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Game of February 13, 2014 at 14:52, 4 players
1. 585 pts OrangeCup
2. 452 pts allenpi
3. 318 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeegouy   H4    26    26   yogee
 2. ?adeiwx   6A    73    99   dewaxing
 3. deelnrs   9B    71   170   relends
 4. agosstt   5D    31   201   tag
 5. ?aainrt   A1   131   332   intradas
 6. cdgioor   2A    30   362   nordic
 7. einpttu   4C    28   390   nip
 8. beioors   D8    22   412   blooie
 9. afiortu  E11    28   440   fort
10. behmpsu  15A    65   505   bumphs
11. acdenrs   4G    24   529   synced
12. aaekmst   5K    33   562   makes
13. aaeinot   6J    28   590   tenia
14. aaeglyz   O1    48   638   gazes
15. aelnotu   3M    24   662   luz
16. eelrtuw   7L    21   683   true
17. aefilnv  C13    28   711   fem
18. ajltuvy  10F    29   740   ya
19. hioqrtu  11G    23   763   houri
20. aiootvv   2J    20   783   viva
21. ijllotw  12K    20   803   twill

Remaining tiles: jnooq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7735 FileOrangeCup  11 14:12  -218  585     1.7735 OrangeCup  11 14:12  -218  585 
  2.6901 Fileallenpi     9 16:53  -351  452            Group: intermediate
  3.6387 FileGrace_Tjie  3 13:35  -485  318     1.6901 allenpi     9 16:53  -351  452 
  4.6276 FileKalikokat   1  9:12  -582  221     2.6387 Grace_Tjie  3 13:35  -485  318 
                                             3.6276 Kalikokat   1  9:12  -582  221 

On 1st draw, YOGEE H4 26 --- YOGEE a person who practices yoga [n]
Other moves: YOGEE H8 20, YOGEE H5 18, YOGEE H6 18, YOGEE H7 18, GOEY H5 16
YOGEE H4 26 OrangeCup
GAY H8 14 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, DEWAXI(N)G 6A 73 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: (R)ADIX I3 48, (F)IXED I5 45, (M)IXED I5 45, (N)IXED I5 45, W(O)X I5 44
(R)ADIX I3 48 OrangeCup

On 3rd draw, RELENDS 9B 71 --- RELEND to lend again [v]
Other moves: LENDERS 9B 70, SLENDER 9H 70, NEEDLERS B1 68, NEEDLERS 7F 67, LENDERS I7 66
REDDENS A3 30 OrangeCup

On 4th draw, TAG 5D 31 --- TAG to provide with a tag (an identifying marker) [v]
Other tops: TOG 5D 31
Other moves: TAO 5D 28, TAS 5D 28, TAT 5D 28, TOT 5D 28, AG 5E 27
TAG 5D 31 OrangeCup, allenpi

On 5th draw, INTRADA(S) A1 131 --- INTRADA a musical prelude [n]
Other tops: INTRADA(Y) A1 131
Other moves: TARTANALI(A) D2 70, T(A)RTANALIA D2 70, TARTAN(A)LIA D2 68, TRI(M)ARAN B8 68, AERATIN(G) C8 64
INT(E)R 4A 24 OrangeCup
NIT 4C 22 allenpi
N(E)T 4C 18 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, NORDIC 2A 30 --- NORDIC pertaining to cross-country ski racing and ski jumping [adj]
Other moves: ERGODIC C9 22, ERGODIC E9 22, YOGIC 4H 22, GEODIC C8 20, GEODIC E8 20
YOGIC 4H 22 OrangeCup
COD I3 17 Grace_Tjie
GI 4C 12 allenpi

On 7th draw, NIP 4C 28 --- NIP to pinch lightly [v]
Other tops: NEP 4C 28, TIP 4C 28, TUP 4C 28
Other moves: PET 4C 26, PIT 4C 26, PUT 4C 26, UP 4D 26, TENUE 7D 25
NEP 4C 28 OrangeCup
TIP 4C 28 allenpi
PET 4C 26 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, BLOOIE D8 22 --- BLOOIE being out of order [adj]
Other tops: BLORES D8 22
Other moves: BLORE D8 20, LIBEROS D9 20, LOOBIER D9 20, LOOBIES D9 20, RESORB B9 20
BLORES D8 22 OrangeCup, allenpi
BOO I3 15 Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, FORT E11 28 --- FORT a fortified enclosure or structure [n] --- FORT to fortify [v]
Other tops: FORA E11 28, TOFU C11 28
Other moves: IFTAR E11 27, AFRO C12 26, FOR E11 26, OAF C11 26, AFT C12 24
FORT E11 28 Grace_Tjie, OrangeCup, allenpi

