On 12th draw, NOH 2D 31 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other moves: HOI J2 30, HINT K11 28, OH 2E 28, EH 10E 26, HIN K11 26 HOI J2 30 allenpi, SQUAW1
On 13th draw, PINK K11 32 --- PINK of a pale reddish hue [adj] --- PINK to cut a saw-toothed edge on cloth [v]
Other moves: DEPAINT M7 30, KENTIA 13I 30, DANK K11 28, DINK K11 28, PEKAN 13I 28 PINK K11 32 SQUAW1, allenpi
On 14th draw, JANTY 15G 59 --- JANTY briskly self-assured [adj] --- JANTY jonty [n]
Other moves: JENNY 13I 46, JENNET 13I 42, DENAY 15G 41, JAG 3G 41, YENTA 15K 41 JANTY 15G 59 SQUAW1 JAY 15I 27 allenpi
On 15th draw, FIXTURE B3 75 --- FIXTURE a permanent part or appendage of a house [n]
Other moves: FR(U)TEX B10 63, FR(U)IT B10 47, REX L10 45, TEX L10 45, EX L11 43 FR(U)TEX B10 63 SQUAW1 REX L10 45 allenpi
On 16th draw, ZETA G7 55 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ZAG 3G 49, ZIT G7 49, ZITE 4A 46, ZITI 4A 46, EROTIZE 6I 36 ZAG 3G 49 SQUAW1 ZITE 4A 46 allenpi
On 17th draw, AVOURE 2I 34 --- AVOURE an avowal [n]
Other moves: ETUI C3 31, VENTURE 13I 28, VENTURI 13I 28, VENIRE 13I 26, VENITE 13I 26 VENTER 13I 26 allenpi VITE 4A 22 SQUAW1
On 18th draw, HENOTIC 13I 32 --- HENOTIC tending to unify [adj]
Other moves: OATH 1L 31, CHENET 13H 30, HAE A4 30, HOA A4 30, HOE A4 30 HOA A4 30 SQUAW1 HENCE 13I 28 allenpi