On 1st draw, SEITY H8 24 --- SEITY personal identity [n]
Other tops: YETIS H4 24, YITES H4 24
Other moves: EYOTS H4 18, EYOTS H8 18, SEITY H4 18, TYEES H4 18, TYEES H8 18 STEY H8 14 Grace_Tjie
On 2nd draw, VIRTUE(S) 11E 36 --- VIRTUE moral excellence [n]
Other tops: VE(N)TURI 11E 36, VU(T)TIER 11E 36, V(O)ITURE 11E 36, (F)URTIVE 11E 36
Other moves: KURVEY 12C 32, KURVEY(S) 12C 32, KURV(E)Y 12C 30, KU(R)VEY 12C 30, K(U)RVEY 12C 30 T(A)KER 11H 16 Grace_Tjie
On 3rd draw, (E)ELPOUTS 8A 86 --- EELPOUT a marine fish [n]
Other tops: E(E)LPOUTS 8A 86, SLE(E)POUT 8H 86, SL(E)EPOUT 8H 86, SOUTP(I)EL 8H 86, (C)OUPLETS 8A 86
Other moves: OUTLE(A)PS 8A 80, O(C)TUPLES 8A 80, PLOUTE(R)S 8A 80, POULTE(R)S 8A 80, PO(L)LUTES 8A 80 POI(N)T 10F 31 Grace_Tjie
On 4th draw, AZERTY J9 46 --- AZERTY an unconventional computer keyboard layout, cf QWERTY [n]
Other moves: ZESTY J10 45, FAZES J8 37, FAZE J8 36, ZETAS J10 36, SAZ 7G 35
On 5th draw, SKYHOME 14H 38 --- SKYHOME a sub-penthouse flat in a tall building [n]
Other moves: KOI 10F 35, SMOKEHO E2 32, HOI 10F 29, HOKES K5 26, OHMS 7D 26
On 6th draw, ELCHI 15E 51 --- ELCHI an ambassador [n]
Other moves: ECHO 15F 48, HELO 15L 48, HOLE 15L 48, HULE 15L 48, LEUCH 15D 48
On 7th draw, DIME 15L 40 --- DIME a coin of the United States [n]
Other tops: MITE 15L 40, MUTE 15L 40, MUTI 15L 40, QUEMED B6 40
Other moves: QUEME B6 38, QUEMED N10 38, QUITE 14B 38, QUEME N10 36, QUITED N10 36
On 8th draw, JELAB K5 32 --- JELAB a Middle Eastern hooded cloak [n]
Other tops: JELAB 14A 32
Other moves: BUNJIE F7 31, BENJ B7 29, JIBE F10 29, BANJO E4 28, JEED B6 28 JIBE F10 29 Grace_Tjie
On 9th draw, NAW 13L 34 --- NAW no [adv]
Other moves: ANOW L5 33, AWA 13M 30, AWN 13M 30, WAWA L2 29, AW 13M 28 WAW L8 27 Grace_Tjie
On 10th draw, LABORITE C8 72 --- LABORITE a supporter of labor interests [n]
Other moves: BOATIE L3 34, ABATE 8K 30, ABEAR 8K 30, ABORE 8K 30, ABORT 8K 30
On 11th draw, (E)LEVATES A8 83 --- ELEVATE to raise [v]
Other moves: ELEVATES 6E 65, ELEVAT(E)S A2 61, EL(E)VATES A6 61, VESTAL L1 37, AVALE 8K 36
On 12th draw, AWING 8K 39 --- AWE to inspire with awe (reverential fear) [v]
Other tops: WIGEON L1 39
Other moves: WE J6 28, WE B14 25, W*GWOG L8 25, AGONE 8K 24, WOE L8 24
On 13th draw, TIEROD L1 28 --- TIEROD a rod that keeps parts together [n]
Other moves: EDITOR L1 27, RODEO L1 23, ABODE 9J 22, ROOD L3 22, TROD L3 22
On 14th draw, UNGEAR 7D 30 --- UNGEAR to unharness [v]
Other moves: ARGUING 2H 26, NAGGIER 2H 26, NEG M3 25, REG M3 25, AGEING 2I 24
On 15th draw, FRIPON 2J 38 --- FRIPON a knave [n]
Other moves: UPFRONT 1F 36, FORPIT 1G 33, PROFIT 1G 33, FORPINE B2 28, FORINT 1G 27
On 16th draw, SCUDO 1F 29 --- SCUDO a former Italian coin [n]
Other moves: SCOUT 1H 28, ONCUS O1 24, UNCOS O1 24, DUNNO 1F 23, SCUDO 6A 23 SO 1N 14 charmz
On 17th draw, ANOXIA O1 63 --- ANOXIA deficient supply of oxygen to the tissues [n]
Other moves: XI 7M 36, AXED 6I 30, AXON N5 27, NIX N8 26, NOX N8 26
On 18th draw, DINGO 2B 22 --- DINGO a wild dog of Australia [n] --- DINGO to act cowardly [v]
Other tops: ODA N4 22
Other moves: DONING N6 21, DANIO 2B 20, DINGO N6 20, DONGA N6 20, GANOINE B2 20