLIT K5 24, FRITT 3I 24, LIMB N1 23