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Game of February 17, 2014 at 13:08, 3 players
1. 327 pts allenpi
2. 255 pts kellybelly
3. 223 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efgnot   H8    26    26   gonef
 2. eeglpsv  13C    34    60   pelves
 3. eelnsuv   E7    72   132   unlevels
 4. eegjrst   G9    39   171   jet
 5. acenqty   I9    33   204   yet
 6. adhiiis  D12    32   236   heid
 7. aaeiops   8A    27   263   paeans
 8. cdehimr   C3    40   303   chirmed
 9. afgikrt   4B    32   335   kharif
10. ?elootu   3G    72   407   outsole
11. bdnoosu   H1    33   440   nous
12. ?aeglor   A8    86   526   playgoer
13. aemruwx   B7    60   586   eaux
14. agiootw   L1    26   612   wilga
15. adiinor   1J    30   642   onward
16. aeiiott  12H    23   665   fitte
17. ainnooz   K8    84   749   zonation
18. abdqtuy  15H    45   794   quant
19. acdirwy   M9    38   832   cardy
20. bbiimrw   6B    31   863   brr

Remaining tiles: biiimw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6929 Fileallenpi     2  6:33  -536  327     1.7439 kellybelly  4  5:30  -608  255 
  2.7439 Filekellybelly  4  5:30  -608  255            Group: intermediate
  3.6335 FileGrace_Tjie  1  6:49  -640  223     1.6929 allenpi     2  6:33  -536  327 
                                             2.6335 Grace_Tjie  1  6:49  -640  223 

On 1st draw, GONEF H8 26 --- GONEF a thief [n]
Other tops: FET(I)NG H4 26, FOG(M)EN H4 26, FO(R)GET H4 26, GONEF(S) H8 26
Other moves: FE(I)GN H4 24, FOGE(Y) H4 24, FOG(I)E H4 24, FOG(L)E H4 24, FO(M)ENT H4 24
FET(I)NG H4 26 kellybelly
FONT(S) H4 22 Grace_Tjie

On 2nd draw, PELVES 13C 34 --- PELVIS a part of the skeleton [n]
Other moves: PELES I9 27, PELE I9 25, VEEPS 13D 23, PEEVES 11D 22, PEEVES 11F 22
PEEVES 11F 22 kellybelly
PEE G9 19 Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, UNLEVELS E7 72 --- UNLEVEL to make uneven [v]
Other moves: VENULOSE 9C 67, VENULES D8 28, VENULE D8 26, ELEVENS D9 22, EEVENS D10 20
EVEN 14A 20 kellybelly
VEES 14A 20 Grace_Tjie

On 4th draw, JET G9 39 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other tops: JEE G9 39
Other moves: JESTER F2 33, JEERS 14A 30, JETES 10B 30, JEES 14B 28, JESS 14B 28
JET G9 39 kellybelly
JEE G9 39 Grace_Tjie

On 5th draw, YET I9 33 --- YET up to now [adv]
Other tops: YEA I9 33, YEN I9 33
Other moves: QATS 14B 32, YE I9 29, YEAN D12 28, CYANS 14A 26, FANCY 12H 26
YET I9 33 kellybelly
QATS 14B 32 allenpi
QUAY 7D 20 Grace_Tjie

On 6th draw, HEID D12 32 --- HEID a head [n]
Other tops: HEAD D12 32
Other moves: HADS J6 30, DAHS J6 26, DAHS 14B 25, SHADS 14A 25, SHIAI J10 25
HEID D12 32 kellybelly
HADS J6 30 allenpi

On 7th draw, PAEANS 8A 27 --- PAEAN a song of joy [n]
Other tops: ASPINE 8A 27, PAEONS 8A 27
Other moves: PAIS J6 26, PEAS J6 26, PIAS J6 26, PIES J6 26, POAS J6 26
PIES J6 26 allenpi
PEAS J6 26 kellybelly
SPED 15A 21 Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, CHIRMED C3 40 --- CHIRM to chirp [v]
Other moves: FICHE 12H 33, CHIMERA B2 32, FIRMED 12H 31, CHID 15A 30, CHIMERE C2 30
CHID 15A 30 kellybelly, allenpi, Grace_Tjie

On 9th draw, KHARIF 4B 32 --- KHARIF a crop sown so as to ripen in autumn [n]
Other moves: KHAF 4B 28, KAID 15A 27, IF D4 25, FARD 15A 24, KRAFTS F3 23
KAID 15A 27 kellybelly, Grace_Tjie, allenpi

On 10th draw, OUT(S)OLE 3G 72 --- OUTSOLE the outer sole of a boot or shoe [n]
Other tops: CLO(S)EOUT 3C 72, OUTLO(V)E 3G 72
Other moves: TOLUO(L)E 3F 66, TO(L)UOLE 3F 66, TOU(S)LE H1 31, LOO(S)E H1 28, LOU(S)E H1 28
TOE(S) H1 25 Grace_Tjie
LOT(S) H1 25 allenpi

On 11th draw, NOUS H1 33 --- NOUS mind, reason, or intellect [n]
Other tops: ONUS H1 33
Other moves: BONDS 4K 28, BODS J6 27, BUDS J6 27, DSOBO N2 27, BONUS 4K 26
NOUS H1 33 allenpi

On 12th draw, PLA(Y)GOER A8 86 --- PLAYGOER one who attends the theater [n]
Other moves: PERGOLA(S) A8 83, NO(N)GLARE 1H 77, GALLO(P)ER L1 72, GOLLARE(D) L1 70, ALLEGOR(Y) L1 68
GAL(S) J6 21 allenpi

On 13th draw, EAUX B7 60 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: XU B10 51, WAXER 4K 50, WAX 4K 44, MAX 4K 41, WEX J10 40
WAXER 4K 50 allenpi

On 14th draw, WILGA L1 26 --- WILGA a small, white flowered tree [n]
Other moves: WAT 4K 23, WIT 4K 23, WOT 4K 23, TWA 4J 22, TWO 4J 22
WAT 4K 23 allenpi

On 15th draw, ONWARD 1J 30 --- ONWARD toward a point ahead or in front [adv]
Other tops: INWARD 1J 30
Other moves: FIORD 12H 25, FIORIN 12H 25, WADI 1L 24, WAID 1L 24, WAND 1L 24
INWARD 1J 30 allenpi

On 16th draw, FITTE 12H 23 --- FITTE a song [n]
Other moves: FIAT 12H 14, FITT 12H 14, TATIE K5 14, FIE 12H 13, FIT 12H 13

On 17th draw, ZONATION K8 84 --- ZONATION arrangement in zones [n]
Other moves: ZONA K5 48, ZOON K5 48, ZIN K5 46, ZOA K5 46, ZOO K5 46

On 18th draw, QUANT 15H 45 --- QUANT to propel through water with a pole [v]
Other moves: QUAYD 5J 36, QUAD M9 34, BOYAU 14J 32, DOAB 2G 32, QUAY 5J 32

On 19th draw, CARDY M9 38 --- CARDY a short form of cardigan, a woollen jacket which buttons in front [n]
Other moves: YAIRD M9 35, ACIDY M9 34, CARDI M9 32, WADY L7 32, WADY M10 32

On 20th draw, BRR 6B 31 --- BRR used to indicate that one is cold [interj]
Other moves: BOI 14J 23, MOI 14J 23, BAMBI 5K 22, BA J14 20, BO 14J 20

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