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Game of February 16, 2014 at 07:28, 3 players
1. 202 pts jimling
2. 120 pts ELCEE
3. 54 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adnrrsy   H8    26    26   randy
 2. ?abdhmt   7E    79   105   mudbath
 3. ?cilorr  12G    74   179   pyrrolic
 4. einqstv   8A    40   219   stive
 5. aelossy   B4    71   290   asystole
 6. aeinoru   A1    23   313   raine
 7. begiinu   H7    48   361   brandying
 8. aabentu   E5    44   405   bemeant
 9. aeehirx   6D    53   458   hex
10. deefmtu   M7    86   544   tumefied
11. aadeiju   G9    40   584   jaap
12. ceenrsu   N1    74   658   censure
13. adgiopt  14B    78   736   adopting
14. aeefino  15A    54   790   neafe
15. eilloot   1K    24   814   telco
16. eiopruv   4G    78   892   pervious
17. giloquw   2J    33   925   qi
18. giikoow  13B    44   969   kow
19. gilouwz   O7    51  1020   wiz

Remaining tiles: giloou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6472 Filejimling     1  5:42  -818  202     1.6472 jimling     1  5:42  -818  202 
  2.6667 FileELCEE       0  9:10  -900  120     2.6667 ELCEE       0  9:10  -900  120 
  3.6770 Filecharmz      0  1:59  -966   54     3.6770 charmz      0  1:59  -966   54 

On 1st draw, RANDY H8 26 --- RANDY a rude person [n] --- RANDY lustful [adj]
Other tops: SANDY H8 26, YARDS H4 26
Other moves: SNARY H8 24, YARNS H4 24, YARRS H4 24, DRAYS H4 22, DRAYS H8 20

On 2nd draw, M(U)DBATH 7E 79 --- MUDBATH a bath in mud [n]
Other moves: HA(E)M G9 32, TH(U)MBY 12C 30, B(I)MAH G5 29, B(E)AM G9 28, H(O)BDAY 12C 28

On 3rd draw, (P)YRROLIC 12G 74 --- PYRROLE a chemical compound [adj] --- PYRROLIC pertaining to pyrrole [adj]
Other moves: TRICOL(O)R J7 67, TRIC(O)LOR J7 67, CARRIOL(E) 9G 64, RACLOIR(S) 9G 64, CORRI(V)AL 9B 61

On 4th draw, STIVE 8A 40 --- STIVE to stifle [v]
Other moves: EVICTS N9 38, INQ(U)EST F4 37, Q(U)EINT F6 36, Q(U)IETS F6 36, Q(U)INES F6 36

On 5th draw, ASYSTOLE B4 71 --- ASYSTOLE a heart malfunction [n]
Other moves: ASYSTOLE J3 65, EYASS 8K 41, LOSSY L4 39, TOYLESS B8 36, LYASES L4 35

On 6th draw, RAINE A1 23 --- RAINE a kingdom [n]
Other tops: AUREI 8K 23, AUREI A1 23, INURE 8K 23, IRONE 8K 23, IRONE A1 23, OURIE 8K 23, URAEI A1 23, URENA A1 23, URINE A1 23
Other moves: AUREI A11 20, EARCON N9 20, EUCAIN N10 20, NAIRU A11 20, NORIA A11 20

On 7th draw, BRANDYING H7 48 --- BRANDY to mix with brandy (a liquor) [v]
Other moves: BEGIN A11 31, BEGUN A11 31, BEING A11 31, BINGE A11 31, BEG 11K 25

On 8th draw, BEMEANT E5 44 --- BEMEAN to debase [v]
Other moves: ABATE 8K 35, ABUNA 8K 35, ABUNE 8K 35, ABATE A11 32, ABUNA A11 32

On 9th draw, HEX 6D 53 --- HEX to cast an evil spell upon [v]
Other tops: HEXER A11 53
Other moves: REX 6D 50, EX 6E 49, X(U) F6 49, HEX 11K 47, IXIA C8 40

On 10th draw, TUMEFIED M7 86 --- TUMEFY to swell [v]
Other moves: FUMED A11 41, FUMET A11 38, FETED A11 35, FEUED A11 35, METED 8K 34

On 11th draw, JAA(P) G9 40 --- JAAP an ignorant fool (South African) [n]
Other moves: JA G9 36, JEHADI K5 34, JERID J10 33, JEHAD K5 32, JIHAD K5 32
JANE 14F 27 charmz

On 12th draw, CENSURE N1 74 --- CENSURE to criticize severely [v]
Other moves: SCUNNERED 14E 70, ECRUS A11 32, CENDRE 14J 30, CRUDES 14J 30, CREDS 14J 28
CURE 8L 27 charmz
RUNE 8L 15 jimling

On 13th draw, ADOPTING 14B 78 --- ADOPT to take into one's family by legal means [v]
Other tops: ADOPTING 3H 78
Other moves: PAGOD A11 34, PACO 1L 33, PACT 1L 33, PICA 1L 33, ADOPT A11 32
PACT 1L 33 jimling

On 14th draw, NEAFE 15A 54 --- NEAFE the fist [n]
Other moves: NAIF 15A 47, NEIF 15A 47, NIEF 15A 47, ENFACE 1J 45, FACE 1L 39
ENFACE 1J 45 jimling

On 15th draw, TELCO 1K 24 --- TELCO a telecommunications company [n]
Other moves: TOO 13B 23, TELOI O5 22, LICE 1L 21, LOCI 1L 21, LOCO 1L 21
LICE 1L 21 jimling

On 16th draw, PERVIOUS 4G 78 --- PERVIOUS capable of being penetrated [adj]
Other tops: PREVIOUS 4G 78, VIPEROUS 4G 78
Other moves: PURE 8L 37, PURI 8L 37, PROVINE 3I 30, PROVEN 3I 28, UPHOVE K5 28
PROVES 4I 22 jimling

On 17th draw, QI 2J 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: GLOW O7 28, GOWL O7 28, OW 13C 27, WIG O7 27, W*G O7 27
QI 2J 33 jimling

On 18th draw, KOW 13B 44 --- KOW a branch of twigs [n]
Other moves: GOWK O7 40, WOK O7 36, KI I9 33, WOKE H1 33, WOO 13B 32
WOKE H1 33 jimling

On 19th draw, WIZ O7 51 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: OUZEL H1 42, LUZ O7 39, ZORI J10 33, L*Z 10L 32, ZIG C2 30

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