On 10th draw, BUMPHS 15A 65 --- BUMPH paperwork [n]
Other moves: BUMPH 15A 62, HEMPS 15D 56, SUMPH 15A 56, HEMPS 15A 53, HUMPS 15A 53
HEMPS 15D 56 OrangeCup
HUMPS 15A 53 allenpi
HEM C13 28 Grace_Tjie
HEP C13 28 Kalikokat

On 11th draw, SYNCED 4G 24 --- SYNC to cause to operate in unison [v]
Other tops: CYDERS 4G 24
Other moves: DECERNS 13A 22, SCERNED 13B 22, TANRECS 14E 21, CASERNE 13A 20, CERED 13C 20
YARNED 4H 20 OrangeCup
YEARS 4H 16 Kalikokat
SAM C13 16 allenpi
SCAR I2 16 Grace_Tjie

On 12th draw, MAKES 5K 33 --- MAKE to cause to exist [v]
Other moves: MEERKATS 13B 32, MAKE 5K 31, MAKS 5K 31, MASK 5K 31, TEREKS 13C 30
MAKES 5K 33 Grace_Tjie, OrangeCup, allenpi
MAKES K1 22 Kalikokat

On 13th draw, TENIA 6J 28 --- TENIA a tapeworm [n]
Other moves: ONIE 6K 25, ENTASIA O1 24, ANSATE O3 21, ASTONE O4 21, ISTANA O4 21
NAT 6L 19 OrangeCup
TINES O1 18 allenpi
STAIN O5 15 Kalikokat
SAINT O5 15 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, GAZES O1 48 --- GAZE to look intently [v]
Other moves: LAZES O1 45, ZEALS O1 45, GLEYS O1 39, ALAYS O1 36, GEEZ 7F 32
GAZES O1 48 Grace_Tjie, allenpi
ZEALS O1 45 OrangeCup, Kalikokat

On 15th draw, LUZ 3M 24 --- LUZ a bone [n]
Other tops: L*Z 3M 24
Other moves: ANE 14A 18, ONE 14A 18, ROULEAU B9 18, ALTERNE 13A 16, ENTERAL 13A 16
LUZ 3M 24 OrangeCup
ANE 14A 18 allenpi
UT N1 11 Grace_Tjie
NEAT N4 6 Kalikokat

On 16th draw, TRUE 7L 21 --- TRUE consistent with fact or reality [adj] --- TRUE to bring to conformity with a standard or requirement [v]
Other moves: WERE 2J 17, LUTEA N2 16, TWEER 13A 16, RUE 7M 15, RUT 7M 15
TWEER 13A 16 OrangeCup
WERT 13C 14 Kalikokat
KITER M5 11 allenpi

On 17th draw, FEM C13 28 --- FEM a passive homosexual [n]
Other moves: ELFIN O7 24, ELVAN O7 24, FAENA 2K 22, FAVER 13A 22, FEVER 13A 22
FEM C13 28 OrangeCup, Kalikokat, allenpi

On 18th draw, YA 10F 29 --- YA you [pron]
Other moves: AYE 14A 26, AYU N1 25, TAUTLY 14E 23, TYE 7F 22, YA 2N 20
YA 10F 29 allenpi
TYE 7F 22 OrangeCup
RAJ B9 12 Kalikokat
JA 2L 11 Grace_Tjie

On 19th draw, HOURI 11G 23 --- HOURI a beautiful maiden in Muslim belief [n]
Other moves: ETH O7 18, QUINO I1 17, HI 3F 16, HIC J2 16, HO 3F 16
HOURI 11G 23 allenpi, OrangeCup
QUIN I1 14 Grace_Tjie
HOUR 11G 14 Kalikokat

On 20th draw, VIVA 2J 20 --- VIVA a shout or cry used to express approval [n] --- VIVA to examine orally [v]
Other moves: EVO O7 18, VITA 2J 17, VAC J2 16, VROT J10 15, OVA 12K 14
VIVA 2J 20 OrangeCup
EVO O7 18 allenpi
TAV 12K 14 Grace_Tjie
VIVA K10 10 Kalikokat

On 21th draw, TWILL 12K 20 --- TWILL to weave so as to produce a diagonal pattern [v]
Other moves: EWT O7 18, LIT 12G 17, LOT 12G 17, WRIT J10 15, LI 12G 14
TWILL 12K 20 OrangeCup
TOW 12K 14 allenpi
JILL K10 11 Kalikokat
JUT I10 10 Grace_Tjie

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