On 1st draw, MANGEY H7 32 --- MANGEY affected with mange [adj]
Other tops: GAMESY H7 32
Other moves: GAMEY H8 30, MANGEY H4 30, MANGY H8 30, YAMENS H4 30, GAMESY H4 28 MANGEY H7 32 OrangeCup
On 2nd draw, PE(N)OLO(G)Y 12A 78 --- PENOLOGY the science of the punishment of crime [n]
Other tops: PELO(L)O(G)Y 12A 78, PE(D)OLO(G)Y 12A 78, PE(L)OLO(G)Y 12A 78
Other moves: APOLO(G)(U)E 8H 77, LE(V)O(D)OPA 8A 77, LO(G)O(T)YPE 12C 72, LYOP(H)O(B)E 12G 72, POLY(P)O(R)E 12E 72 LOOPY 12D 20 OrangeCup (E)LOPE G5 20 naomiari
On 3rd draw, BRAIDI(N)G C6 76 --- BRAIDING something made of braided material [n]
Other moves: BRAIDING 9B 66, RABID 13B 29, BARDI(N)G C7 28, BIRDI(N)G C7 28, BREAD B10 28 BRIDI(N)G C7 28 OrangeCup PRIG A12 21 naomiari
On 4th draw, UNPAID A10 27 --- PAY to give money or something of value in exchange for goods or services [adj] --- UNPAID not paid [adj]
Other tops: DUPION A10 27
Other moves: ADIEU 5C 24, ANODE 5C 24, APODE A11 24, AUDIO 5C 24, DAINE 5B 24 PAID A12 21 naomiari PEND A12 21 OrangeCup
On 5th draw, EERILY I4 30 --- EERIE weird [adv] --- EERILY in an eerie manner [adv]
Other tops: OILERY I4 30
Other moves: LEERY I5 29, ROILY I5 29, EELY I6 28, EERY I6 28, EYRE I6 28 ROILY I5 29 OrangeCup YEAR 8A 24 Kalikokat LEERY D2 23 naomiari
On 14th draw, COTING 1J 40 --- COTE to pass by [v]
Other tops: CORING 1J 40
Other moves: CITRON 1J 37, CORTIN 1J 37, TRIGON 1J 32, AGONIC 2A 30, AORTIC 2A 28 CORING 1J 40 OrangeCup, argomearns LASHING J7 11 naomiari SCORN 1A 8 Kalikokat
On 15th draw, HERTZ 10J 37 --- HERTZ a unit of frequency [n]
Other moves: ZEA 8A 36, AVIZE 2A 34, AVIZE L8 34, ZITE 7L 32, ZIT 7L 29 ZEA 8A 36 OrangeCup, naomiari, argomearns ZIT 3D 25 Kalikokat
On 16th draw, ZINEB N10 32 --- ZINEB a chemical spray for grass and fruit [n]
Other moves: EBON 3C 28, OBE 3C 26, OBI 3C 26, BEANO 8A 24, BEEN B2 24 ZINEB N10 32 OrangeCup OBE 3C 26 Kalikokat BOOZE N7 16 naomiari